The River Chew Fish Recovery Action Plan will support the Chew Valley Partnership by providing a priority list of measures to aid improvements to freshwater biodiversity and in particular support recruitment of wild fish into and throughout the river catchment.

The River Chew has been identified as a priority river catchment for protecting and supporting the recovery of fish populations due to its suitable habitat for salmonids and coarse fish as well as evidence through Environment Agency and water industry monitoring of providing habitat to a number of UK Biodiversity Action Plan species, including Atlantic salmon, critically endangered European eel, and brook lamprey as well as a diversity of coarse fish such as roach and dace, and minor species including Bullhead.

  • Provide strategic action plan to support improved access to spawning habitat for Atlantic salmon, Brown trout, Lamprey, and Bullhead (and consequently many more aquatic species).
  • Produce a shared plan for partners to use and work towards delivering.
  • Provide a blueprint that could be developed for other priority Bristol Avon catchments.

Figure 1 guidance:

  • Each coloured line is a Priority Pathway (numbered 1-9), which align with the tabs on the Chew Fish Action Plan spreadsheet.
  • Click on the left hand tabs, e.g. Priority Pathway 1. Keynsham - Compton Dando, to zoom in to the stretch of river.
  • Once a stretch of river has been chosen, you can view an image taken along this watercourse, as well as a table of the priority pathway measures.
  • To enlarge these, simply click on the image and click the right/ left arrows to view the table.
  • To view the map legend, click the icon in the bottom left corner, which will explain what the different symbols represent.
  • To view the details of the work completed, click on one of the symbols which will result in a pop up box appearing. Once the pop up has appeared, click the right hand arrow at the bottom of the box, until the Nature Based Solutions page is shown.
  • The stretches outlined with green represent the stretches that BART have completed walkover surveys for.
  • To enlarge the map, click the top right icon to explore the map on a larger scale.

Figure 2. Completed projects that benefit fish and river health