Historic Maps

Scoilnet Maps, Heritage Maps & PRONI

Scoilnet Maps

This tool includes a variety of layers as well as historical basemaps such as the Cassini 6 Inch.

Use the Swipe Tool (brown button) to compare historic and modern maps with each other.

Visit  https://maps.scoilnet.ie/  to access video tutorials on how to use this map viewer as well as links to other useful applications such as  The True Size  and  Passengers of the Titanic. 


Created by the Heritage Council of Ireland, this spatial data viewer focuses on the built, cultural and natural heritage of Ireland.

To access the viewer, select the third button - HeritageMaps.ie, which will open in a new tab, and wait a few minutes for it to process and load.

The viewer includes layers on the following topics:

  • Archaeology
  • Architecture
  • Landscapes
  • Habitats
  • Geology
  • Tourism
  • Environment
  • Planning

On the Layer List, select the + button to expand each heading and access the full range of layers.

HeritageMaps.ie also provide other applications - Biodiversity Maps, Burren Geopark Life and Dublin County Heritage. These have a similar interface but include more specific information.

PRONI Historical Maps

PRONI (Public Record Office of Northern Ireland) Historical Maps is a map viewer that can be used to search and browse seven historical OSNI maps and four modern basemaps in Northern Ireland.

For guidance on how to navigate the viewer, see the following  help section.