OC Connect StoryMap
A greenway from Garden Grove to Santa Ana
Project Overview
Santa Ana River
The Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) is studying a proposed walking and biking trail with the cities of Garden Grove and Santa Ana along the old rail corridor known as the Pacific Electric Right-of-Way (PE ROW) and the Wintersburg Channel. The 4-mile trail would improve transportation connections, promote eco-friendly commuting, and increase active travel.
The OC Connect trail project would provide critical connections between Garden Grove and Santa Ana with public access from various entry points along the trail. It would increase access to active transportation facilities away from high-speed and high-volume traffic, provide a no-cost, zero-emission transportation option, and enhance mobility for non-motorized users. The completed study will support the advancement of subsequent project phases to be led by the cities of Garden Grove and Santa Ana.
Trail Benefits
- Greater Connectivity
- Improves access to daily destinations like schools, shopping centers, parks, and transit stops, including the OC Streetcar, without the use of a car. The trail will also connect to other regional paths like the Santa Ana River Trail.
- Could help reduce the number of pedestrian and bicyclist collisions with cars on adjacent roads.
- Provides Low-Cost Transportation Option
- Reduces transportation costs to reach school, jobs, and other destinations by walking and riding. Households spend approximately 16% of their earnings on transportation each year, including vehicle costs and fuels.
- New Parks and Green Space
- Creating park like amenities including picnic areas, courts, and playgrounds in the PE ROW expands opportunities for the community to enjoy outdoor recreation activities.
- New trees and landscaped areas create habitat for local plants and animals, help to reduce heat and improve air quality.
- Community Identity
- Becomes source of community identity and pride. The trail can reclaim underused space for residents of Garden Grove and Santa Ana.
- Promotes Health and Wellness
- Increases opportunities for community members to be outdoors and be more physically active, which can help manage weight, reduce the risk of disease, improve sleep, mood, and overall well-being.
- Historic Preservation
- Opens the corridor back to the community for transportation and recreation. The trail will be located along the former Pacific Electric Railway, nicknamed the Red Cars.
Project Schedule
Explore the Corridor
OC Connect studies a 4-mile biking and walking trail connection between the cities of Garden Grove and Santa Ana as well as to the Santa Ana River Trail and the countywide 66-mile OC Loop bikeway. A total of 2.3 miles of the OC Connect project run along side the OC Streetcar route currently under consturction. The trail ends at Euclid Avenue, but connections to the Medal of Honor Trail in Garden Grove will be considered in the planning phase. This project would improve the transportation network along the corridor and provide a well connected active transportation route for pedestrians.
Design Vision and Principles
The vision for OC Connect is to create a greenway that will provide a continuous, equitable, and joyful trail experience, expanding the regional sustainable mobility network connecting Garden Grove and Santa Ana.
The vision is supported by six principles that will guide the trail design:
- Safety: The greenway considers the safety and security for users of all ages and abilities.
- Connectivity: The greenway provides a continuous trail between Garden Grove and Santa Ana and connects to the regional active transportation network.
- Dedicated: The greenway provides dedicated space for pedestrians and cyclists separated from cars.
- Access: The greenway provides convenient and direct access for local communities.
- Parks & Open Space: The greenway expands the amount of sustainable parks and open space.
- Adaptable: The greenway is adaptable to future opportunities and changes in users, land-use, and infrastructure along the corridor.
Design Possibilities
The public will have the opportunity to provide input on the overall look and feel of the trail including materials, furnishings, landscape, and trailhead or access point design. This input will ensure a cohesive identity along the entire corridor that is recognizable and distinct. Each trailhead or access point will reflect the character, vision, and identity of the adjacent community.
The design consists of three parts: 1) Trail design 2) Safety features and amenities and 3) Roadway crossing design
1. Trail Types and Design
The width of space available to the biking and walking trail varies throughout the 4-mile corridor. As a result, the range of trail type options will vary based on the available space or right-of-way (ROW) in each segment of the corridor.
Wide Pacific Electric Right-of-Way: In areas where there is wider space or right-of-way available, design possibilities for the greenway may include a linear park and opportunities for different types of park-like amenities and activities.
Narrow Right-of-Way: Design possibilities for portions of the corridor with a narrow right-of-way.
Wintersburg Channel: Design possibilities for a trail along the Wintersburg channel
2. Safety Features and Trail Amenity Options
Lighting can improve visibility and natural surveillance, increase trail access and use, provide a sense of safety and security, and extend operating hours. In addition, properly lit trails reduce bicycle and pedestrian collisions during nighttime hours.
Fencing provides a safety barrier from the adjacent Streetcar and discourages trespassing from adjacent land uses.
Security features such as safety call boxes could be installed to report emergencies and security cameras could be installed in select areas along the trail.
Wayfinding signs and map kiosks help trail users easily understand where they are with respect to other key locations, orient themselves, discover new places and services, and enhances the sense of safety.
Shade trees and landscaping can be used along the trail and at access points. Native and drought-tolerant plants can provide shade, provide local habitat, reduce local mid-day heat impacts, and enhance aesthetics.
Green open space can provide opportunities such as passive enjoyment of the natural environment, bird watching, community gathering, or habitat restoration.
Park like amenities including picnic areas, courts, playgrounds, obstacle/ninja courses, or other community desired space could be implemented at access points or in wide areas of the right-of-way to serve the community and attract residents and visitors to the trail.
Site furnishings help to ensure comfort along the trail, providing places for people to pause and rest, and for activity and shared experiences. Furnishings could include benches and seating, drinking fountains, trash receptacles, bike tools and parking.
Public art installations and murals contribute to and enhance a community’s identity and character, creating a strong “sense of place”. Public art provides visual cues that the facility is “owned” and cared for by the community.
Information stations can enrich the experience of the trail. Historical and cultural inspiration is abundant, and a creative educational approach that is tied into site amenities and placemaking can highlight the beauty, culture, and rich history of the area.
Mobility Hubs are places where different modes, such as walking, bicycling, transit, and shared mobility services such as bike or scooter share, come together to provide a suite of transportation options for people.
3. Intersections Crossing Design
The trail will cross 7 major and 3 smaller road locations. It will also provide connections into the community to sidewalks and existing and planned on-street bikeways. Intersection crossing design possibilities vary based on existing roadway conditions.
Major: Roadways with higher speeds and traffic volumes.
Neighborhood: Smaller and slower roadways.
Connections: Ending of the trail and connections to the roadway.
The project corridor includes a variety of major intersections including:
- Trask Ave
- Newhope St
- Harbor Blvd
- Westminster Ave
- Fairview St
- W 5 th St
- Westminster Ave
The project team has prepared a toolbox of options to safely get people walking and biking across these major intersections including:
1. Pedestrian signals may be used at mid-block crosswalks which allow trail users to activate a signal to cross the street.
2. Two-stage crossings connect trail users to safe pedestrian ramps on both sides of the street. These crosswalks may be used when the area does not allow for a straight crossing.
3. Median refuge islands reduce the crossing distance of crosswalks by providing a dedicated space for trail users in the center of the roadway.
4. High visibility pavement markings improve driver awareness of crosswalk areas and the presence of trail users, making crossings safer.
The image to the right is an example of possible crossing treatment at a major roadway.
The project corridor includes a variety of neighborhood intersections including:
- Palma Ave
- Morning Side Ave
- Fay Cir
The project team has prepared a toolbox of options to safely get people walking and biking across these neighborhood intersections including:
1. Flashing beacons like Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs) improve the visibility of marked. Flashing lights and signage alert drivers of the upcoming crosswalk and provide greater visibility for trail users.
2. High visibility pavement markings improve driver awareness of crosswalk areas and the presence of trail users, making crossings safer.
Raised crosswalks, like speed humps, are speed control elements that slow down drivers and elevate trail users as they are crossing the street.
3. Curb extensions decrease the crossing distance for trail users and slows traffic by narrowing the roadway.
The image to the right is an example of possible crossing treatment at a neighborhood roadway.
To improve visibility of access points along the OC Connect, the project team has prepared a toolbox of options to make seamless connections and help get trail users on and off the trail including:
1. Advanced Trail Detection which takes advantage of technology that can sense when trail users approach crossing so that signals can be automatically activated. This can help shorten wait times for trail users when they approach a signalized crossing.
2. Wayfinding signage directs trail users to the safest path and highlights destinations that can be accessed from the trail.
3. Mixing Zones. When the trail approaches a crossing, it is important to provide the user with advance warning of the changing conditions. Mixing zones are locations where users will be required to interact cautiously through the space.
4. Bike ramps provide a smooth transition for a bicyclist to access a raised path from the street.
5. Sidewalk improvements provide seamless transitions to existing sidewalks and helps create a safe and accessible path for all pedestrians.
The image to the right is an example of possible connection improvements.
Environmental Process
This study will complete the environmental review of the corridor, known as the Project Approval & Environmental Document (PA/ED) phase for a Class I bike path, which is a shared bicycle and pedestrian path separated from vehicular traffic. The PA/ED phase will refine the alignment of the trail by completing preliminary design, determine the trail’s feasibility, estimate project costs, and determine what, if any, avoidance or mitigation measures must be taken to complete the project.
The environmental process includes:
- Evaluating the performance and benefits of the alternatives
- Studying potential effects of construction and operation
- Evaluating measures to avoid, minimize and mitigate adverse effects
The environmental evaluations will help identify short-term (construction), long-term (operational) and cumulative impacts of the project on the environment, as well as assess potential mitigation measures to address associated impacts.
How to Get Involved
Stay connected with us by signing up for project updates at octa.net/OCConnect .
Contact Us
Project Manager Peter Sotherland (714) 560-5386 psotherland@octa.net
Community Outreach Marissa Espino (714) 560-5070 mespino@octa.net
Website: octa.net/OCConnect
Helpline: (800) 716-8518
- Fact Sheets ( English ) ( Español ) ( Vietnamese )