Conewago Creek Restoration Project

A watershed based approach to fulfill MS4 requirements, reduce local flooding, and improve local water quality.

A Note to the Reader:

As The Conewago Creek Restoration Project is still a work in progress, this presentation is also a work in progress. Please continue to check back for funding updates, construction progress and water quality results.

It is Londonderry Township's hope to use this presentation to communicate project progress with our residents, inspire municipalities and non profits to take on similar projects, and attract funding opportunities.

Please email Monique Dykman, Londonderry Township MS4 Environmental Specialist, at  mdykman  with any questions regarding the project.

Highlighted: The Chesapeake Bay Watershed, and the Conewago Creek Watershed (a tributary to the Susquehanna) highlighted in yellow.
Highlighted: The Chesapeake Bay Watershed, and the Conewago Creek Watershed (a tributary to the Susquehanna) highlighted in yellow.

A Pollutant Reduction Plan (PRP)

The EPA and DEP enforce the  Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4)  Permit Program in communities with pockets of dense population, as determined by the census. This program requires each MS4 community within the Chesapeake Bay drainage area to implement a Chesapeake Bay Pollution Reduction Plan (PRP). The Susquehanna River contributes approximately 50% of the freshwater to the Chesapeake Bay - a highly regulated water body. The Conewago Creek is a tributary to the Susquehanna River, so any MS4 permitted community in its watershed must create and implement pollution reduction projects as part of their PRP to reduce existing sediment loading in their MS4 planning area by 10%. These project must be completed by September 30, 2023 and are an unfunded mandate placed on MS4 permittees.

Humans have changed the natural landscape across the Chesapeake Bay watershed in such a way that it has impacted water quality and wildlife habitat throughout the region. In order to restore this great ecosystem for generations to come we must start with small, local waterways, in our backyards.

For the 2018-2023 MS4 permit cycle the PRP requires a 10% reduction in total suspended solids for MS4 communities in the Chesapeake Bay drainage area, which both Londonderry Township and Mount Joy Township are. They have decided to partner together and fulfill these commitments to the Conewago Creek via the Conewago Creek Restoration Project.

The Project Site: the Conewago Creek

Methodology - a Watershed Based Approach

There are many practices that are used in watershed restoration. One very useful practice, to municipalities, is called stream restoration, whereby streambanks are stabilized, floodplains are restored and natural stream functions are repaired.

Stream restoration projects have the potential to provide major sediment reduction benefits, at a reasonable cost. However, stream restoration cannot be fully effective if the restoration only addresses one side of the stream. Therefore, Londonderry and Mount Joy Townships partnered together to restore both the stream banks.

Important Definitions

  • Floodplain—The lands adjoining a river or stream that have been or may be expected to be inundated by flood waters in a 100-year frequency flood. 
  •  Floodplain Restoraiton  is the process of fully or partially restoring a river's floodplain to its original condtitions before having been affected by the construction of levees (dikes) and the draining of wetlands and marshes. The objectives of restoring floodplains include the reduction of the incidence of floods, the provision of habitats for aquatic species, the improvement of water quality and the increased recharge of groundwater.
  • Legacy Sediment (Definition by PA DEP)- Sediment that was eroded from upland areas after the arrival of early Pennsylvania settlers and during centuries of intensive land uses; that deposited in valley bottoms along stream corridors, burying pre-settlement streams, floodplains, wetlands, and valley bottoms; and that altered and continues to impair the hydrologic, biologic, aquatic, riparian, and water quality functions of pre-settlement and modern environments. Legacy sediment often accumulated behind ubiquitous low-head mill dams and in their slack water environments, resulting in thick accumulations of fine grained sediment that contain significant amounts of nutrients.

Water Quality Data: A Scientific Approach

Interactive Project Map

Inter-Governmental Cooperation

When multiple municipalities collaborate to reduce pollution, they can complete larger and more impactful projects for a lower unit cost and individual project cost. They can pool their resources to achieve economies of scale on certain fixed costs, which will allow the project to address more stakeholder and resource needs.

This project will not only cross municipal boundaries, but also county lines. In this respect, the project will address more holistic needs of the stream, and leverage a greater pool of resources. By combining the existing resources across boundaries, Londonderry and Mount Joy Townships have created a greater opportunity to solve a number of issues related to water quality, habitat creation and local recreation.


Partners gathered to collect water quality data.

The Tri‐County Conewago Creek Association (TCCCA): In kind services, technical guidance, scoping

Conewago Creek Story

Technical Assistance Providers

Herbert, rowland & Grubic, inc

Other Restoration Efforts in the Watershed

Visit TCCCA's  website  for a detailed description of some of the projects!

PSU Existing Projects 2

A "How to" Guide: A Deeper Look into the Restoration Process

To be continued...

A huge thank you to all of our partners, without whom this project would not be possible.

Please check this website for construction, funding, and eventually water quality improvement updates!

And lastly, huge thank you, to you - the reader - for your interest in the Conewago Creek Restoration Project.