San Antonio Art!
San Antonio local galleries to feature artist
San Antonio Art Galleries
We start with the Blue Star Arts Complex, the start of the First Friday art experience "established in 1994 by local artist and defined by the Southtown Alliance Group as 'First Friday'." (First Friday – Southtown The Arts District – San Antonio, TX, n.d.)
Today San Angel Folk Art Gallery curates and maintains one of the world’s most provocative and comprehensive collections of folk, outsider, visionary, and vernacular art, featuring artists from Mexico, Latin America, the United States, Europe, and Africa. San Angel Folk Art has been featured in Raw Visions, The New York Times, Texas Monthly, The Boston Herald, Tradiciones, Rumbo, The Los Angeles Magazine, Lifescapes, and The Southwest Gallery Guide as well as on the BBC, Telemundo, and Televisa networks, as well as the television series Rare Visions and Roadside Attractions. (About San Angel Folk Art Gallery, San Antonio,Texas, n.d.)
Presa House is an "artist-run gallery" hosting artists' work. They feature artist from San Antonio to international that includes all media types of expression. (About Us - Presa House Gallery, 2019)
Featured Artist
Presa House Gallery Exhibitions - Galileo Gonzalez: En Honor
Galileo's exhibition reflects his and his family's lived experience in El Salvador from the 1980s to now. He draws from the loss of his late cousin, Nestor Zelaya, memorialized through a collection of portraits. Galileo used the space at Presa House to bring awareness of El Salvador's history, from the El Mozote Massacre to the Jesuit Martyrs. They lost their lives in hopes of ending the civil war. Galileo's En Honor provides a personal reflection of El Salvador's history. The exhibit offers many American-born El Salvadoreans and other Central American-Americans a space to heal from our families' complex, hidden, and untold past.
Work Cited
About San Angel Folk Art Gallery, San Antonio,Texas. (n.d.). Retrieved February 24, 2022, from
About Us—Presa House Gallery. (2019, March 20).,
First Friday – Southtown The Arts District – San Antonio, TX. (n.d.). Retrieved February 24, 2022, from
En Honor \ First Person—Presa House Gallery. (2019, November 25).,