Scranton's Downtown: A Walkable Future
Our Plan for a Safer, More Connected City Center That Truly Reflects Scranton
In 1987, Scranton native and urban planning legend Jane Jacobs wrote the following letter to the City concerning transformations to the Downtown:
Scranton continues to grow and change after experiencing prior years of depression and learning how to recover in a post-pandemic economy. Just like Jacobs says, our “handsome old buildings” and bustling streets are among our most valuable assets for economic growth. To propel the City forward with purpose, we must connect those assets to residents and visitors while making our downtown safer for everyone in the process.
Why Downtown Scranton?
Every piece of the City - from its neighborhoods to its small businesses - is important, but we must focus efforts and develop projects as effectively as possible while implementing solutions that make sense for each area.
Key factors that led us to concentrate our efforts toward walkability in Center City include:
1. Downtown Scranton has the smallest number of vehicle owners in the densest part of the city
Using Census Tract Data, this map paints the picture - 51.7% of the people living downtown who do not own a car, meaning they use some alternate form of transportation, walking, biking, County of Lackawanna Transit System (COLTS) buses, or ride share. These alternatives rely far more heavily on safe and organized roads for pedestrians, and our improvements will see more continuous use.
2. Downtown Scranton has the most businesses in the Smallest area.
Center City is also home to the largest concentration of small businesses, from those located in the Marketplace at Steamtown to others bordering our downtown colleges and universities, making it a destination for residents, tourists, and families alike.
3. Downtown Scranton is the most dangerous area for pedestrian and vehicle accidents in the City
Downtown Scranton is the most walked area of the City, but it is also the most dangerous area for pedestrians to walk. The blue roads on this map have the highest concentration of pedestrian accidents in the city. Green segments represent bicycle crashes, and red sections represent vehicle crashes.
Other areas of the City are also dangerous, particularly North Main Avenue in West Scranton and Green Ridge Street near North Scranton, but our highest concentration of roads can be found in Center City. Closing sections of Green Ridge or North Main would also be incredibly disruptive compared to rerouting people through downtown, and the changes necessary to make them safe are much more complicated.
We are making equal investments into other quality of life improvements, including improving traffic signals on North Main and restriping crosswalks on Main Avenue and Green Ridge Street. Our long-term goal is to dedicate connectivity and maintenance funds to each of those roads to unite the different areas of the City.
(Source: PennDOT crash data, 2012-2021)
4. We're putting the Rescue Plan to work
Per the rules of the U.S. Treasury Department, communities like Scranton that received American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds can target specific neighborhoods and destinations based on the economics of that area.
All of Downtown Scranton is included in Scranton's Qualified Census Tract (QCT), shown in yellow on this map. We can develop unique projects there with the help of these one-time federal pandemic recovery funds.
Safety Initiatives Outside the Downtown
The City is aggressively and proactively pursuing funding opportunities to improve safety across our community, including:
- Automated Red Light Enforcement (ARLE) Transportation Enhancements Grant Program through the Pennsylvania Department of Transporation (PennDOT)
- Strengthening Mobility and Revolutionizing Transporation (SMART) federal grant established through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL)
- Green Light-Go, a Pennsylvania Municipal Signal Partnership Program through PennDOT
01 / 07
1. ARLE: Scranton Street and N. Main Avenue
We aim to install high-visability crosswalks, pedestrian crossing signs, painted curb extensions, and raised flexible bollards at Scranton Street and North Main Avenue.
Currently, motorists park on the crosswalk or too close to the intersection. Block parking would improve sightlines.
This will improve safety near the West Scranton branch of the U.S. Post Office and entering the West Scranton Business District.
2. ARLE: Washburn Street and N. Main Avenue
We will update traffic signals at Washburn Street and North Main Avenue to include high-visibility crosswalks and install "No parking" pavement markings in correct areas. This will discourage reckless driving and increase for pedestrian and motorists.
3. SMART Grant: Luzerne Street and N. Main Avenue
The City aims to improve pedestrian safety using the SMART Grant by implementing an advanced, solar-powered traffic unit. This innovative technology will provide real-time audio and visual alerts, enhancing safety for all, including those with visual and hearing disabilities.
Along with aiding accessibility, increasing safety at this intersection helps children and families walking to neighborhood schools including Frances Willard Elementary, West Scranton Intermediate School, and West Scranton High School.
4. Green Light-Go: Cedar Avenue and E. Elm Street
This competitive state grant which we've already been awarded is designed to improve the efficiency and operation of existing traffic signals in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. We're replacing one of the traffic signals, as well as adding other safety improvements covered by the grant.
5. SMART Grant: Pittson Avenue and E. Elm Street
The intersection of Pittston Avenue and East Elm Street also qualifies for the SMART grant. We intend to perform the same traffic upgrades set for Luzerne Street and North Main Avenue.
6. SMART Grant: W. Lackawanna Avenue and N. 7th Avenue
Our final location for deploying the SMART grant technology is at the intersection of West Lackawanna Avenue and North 7th Avenue.
Along with being a main intersection leading to downtown Scranton and the Lackawanna Transit Center, improving safety here aids students walking to the nearby Scranton High School.
7. Green Light-Go: Green Ridge Street and Wyoming Avenue
Green Ridge Street and Wyoming Avenue is also getting two traffic signal arms replaced using Green Light-Go grant money.
The Nancy K. Holmes Branch of the Lackawanna County Library System sits at this intersection, and Green Ridge Street is a main thoroughfare between Scranton and Dunmore Borough.
Changes Being Implemented Downtown
Traffic Reconfiguration
Changes to our downtown walkability and accessibility are largely informed by a study completed by noted urban planner Jeff Speck and transportation planning company Nelson\Nygaard.
One of the chief areas that Speck focused on was reducing the speed of downtown traffic and making it safer for pedestrians.
Why that works:
1. Reduced Stopping Distance and Pedestrian Safety: At lower speeds, cars can stop more quickly, reducing the chance of hitting obstacles or pedestrians. Slower speeds minimize injury severity, especially for pedestrians. | 2. Lower Impact Force: The energy in a collision increases exponentially with speed, meaning faster cars create far more damage. Lower speeds result in less force during a crash, reducing the risk of serious injury. |
3. Improved Vehicle Control: Slower speeds make it easier for drivers to control the car and perform sudden maneuvers safely. This helps prevent loss of control during emergency situations. | 4. Increased Reaction Time: Traveling at lower speeds gives drivers and others more time to respond to hazards. This additional time helps avoid accidents altogether. |
Four reasons why slowing down is important to safety
Four Major Strategies to Slow Downtown Drivers
1. Reducing the Number of Traffic Lanes
Downtown Road Traffic and Lane Justification
Our downtown road network contains multiple roads that lack the volume of traffic necessary to justify the extra turning lanes.
Speck explains that the average two-lane, two-way road can handle up to 10,000 trips. The only roads in our downtown that meet that volume are Mulberry Street, Jefferson Avenue, Washington Avenue, and Wyoming Avenue, with the last two barely surpassing the 10,000-trip indicator while Mulberry Street gets nearly 20,000 trips.
Removed Lanes
The primary benefit of removing lanes is what we can replace them with. We can add bike lanes, parking, and safety measures including curb bump-outs, wider sidewalks, and street trees.
2. Reducing the Number of One-Way Streets
Why should we get rid of one-ways?
Stand at the corner of North Washington Avenue and Linden Street one busy morning, and you'll see the potential flaws in our current one-way system. A driver (1) stops to turn left up Linden Street, and the driver behind them (2) maneuvers around them.
Because car 2 would likely only look right for oncoming traffic, they could overlook the pedestrian on the left, indicated by the blue circle. They might either strike the pedestrian or take an illegal right-hand turn to miss them and be facing the wrong direction of traffic.
These kinds of issues are exclusive to one-way intersections. Passing on a two-way road is impossible, and with fewer lanes, cars would queue up, allowing the pedestrian to cross at their own speed. Vehicles stopping at the intersection would look both ways, checking for incoming cars before going through.
One Way or Another
In the mid-20th century, like many other American cities, Scranton changed many downtown streets to one-way traffic to avoid delays caused by left turns across traffic and to make cars travel faster through downtown.
However, this change negatively affected pedestrian comfort, business activity, and the overall efficiency of driving downtown. It also turned many local trips into longer routes.
In the 1960s, Scranton further complicated traffic flow by reversing the direction of Biden Street (then Spruce Street) to accommodate traffic from the Central Scranton Expressway, now the President Biden Expressway. This change also affected Linden Street, making navigation around Courthouse Square more difficult.
The highlighted roads will be converted into two-way roads
3. Replacing Slow and Unnecessary Signals with All-Way Stops
Cities previously installed traffic signals as a symbol of progress, or a sign of a more modern, cosmopolitan area.
Many reports show, however, that signals are not always the best option for intersections with moderate traffic. Research shows that all-way stop signs, which require drivers to approach each intersection with a sense of negotiation, are much safer than signals.
Unlike signal-controlled intersections where drivers may rush to beat the light, drivers at all-way stops normally proceed at very low speeds. There's more eye contact among users, and drivers typically wait only a few seconds to move through. Pedestrians and cyclists are usually given priority, often being waved through first.
How it would work in Scranton
The safety and ease of use through the downtown is our utmost concern.
With inspiration from the Speck study, the City engineer, Reilly Associates, conducted additional traffic counts to see which changes were truly warranted.
With extra data, Reilly found that only 17 of 24 intersections suggested in the Speck study warranted the conversion from traffic lights to all-way stops.
The existing 34 traffic signals downtown are indicated on this map.
The red traffic signals on Lackawanna Avenue, West Olive Street, Biden Street and Adams Avenue represent locations where stop signs were suggested, but our studies disagree.
The impact of these changes on members of our community with limited mobility or visual impairments is of great concern. The City of Scranton continues to engage with the Lackawanna Blind Association throughout this process.
Because of their feedback, we've already upgraded original plans for sidewalks to create higher visibility for people with partial vision and are exploring other suggestions we've received. The SMART grants we've applied for at other intersections will help demonstrate the effectiveness of any future upgrades.
4. Reducing Lane Widths
Drivers tend to be more comfortable speeding in wider traffic lanes.
A typical American urban lane is 10 feet wide, comfortably supporting speeds up to 35 miles per hour (MPH). A typical American highway lane is 12 feet wide, supporting speeds up to 70 MPH. Any urban lane wider than 10 feet encourages speeds that increase risk to pedestrians. Believe it or not, some of our current lanes measure up to 15 feet.
Numerous organizations including the National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO), have endorsed 10-foot lanes for use in urban contexts.
“Lane widths of 10 feet are appropriate in urban areas and have a positive impact on a street’s safety without impacting traffic operations... Narrower streets help promote slower driving speeds which, in turn reduce the severity of crashes.”
Additional Walkability and Mobility Upgrades are Needed
1. Improving and Realigning Crosswalks
Crosswalks in the City currently lack consistency. There are several different styles of crosswalks, from the wide ladder-style crosswalks downtown to two simple parallel lines in areas including South Scranton.
The Speck study gave three ways we can improve our current sidewalk network:
1. Stripe all signalized crossings to reinforce yielding of vehicles turning during a green signal phase. The majority of vehicle pedestrian incidents involve a driver who is turning.
2. Stripe crosswalks as wide as, or wider than, the walkway it connects to. This ensures that when two groups of people meet in the crosswalk, they can comfortably pass one another. Crosswalks should be aligned as closely as possible with the pedestrian through-zone.
3. High-visibility ladder, zebra, and continental crosswalk markings are preferable to parallel or dashed pavement markings. These are more visible to approaching vehicles, improving yielding behavior.
Crosswalk Safety is Critical Throughout Scranton
That's why we're using ARPA funds to repaint more than 1,200 crosswalks. Many crosswalks in Scranton have faded or are in need of other repair. Creating a uniform style of high-visibility crosswalks that align directly from one block to another would greatly improve pedestrian safety.
Red markers on this map show new crosswalks we intend to add. The remaining marks show crosswalks in dangerous corridors and in critical areas like schools and hospitals.
2. Adding Bike Lanes
Bicycle commuting is on the rise in cities across the United States. As this mode of transportation increases in popularity, the need for infrastructure that supports cyclist safety also increases. The simplest and most effective way to support cyclists is by adding bike lanes to our streets.
The Lackawanna River Heritage Trail stretches more than 70 miles, passing through the heart of the Lackawanna Heritage Valley National and State Heritage Area. The Lackawanna Heritage Valley is located amid the mountains of Northeastern Pennsylvania where the waters of the Lackawanna River flow, and it serves our primary bike path.
We're aim to add several bike lanes, but as most of the roads downtown are stated-owned, changes require approval from the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT). Future updates to this plan will include final locations for bike lanes.
3. Adding Street Trees
The advantages of planting trees downtown cannot be overstated. Trees enhance safety, offer shade, reduce stormwater runoff, create habitats for wildlife, and purify the air. Further, by visually narrowing the roadway, street trees cause drivers to act more cautiously. Put bluntly, street trees can save lives.
While there are street trees in some parts of the City, increasing the consistency and frequency would also improve the City's landscape.
We also have a couple of other objectives while we're doing work downtown
As a part of the project, there are three aesthetic projects we've been wanting to do for a long time but haven't had the resources.
1. The Raddison Wall
A long-hated eyesore downtown, the Wall by the Raddison has been on the City's eyes for a long time, but as a part of this plan, we intend to add sidewalks and repair the wall.
We'll have sketch plans with the planned update!
2. Uniform Lighting
When I first started here at the City, our Business Administrator, Eileen Cipriani, was telling me about the plans for the downtown streetscapes, and told me to walk outside to the corner by the Courthouse and tell her how many different types of lighting were at that intersection. So lets count: How many different lights do you see in this photo?
3. Moving the Utility Poles underground
While we're cleaning up the looks of the downtown, we want to deal with the remaining utility poles that are floating around. Most companies have moved underground, and we aim to create a shared duct bank for future development, so we don't have to tear up the road as often.
Before and After
Before and After
When is this all happening?
2023: Speck Study & Finding Funding
Urban planner Jeff Speck, FAICP, offered an ambitious envisioning of the future of downtown Scranton. Speck and Boston-based Nelson\Nygaard presented the results of a year-long study of the City’s central hub. You can find a video recording of his presentation here: Downtown Scranton Connectivity Plan (Walkability Study) (youtube.com) We also secured several multimodal grants & ARPA funding for the implementation of the Speck Study.
Reilly Associates reveal implementation plan
On Thursday, April 4, 2024, the City of Scranton held a public meeting at the Peoples Security Bank Theater at Lackawanna College to discuss streetscape improvement projects in downtown. The proposed improvements followed the completion of a walkability study in 2023, with a portion of the project costs funded by Scranton's American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds.
Submission to PennDOT
PennDOT received our traffic study and plans for construction for verification in July. Reilly Associates will work with PennDOT to modify the plan to meet state requirements and receive approval to work on their roads. Once we have their approval, we will have much more clarity on the final plan (and we'll update you again!).
Future Events
Once we receive PennDOT approval, we'll begin the next phases of the project where we begin the utility work and preconstruction. We plan to update this website when we find out, so stay tuned for more information.
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