The Berbers family
Welcome I will be telling you about me and my family farm business all the way from when we first started to the present. I hope you enjoy!

Me and my family's village.
Hi my name is ATA. My family and I are known as the Pharaoh´s. Pharaoh´s are known as the ¨rich¨ family´s. My family is also part of the Berbers. People call us by our last names ¨mostafa's". My family and I all basically live in the same village. Their are 38 of us in the village and one family that just moved in, but they having nothing to do with farming. In my household their is me (ATA) , my mom (Ahmes), my father (Net), My youngest brother (seth), and my older brother (Maat). My family have owned this land for about 700 years . This land was first founded by my mothers great , great aunts grandma.
For centuries the Nile river has played a big role helping my family grow crops. Then over some years water shortages, soil degradation and pollution have created a crisis that has undermined agriculture in the delta of our area. Some people have even experienced soil erosion. which was A struggle for me and my family including other farmers. So our area of farming land would be Desertification from time to time.
During this stage everyone was in trouble. Most families quit farming , Lost their farming land and even sold their lands. This occurred when the flooding season came. Flooding season is one of the hardest seasons for us farmers. A lot of things start to change towards weather and everyday life plans. Animal waste at this time wasn't very useful. One thing we know will work for sure is Irrigation. Irrigation would help the crops produce more during this season. How will this help? the Diverting of water from its natural course will make production for the crops.

Flooding season
The next day, Me and my brother were thinking crops aren't the only thing we survive off of . Farming might be the best thing that we could do but we also have family that could fish and hunt. Which is counted as our organic foods. Another thing we also could do is try to develop our farming by Terracing our crops.
Finally me and my brothers found a way to tell our family figure out a plan. Since its during flooding season right now, we could do a little fishing And hunting. Fishing in the Nile rives isn't really safe. Theirs only one type of fish we could eat inside of their, the rest of the fish are dangerous to eat. My brothers , my father, and some of my uncles went to go fishing for food wile all the ladies in the villages stayed. I wanted to go but father wouldn't let me. The other half of my uncles went to go hunting, all away across town . Their really good at it , mother thinks that we will have enough food for this flooding season.
Its been weeks since everyone has been following me and my brothers plan. Everything is going they way that it should have. Most of our family members were doubting our plan because they seemed as we were to young to know about agriculture or even understand it. our plan actually helped our family survive threw this flooding season. Their were some twists and turns during this season but , everyone pulled in strong. I am super glad that our plan turned out good.
Another part of our village