Climate Vulnerability Forest Management Tool

Helping forestry professionals identify how climate change may affect forest operations in British Columbia

CVFM tool: overview/how to use

NEW! VERSION 1.1 of the tool is  available here 


The CVFM tool was developed in cooperation with & financial support from Ministry of Forests BC


Site content

Matt Kurowski, P.Eng., M.Sc., Mark Partington, RPF, Al Bradley, P.Eng., RPF

Data transformations & cartography

Matt Kurowski, P.Eng., M.Sc.

Workshops for three BC regions

Matt Kurowski, P.Eng, M.Sc.; Mark Partington, RPF; Dave Belyea, RPF (retired)

Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium:

Development of statistical analysis of climate indicator projections

Dr. Trevor Murdock; Stephen Sobie, M.Sc.

Development of statistical analysis for historical trend detection

Dr. Charles Curry; Dr. Dhouha Ouali

BC Ministry of Forests:

BC government coordination

Brian Chow, P.Eng., M.Sc. (retired)