ArcGIS for AutoCAD: An Overview

CAD and GIS Working Together

ArcGIS for AutoCAD is a tool to solve common collaboration problems.

Those of you who work with both GIS and CAD know the difficulty of exchanging data between them. You have a GIS department that needs data from CAD and you struggle sending it back and forth. You have a CAD department that needs GIS data to enhance their designs but must wait for it to be sent to them. What you’d like is to edit and work with the same data using the tools you’re familiar with. ArcGIS for AutoCAD is a free plug-in from Esri that does just that. With   ArcGIS for AutoCAD  , you can use   Autodesk AutoCAD ®  or   Autodesk Civil 3D ®  to edit and work with GIS data using web feature layers as CAD data. Edits in CAD can be pushed to ArcGIS, and edits in ArcGIS can be pushed to CAD.

What is ArcGIS for AutoCAD?

  • Free Plugin by Esri
  • Supports AutoCAD® & Civil 3D® by Autodesk
    • Versions 2020-2024
    • Functionality in Civil 3D®
    • Install in AutoCAD®, Map 3D®, Civil 3D®
  • Connects CAD users to the GIS
    • ArcGIS Enterprise, ArcGIS Online
    • Web Feature Layers, Map Imagery Layers, Imagery Layers
  • Organizes CAD data for the GIS

Who is ArcGIS for AutoCAD for?

Who is ArcGIS for AutoCAD for?

You’re the person trying to foster GIS CAD Collaboration

Who is ArcGIS for AutoCAD for?

You work in CAD, and you're frustrated trying to get GIS content from your GIS administrator.

Who is ArcGIS for AutoCAD for?

You're a GIS Manager who's tired of getting unusable information from CAD.

Who is ArcGIS for AutoCAD for?

 You have lots of CAD data that need to be added and organized in the GIS


Editing Feature Layers in CAD is Easy

Let's see how simple it is to collaborate between GIS and CAD through the use of ArcGIS Web Feature Layers and ArcGIS for AutoCAD.


Getting Ready for Feature Layer Editing

Use ArcGIS for AutoCAD to:


Discovering Layers

Use ArcGIS for AutoCAD to:


Editing Feature Layers in CAD

Use ArcGIS for AutoCAD to:

Editing Feature Layers in CAD

Take a Look for Yourself!


Symbols and Labels

Use ArcGIS for AutoCAD to:


Organize and Share

Use ArcGIS for AutoCAD to:


Bringing it to Pro

Use ArcGIS for AutoCAD to:

Key Takeaways

Key Takeaways

Self-Service Mapping

Key Takeaways

Work with Geometry and Attributes

Key Takeaways

CAD Skills = GIS Skills

Who Are We?

Randy Garcia - Senior Product Engineer

Randy is a Senior Product Engineer on the ArcGIS for AutoCAD product team. He has spent time working in the oil, gas, and utility industries as both a CAD and GIS technician. Randy Holds a bachelor's in geography and a master's in geospatial development. Integrating CAD and GIS has been a constant theme throughout his career and he enjoys pushing these boundaries further.

Dan Wade - Product Engineer

Dan is a Product Engineer for the ArcGIS for AutoCAD product team at Esri. He spent 20 years in the Photogrammetry/Survey field using AutoCAD and Microstation® and the last ten years supporting best practices of ArcGIS Enterprise and CAD.

ArcGIS for AutoCAD: An Overview

by: Randy Garcia & Dan Wade

Randy Garcia - Senior Product Engineer

Dan Wade - Product Engineer