Perlas ng Austin

The Pearls of Austin: A Celebration of the Central Texas Filipino Community


"The Pearl of the Orient" is a Spanish colonial phrase used to describe the Philippines in the 1700s. It is incorporated into the lyrics of the country’s national anthem:

Bayang magiliw, Perlas ng Silanganan (Translation: Gentle people, Pearl of the East)”

Filipino-American curators, Susan Fifer and Tonee Sinsay-Carpio, reclaimed the term to describe Austin’s local Filipino-American community. This virtual exhibit was made in collaboration with the Austin Filipino-American Association (AFAA), Asian American Resource Center and the Austin History Center's  Asian American Community Archives Program  as a celebration of the Central Texas Filipino community.

Archival images and documents on display can be found in the  AFAA Records  (AR.2011.019),  Susan Fifer Papers  (AR.2012.029) and Filipino-related  Austin Files  at the Austin History Center. These complete collections are available for public viewing at the Austin History Center Reading Room during open hours.

The original Perlas ng Austin exhibit was intended to be a physical exhibit on display at the Asian American Resource Center. Due to closures because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the exhibit had to be migrated to a virtual exhibit platform and community program.

Looking Back

Austin American Statesman, June 3, 1903.

Some of the earliest Asian immigrants trace their roots back to the Philippines. Franciscan missionaries from Spain even referred to East Texas as a "New Philippines" for a period of time in the early 1700s. During the Philippine-American War (1899-1902), many of the officers based in Texas served abroad. These officers hired Filipino laborers during their stay abroad and would often bring them back to the United States.

Rudolfo Fernandez was born in September 1890 at Vagan, Illocos Sur in the Philippines. As a young boy he served as an interpreter to Captain John August Hulen for over two years. Hulen adopted Fernandez and the two traveled back to his home in Gainesville, Texas in 1901. They moved to Austin in 1903, where Rudolfo attended grammar school and Austin High School. He eventually graduated from Houston High School and was a part of the first incoming class at the William Marsh Rice Institute in 1912.

Rudolfo Fernandez (top left) as a member of Rice's Menorah Society. The Campenile. Yearbook. Rice University, 1916.

Joe de Vera, Simeon Masangya, and Benson Cuidadno Yo-Yoing. Austin American Statesman, April 18, 1932.

The yo-yo was first popularized in the United States by Filipino immigrant Pedro Flores in the 1920s. In 1932 world-champion yo-yo'er Joe de Vera along with Simeon Masangya and Benson Cuidadno were invited to Austin by the Austin Statesman to teach Austin residents how to master the small toy. They performed at membership meetings of local organizations like the Kiwanis Club.

[Susan Fifer and Filipino Nurses at Highland Mall], 1976, PICB 2171.

Heartbeat Newsletter, October 18, 2002.

The United States established the Exchange Visitor Program in 1948 to fill U.S. needs for professionals, including nurses. This program coupled with the immigration reform of 1965 resulted in a large influx of Filipino nurses coming to Texas.

Susan Tolentino Fifer was born in the Philippines in 1953 and immigrated to Ennis, Texas in the 1970s to pursue a career in nursing. It was in Ennis where she met her husband John Fifer and the couple later moved to Austin in 1980. She worked at Seton Hospital for over thirty-five years as a Stroke Coordinator. When there was a nation-wide nurse shortage in 2002, Susan traveled to the Philippines to recruit a class of 55 nurses to work for the Seton Healthcare Network. She is a past President of both the Austin Filipino-American Association and the Network of Asian American Organizations. 

The Beginnings of AFAA

The Austin Filipino American Association (AFAA) was founded in 1986 by community member Sunny Graham as a public, non-profit organization established to preserve, promote and enhance Filipino culture through education and cultural arts. The organization is also committed to providing community assistance and recreation for those living in Austin, Texas and surrounding areas.

Sunny Graham, Undated, File: AF Biography-Graham, Sunny (GrahamSunny-001).

Sunny Graham first came to America as an exchange student when she was 15 years old. Sunny lived in Austin from 1973 to 1991. In 1986, she started a Filipino Association with a handful of Filipino residents. This small group became the core of the Austin Filipino American Association, incorporated as a Central Texas nonprofit in 1987.

[Pista sa Nayon Festival at Fiesta Gardens]. 1998. AFAA Records, AR-2011-019-139.

One of the earliest events organized by the Austin Filipino American Association was a Pista Sa Nayon in 1998 at Fiesta Gardens. The cultural celebration was organized in partnership with the Austin Pacific Islanders of Central Texas and drew a crowd of nearly 1,000 people. AFAA has continued the Pista Sa Nayon tradition every year, bringing together all that the Filipino culture has to offer through sharing food, song, dance and traditional dress.

Filipiniana Centennial Celebration at the Capitol

1998 served as the 100th anniversary of Philippine independence from Spain on June 12, 1898. Celebrations were held across the U.S. by communities of the Filipino diaspora, including at Austin's Capitol on December 5, 1998.

[Banga Centennial Performance at Capitol], 1998, AFAA Records, AR-2011-019-084.

Tinikling Performance at Centennial Celebration, 1998

"Filipiniana: A cultural extravaganza" was organized by AFAA and featured indigenous dances, martial arts, traditional music and folk performances from the Visayas, Luzon and Mindanao regions.

AFAA Records, AR-2011-019-123

Cultura Flipiniana Performance Group, 1998

Cultura Flipiniana is a Filipino culture and arts nonprofit based out of Kileen, Texas. Other Filipino performance groups from across Central Texas were brought together to celebrate the centennial at the Capitol.

AFAA Records, AR-2011-019-066

Pandanggo sa llaw Performance at Capitol, 1998

Pandanggo is a Filipino folk dance originating from Lubang Island, Mindoro. The performers balance lights to simulate fireflies dancing throughout the evening sky.

AFAA Records, AR-2011-019-072

Philippine Centennial Movement Award, 1998

AFAA Records, AR-2011-019-030

Celebrating Cultural Arts

The Filipino community of Austin has a long history of gathering together to celebrate the rich and diverse cultural heritage of their home country. Organizations like AFAA have hosted Filipino performances and festivals not only to educate others about Filipino culture, but to create a space for Filipino Austinites to connect with one another to build a thriving community.

Celebrating Together

Who doesn't love a good party? Every town in the Philippines, no matter how big or small, holds a fiesta. Traditionally, the fiesta is a celebration to express gratitude for a good harvest in honor of the town’s patron saint. The fiesta is characterized by parades and religious processions. AFAA has celebrated Pista Sa Nayon and various other cultural celebrations in Austin just like in the Philippines.

[Pista sa Nayon Group Photo]. 1998. AFAA Records, AR-2011-019-186.

Flores de Mayo

Flores de Mayo is an annual festival held in the Philippines in the month of May. AFAA organizes a celebration each year for the Central Texas community.

Flores de Mayo Celebration. 2006. AFAA Records, AR-2011-019-r004.

Sinulog Festival

The Sinulog Festival started in 1980 as a traditional celebration in Cebu City held every third Sunday of January to honor the Santo Niño, or Baby Jesus. The word sinulog means “graceful dance” and the festival features a simple dance that represents the sulog (current) of a river in Cebu. The dance ritual tells the story of the Filipino people’s pagan past and their acceptance of Christianity.

Sinulog Festival. Undated. PICA-39011.

Celebrating in Style

Filipino festivals in Central Texas are also an opportunity for community members to showcase the vibrant fabrics and textures of traditional Flilipino fashion.

Filipina Barbie Dolls. Photograph courtesy of the Asian American Resource Center.

Filipino Models for CelebrASIA Fashion Show, 2019


Filipinos in the Community

Austin Pinoy Idol Program. July 30, 2005. AFAA Records, AR-2011-019-Box2-Folder5-Item2-cover.

In addition to uplifting the Filipino voice through celebration and cultural arts, the Central Texas community has been dedicated to supporting one another through small business leadership, charitable work, providing support services, and other forms of community engagement.

On July 30, 2005, AFAA organized its very first singing competition titled Austin Pinoy Idol. The event served as a fundraiser for Bantay Bata 163 FDN and ABS CBN Foundation, which provides social services to Filipino children in crisis. The event featured vocal and dance performances from children and adults.

Very Reverend Chris Ferrer, Undated. PICB-22246 and [St. Peter the Apostle Filipino Catholic Choir]. Undated. PICA-39003.

St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church was established in 1962. The parish holds a Filipino Mass the first Saturday of each month. Father Chris Ferrer is the pastor of St. Peter the Apostle Parish in Austin and Judicial Vicar of the Diocese of Austin.

[Arnis Instructor Erwin Ballarta]. Undated. AR-2011-019-012 and [Arnis Demonstration]. Undated. AR-2011-019-006.

Arnis, also known as Kali or Eskrima, is the national martial art of the Philipinnes. Many of these demonstrations and classes are led by Master Erwin Ballarta, who started training in 1974 in Manila under Fred Tolentino. He went on to win first place as the first Filipino American full contact Arnis champion at the Philippine Embassy in New York City, the title of 1980 Grand Champion and the 1981 U.S. Midwest Champion. Professionally, Ballarta performed security duty for people such as Ann Richards, Sheryl Crow and Robin Williams. He has also served as former president of the Austin Filipino American Association.

Connecting through Cuisine

Boodle Fight

Nothing brings a community together like food. A boodle fight is a meal that practices kamayan, (eating with the hands). The food sits on top of a long trestle table lined with banana leaves and diners stand shoulder to shoulder in a line on both sides of the table.

Boodle Fight. Undated. PICA-39005.

Be More Pacific

Be More Pacific Filipino food truck took to the Austin streets in 2011 to introduce Texans to Filipino cuisine. Often referred to as the “original fusion cuisine,” Filipino dishes draw inspiration from Spanish, Malaysian, Chinese, Japanese, Indian and American cultures.

Be More Pacific Food Truck. Undated. PICA-38999.

Elsie's Eggrolls

Elsie's Eggrolls, owned by Elsie Corass, has been serving up fresh Filipino cuisine such as lumpia, pork adobo and pancit to the Hutto, Georgetown and Round Rock community for years.

[Elsie’s Eggrolls]. 2016. PICA-39001.

Hanzy Bustamante. 2019. PICB-22248.

Hanzy Bustamante, MD is a Filipino physician, pharmacist and orator in Austin. He graduated from the University of Santo Tomas Faculty of Pharmacy in 1990. He contributed to several newspapers in the Philippines and served as the co-editor of several bio-ethics publications. He immigrated to the U.S. in 2000 to practice medicine and help others realize success through the development of high performance habits. Bustamante received recognition in 2019 for his outstanding leadership as the AFAA Youth Group Chair.

[Schiller Liao and Susan Fifer Tabling for NAAO]. Undated. PICA-36525.

Established in 1996 and officially incorporated as a 501(c)(4) non-profit organization, the Network of Asian American Organizations (NAAO) is an Austin information network that unites and promotes the Asian American community through educational, cultural, social and business initiatives. The Network of Asian American Organizations provides an avenue for communications both within the Asian community and in reaching out to the greater community. AFAA has been a longtime partner with NAAO and received the Outstanding Non-Profit Asian Organization Excellence Award in 2008.

[Flores de Mayo at the Capitol]. May 7, 2006. AFAA Records, AR-2011-019-037.

As Asian Pacific Americans become the fastest growing population in Austin, the Central Texas Filipino community continues to strengthen and thrive. Special thanks to community curators Susan Fifer, Tonee Sinsay-Carpio and other members of the Austin Filipino American Association for their expert guidance on this project. To learn more about AFAA visit . And to learn more about the activities, programs, and services offered by the Asian American Resource Center visit .

The original Perlas ng Austin exhibit was intended to be a physical exhibit on display at the Asian American Resource Center. Due to closures because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the exhibit had to be migrated to a virtual exhibit platform and community program.

Austin American Statesman, June 3, 1903.

Rudolfo Fernandez (top left) as a member of Rice's Menorah Society. The Campenile. Yearbook. Rice University, 1916.

Joe de Vera, Simeon Masangya, and Benson Cuidadno Yo-Yoing. Austin American Statesman, April 18, 1932.

[Susan Fifer and Filipino Nurses at Highland Mall], 1976, PICB 2171.

Heartbeat Newsletter, October 18, 2002.

Sunny Graham, Undated, File: AF Biography-Graham, Sunny (GrahamSunny-001).

[Pista sa Nayon Festival at Fiesta Gardens]. 1998. AFAA Records, AR-2011-019-139.

Austin Pinoy Idol Program. July 30, 2005. AFAA Records, AR-2011-019-Box2-Folder5-Item2-cover.

Very Reverend Chris Ferrer, Undated. PICB-22246 and [St. Peter the Apostle Filipino Catholic Choir]. Undated. PICA-39003.

[Arnis Instructor Erwin Ballarta]. Undated. AR-2011-019-012 and [Arnis Demonstration]. Undated. AR-2011-019-006.

Hanzy Bustamante. 2019. PICB-22248.

[Schiller Liao and Susan Fifer Tabling for NAAO]. Undated. PICA-36525.

[Flores de Mayo at the Capitol]. May 7, 2006. AFAA Records, AR-2011-019-037.