Researching resilience in islands

Explore talks from this online conference, which took place 16-17 November as part of SUNRISE.

About this event

The online conference 'Researching resilience in islands' took place 16-17 November 2020 and was organised as part of the SUNRISE project. The map below reflects either the speaker's institutional affiliation or the island location in which they have carried out their work. Contributions were divided into four themes: Envisioning and enacting island futures (talks 1-3 on the map); Theorising 'islandness' and 'resilience' (4-7); Island data-scapes and reflections on ‘doing’ island research (8-10) and Coping capacity and adaptation across islands (11-12).

View recordings

Explore the diversity of island experiences represented at the meeting.


If you require captions, please click 'Watch in Panopto' on each video panel to access a version of the talk with captions available.


With thanks to all speakers and attendees at the event for their insightful talks and thought-provoking discussion.


This event was organised as part of the Situated UNderstanding of Resilience in Island Societies and Environments (SUNRISE) project, which looks at the impact of climate change, as well as coping and adaptation strategies, in diverse island communities. The overarching aim of the SUNRISE project is to identify individual priorities as well as common challenges, and explore opportunities to share solutions across different island communities. The project is a collaboration between Birkbeck, University of London, the University of Malta, University of Mauritius, University of the Sunshine Coast, and University of the West Indies, and is funded by the Natural Environment Research Council.

Logos of Birkbeck, University of London, University of Malta, University of Mauritius, University of the Sunshine Coast, and University of the West Indies, and NERC.