Developments of Regional Impact Program

What is the DRI program?

The Developments of Regional Impact (DRI) program evaluates the impact of large, master-planned developments to the regional transportation system and their consistency with established local, state and regional plans.

An area’s Regional Commission determines whether the project warrants a DRI review according to threshold size and land use as determined by the Georgia Department of Community Affairs. GRTA and the Regional Commission then coordinate with partner agencies, adjacent local governments and the applicant’s consultant team to conduct the review process.

This story map overviews DRIs within the GRTA jurisdiction while providing insight on the DRI process and the values it brings to the ATL region. More information on the DRI guidelines can be accessed  here .

Proposed DRIs are practicable and contribute to improved regional mobility, air quality, and equitable land use practices within GRTA’s 13-county jurisdiction.

GRTA Boundary Map

A DRI can be found within the 13-county GRTA jurisdiction. Varying corresponding GDOT District Offices and Regional Commissions are applicable to each county’s DRI review as well.

Where can I find a DRI?

What is the DRI process?

The DRI process has been streamlined into seven steps, as listed below, to maximize the time and information provided and to involve partner agencies, adjacent local governments and the applicant’s consultant team.

What is the DRI Timeline?

GRTA staff strategically reviews a project based on an expedited review or non-expedited review timeline as displayed below.

GRTA’s purpose is to evaluate the proposed development’s effect on the surrounding transportation infrastructure and to identify options to mitigate current and future impacts to mobility using best-practice standards for transportation and land use.


How do I start the DRI Review process?

How long does it take for GRTA to complete the DRI review process for a project?

  • An expedited review takes 15 buisness days and a non-expedited review takes 25 buisness days.

Does my development need a DRI?

  • The  DCA  and Regional Commission websites contain detailed information on DRI triggering actions and the size and land use thresholds that constitute a DRI.

When do the conditions of approval in the NOD need to be completed?

  • All recommendations will need to be completed within the build out year as outlined in the Letter of Understaning.

What happens if recommendations are not implemented?

  • Goverment funding can be withheld from the applicant team and the local goverment has power to implement their own consequences.

Where can I find submissions?

  • DRI submissions can be found at the Georgia Department of Community Affairs website,  here .