San Diego Map

April 4th 2023


Map Legend

1. I added the Counts and Amounts (color) style to distinctly divide the price of properties in these areas. Although I used this same style for the previous map, I like the layout and it is easy to tell the difference between the properties. 

2. I then changed the symbol style to a few shades of purple to easily tell the difference between the prices of places. Also it wasn't to vibrant so I will explain what I did in the next step. 

3. I then went to the effects tab and turned on brightness and contrast. This makes the map much more vibrant and in my opinion more appealing to look at. 

4. I applied a price label to every town so you can see average prices of properties within these towns. This helps distinguish pricey vs less pricey units. 

5. I changed the fill transparency to 18% so the colors wouldn't fade too much and so it is easy to tell them apart from each other. 

6. Similar to number 5, I kept the outline transparency low to easily tell the outline of each town within San Diego. 

7. Changing the outline width also helped a bit with keeping things easy to recognize. Making the color of the outline black along with making the lines thicker helps a lot when looking at the map. 

8. I changed the method to manual breaks to create a more realistic classification of the 4 classes of properties. 

9. I also edited the amount of classes there are because after looking at 3 classes it had a lot of different numbers in the same class so by adding one more it was better for classifying properties. 

10. I also added a drop shadow to the effects to make the map look a little cooler. I think by adding this it draws in the user to study the map more. 

Map Legend