Protecting Coastlines & Transforming Communities
Ohio Creek Watershed Project
The City of Norfolk, Virginia, stepped into action to combat the threat of sea level rise on the coastal communities of Grandy Village and the Chesterfield Heights Historic District.
As one of the largest populations at risk for sea level rise in the United States, the City of Norfolk’s Ohio Creek Watershed project is transforming the Chesterfield Heights Historic District and Grandy Village neighborhoods that frequently faced coastal flooding due to sea level rise and major rainfall events. The project is located in a low-lying portion of Norfolk that surrounds Ohio Creek, a tributary to the Eastern Branch of the Elizabeth River in Norfolk’s south-central sector. This project not only addresses major flooding concerns, but improves connection to the remainder of the City, deconcentrates poverty, and strengthens the neighborhood community.
Project Location
This site map of the Ohio Creek Watershed project highlights four categories of improvements and additions that are being implemented: coastal defense, stormwater, transportation infrastructure, and community amenities.
The Ohio Creek Watershed project began in 2017 when the City of Norfolk became the sub-recipient of a $112 million resiliency grant through HUD’s National Disaster Resilience Competition (NDRC). The first step in the project included an extensive community involvement process to make certain that residents from both the Chesterfield Heights Historic District and Grandy Village neighborhoods were heard and involved in the project progress moving forward. These interactions revealed the numerous setbacks local businesses and the workforce faced, including lack of neighborhood amenities and public spaces, which prevented community connection. I-264, an eight-lane interstate highway, separates these neighborhoods from the remainder of the City, including the light rail station, and made it challenging for residents to access safely.
VHB partnered with the City of Norfolk to address feedback from the community and support the City’s Resiliency Strategy.
Project Achievements
“As a coastal community, The City of Norfolk is proactively thinking about disaster prevention, population growth, and infrastructure improvements as we plan for their future. Our goal for this project was to not only enhance the community, but to also create a shoreline that protects investments and improves ecological integrity as we prepare for long-term impacts from flooding and severe coastal storms.”
– Kyle Spencer, Deputy Resilience Officer, City of Norfolk
Community Resilience
A resilient community was established to withstand the influence of sea level rise, storm surge, and heavy rainfall events expected to occur between now and 2065. A layered, localized approach was employed to reduce flooding risk and improve resiliency in the community. The water management tactics were integrated into the existing landscape, offering a community-oriented approach at a neighborhood scale that can be replicated by landowners throughout the city.
Community Economic Benefit
The project has contributed to economic revitalization by updating infrastructure and natural landscapes to reduce impacts of flooding on businesses and the local workforce. These efforts included the relocation and transformation of roadways, new pump station additions, leveraging prior investments to catalyze transit-oriented development, and new development along key corridors, such as the Ballentine Boulevard corridor.
Community Connections
With new and improved vehicular and pedestrian access, a greater connection exists between the Ohio Creek neighborhoods and the greater City of Norfolk at large, while maintaining the communities’ character of place. By raising roadways and implementing drainage improvements, the two primary access routes, Ballentine Boulevard and Kimball Terrace, remain passable during major flooding events to allow a continuation of access for residents, industrial uses, and emergency vehicles.
Public Spaces and Neighborhood Amenities
To strengthen community identify, the project incorporated public spaces, landscape, and streetscape features throughout. Implementation of infrastructure improvements associated with perimeter control of sea level and storm surge threats, combined with improved drainage systems, provide design opportunities to modernize streetscapes and aesthetics throughout the community.
“The Ohio Creek Watershed Project serves as a successful model of resiliency for any coastal community facing similar challenges of sea level rise. The City of Norfolk has gone above and beyond to make certain their citizens are engaged. Hearing their direct feedback motivated our design teams to not only improve flooding, but to improve the overall quality of life for the community through economic vitality, public health, safety, and accessibility.”
– Neville Reynolds, Environmental Services Line Chair at VHB
Resilient Shoreline Design
Today, the Ohio Creek Watershed project is an active construction site with more than half of the projects complete. Infrastructure improvements, including new pump stations, roadways, stormwater, sidewalks, and park enhancements are currently under construction with an anticipated completion date of late 2022. More than 2,000 linear feet of living shoreline stabilization were constructed and complete in 2021. Curious about shore protection options to combat sea level rise, storm surge, and wave erosion? Check out the short video below.
Watch this short video to learn more about shore protection options to combat sea level rise, storm surge and wave erosion.
Are you interested in implementing some of these same resiliency concepts in your community or home? Click to learn more about the Resiliency Toolkit that includes layered concepts for various project environments.
Construction Site
On site during construction of the project’s tide gate and 1,020 linear feet of floodwall, identified as coastal defense strategies to prevent future flooding during major storm events.
The Design Team
Interested in learning more about the Ohio Creek Watershed project, or learning about resiliency efforts for your community? Contact:
Kimberly Blossom
Environmental Scientist - Natural Sciences
kblossom@vhb.com | P 757.279.2828