My Water Risk Profile
Insight into the exact flood characteristics of a location
Insight into the exact flood characteristics of a location
This in-depth module provides insight into the Water Risk Profile of any location in the Netherlands. The profile shows the probability of flooding as a result of extreme precipitation, high water, and dyke failure. The Water Risk Profile ties in with the map guide to the “flooding” map narrative and provides detailed insight into a location’s flood characteristics. The paragraphs below tell you more about the Water Risk Profile and the Water Risk Diagram and explain how to use them.
The Water Risk Profile shows, for each location, the probability of flood depths that may occur there. The profile shows these probabilities for the current situation and for 2050. For 2050 it takes into account further climate change and the strengthening of primary flood defences. In the graph below you can see that the probability of flooding in 2050 is lower than it is now: this is because the flood defences will have been strengthened. The profile incorporates all the flood scenarios from the National Information System on Water and Floods (LIWO).
The Water Risk Diagram tool can be used to assess the acceptability of flood risks. For example, the diagram below shows that the probability of a 1 m to 2 m flood is once every 1,000 years. The diagram also enables you to determine, e.g., the damage in euros or the number of casualties. This diagram is perfect for use in a risk dialogue or for making spatial planning choices.
With the Water Risk Profile, you can determine the frequency of a particular water depth at a specific location, in the current situation and by 2050. This water depth can ensue from extreme precipitation, high water, or dyke failure. The Water Risk Profile is based on the information on flooding and extreme precipitation contained in the National Water and Flooding Information System (LIWO). Including stress test scenarios in the analysis will require customisation. The profile is not a regulation determining what is and what is not acceptable. You need to decide that for yourself, and the water risk diagram can assist you with that.
The water risk diagram enables you to determine whether the impact of a particular flood depth is acceptable or not. The impact can be estimated on the basis of the specific characteristics of a location. Subsequently, you can consider whether or not to take measures. In lieu of the water risk diagram, you can also use your own company value matrix. In that case, you need to check whether this matrix explicitly maps out extreme events, so that you can choose whether or not to accept the impact.