Sustainable Wildlife in The American Dream City

Arlington, Texas has a wide range of urban wildlife living in and around beautiful green belts, lakes, streams, and the Trinity River.

Sustainable Wildlife Program

For decades, Arlington Animal Services (AAS) facilitated the trapping, relocating, or euthanizing of wildlife. Removing wildlife captured in neighborhoods results in a vacuum effect with negative consequences for wildlife and the community.

Studies have shown that relocated animals rarely survive more than two weeks. The relocated animal that is unfamiliar with its new surroundings usually dies of starvation, from injuries inflicted by other wildlife, or other dire circumstances.

AAS is working to educate Arlington residents, business owners, and visitors about urban wildlife. The  Sustainable Wildlife Program  was initiated to implement proven best practices for harmonious coexistence with wildlife. Support of this program will help attain the best outcome for people, domestic pets, and wildlife in the community.

Let Wildlife be Wild!

Educating Youth

Educational outreach with the Sustainable Wildlife Program and Responsible Pet Ownership is provided for all ages.

Ray Rentschler, former Animal Services field operations manager educating Arlington youth about urban wildlife

Reported Alligator, Bobcat, and Coyote Sightings

Three interactive maps were designed for residents, business owners, and visitors to report wildlife sightings in Arlington.

This first map displays alligator, bobcat, and feral hog sightings.

These maps tell the story of the variety and abundance of wildlife co-habitating with humans in an urban environment.


Out of the 254 counties in Texas, 120 counties have had reports of  Alligators . The City of Arlington is no exception and though rare, alligators have been reported in creeks and lakes.

Ray Rentschler, former field operations manager at an alligator training class


These very clever and adaptable animals are found all across North America in the country side and in most large cities, including Arlington. They are opportunistic eaters and hunt rodents, rabbits, frogs and fish. They will also eat insects, fruit, grass, garbage and carrion. Because they sometimes will kill livestock or pets, many people consider them destructive pests.  Coyote  attacks on people are extremely rare. Most of the few coyote bites that happen nationally are related to humans feeding the animals.

A band of Coyotes spotted by the Arlington Landfill

Feral Hog

 Feral Hogs  have been living in Arlington for several years mainly along the Trinity River. Feral hogs cause a lot of property damage mainly due to rooting for food. Hogs prefer to run and escape and are not considered dangerous. Feral hogs, like all wild animals, have a potential to be dangerous especially if wounded or cornered. Caution should be maintained if encountering females with young.

Ray Rentschler - Arlington Residents Fed Up With Feral Hogs

Other Wildlife Sightings Reported

Some other types of Arlington wildlife reported include:

  • Armadillo
  • Bat
  • Beaver
  • Fox
  • Opossum
  • Raccoon
  • Skunk
  • Snake


The average armadillo in Arlington is about the size of a cat, weighing less than 20 pounds. Texas Parks & Wildlife states that the birth of armadillo offspring occurs in March and April and that a single fertile egg produces a set of four identical quadruplets born into a burrow with shells that do not harden until adulthood.

 Armadillos  are difficult to trap, and if removed will only create a vacuum effect for others to come in. The lasting solution to eliminate an armadillo presence is to take away their food source. Beneficial Nematodes are a natural way to kill the grubs living in the soil that attract armadillos.

Nine-banded Armadillo


 Bats  are common throughout Arlington. They are nocturnal and extremely beneficial to the environment. They help prevent damage to agricultural crops since they are insectivores and consume large amounts of moths. Since bats cannot fly from the ground, bats need to be placed in a tree or on a wall off of the ground so the bat can take flight.

Learn more about bats in this MyArlingtonTX News article:  Let Wildlife be Wild and Learn How to Be Safe During World Rabies Day 

Photo by Ray Rentchler of a Red Bat with babies in a tree


 Beavers  are considered the largest rodent in the United States, and they are commonly found in Arlington. They reside in areas such as Lake Arlington and other local water sources including our city's rivers, creeks and ponds. Although they are labeled as a rodent, their presence is beneficial to our overall ecosystem. Their activities help create new living environments for insects, fish, birds, and other mammals. Removing a beaver from its environment is rarely a viable solution, because of creating a vacuum effect, causing other beavers to populate the area.


There are two common  foxes  in Texas and seen throughout Arlington: the Red Fox and the Grey Fox. While foxes are beautiful, feeding them can lead to foxes becoming acclimated to people, which can result in lethal control in urban areas because of the animals being seen as a threat.

Seeing a fox out in the day time does not necessarily mean the animal is rabid. On many occasions, kits (young baby foxes) are known to be out playing by themselves showing little fear of people but soon the parents will appear and the kits will be taught to avoid humans. The best method of avoiding a problem with these animals is to deter them from the area by using adverse conditioning called hazing, by making loud sounds such as banging pots or using an air horn.


 Opossums  are found in most areas of Arlington. These are nocturnal mammals that grow to be about the size of a cat. They have beady eyes, are grayish in color and have a long pointed snout. Their tail is long and rat-like, and their paws have opposable “thumbs”. Being nocturnal, opossums are scavengers at night looking for an easy meal, such as unsecured trash, or pet food left outside. At times, they are thought of as somewhat helpful by ingesting insects and small rodents that prey upon gardens. Their diet is eclectic in that they will eat both plants and animals.


 Raccoons  are all across North America and are well established in Arlington. They lose their natural fear of humans when they are fed intentionally or unintentionally. When raccoons take up residence in homes or buildings the best way to remove them is to make their new home uncomfortable. Soak a rag or towel in household cleaner (ammonia is best), shine a bright light into the area they are living and play a radio with talk radio or rock and roll. It is best to do this in the evening before they start moving around so they don’t become accustomed to the deterrents while sleeping. Once the raccoons have moved to another location, close the area where they are getting in and out so they do not come back. Be sure the young are moved before closing up the area. A mother raccoon will do a lot of damage to get back to her young.


The most common  skunk  in Texas is the Striped Skunk. The skunk’s normal den in an urban area can include under decks, patios, sheds, pier and beam foundations, or even under concrete foundations. While the bulk of this omnivore’s diet comes from insects, the striped skunk also eats reptiles, small mammals, birds and vegetation.

While trapping may be the first reaction to seeing a skunk in the yard, neighboring skunks will replace any removed from the location. If you live in a location populated by skunks, the best deterrent is prevention. Make sure your home and yard is “animal-proofed” by closing off any possible den sites. Also, trapping adult skunks, especially during birthing season, can result in orphaned skunks which can starve without the mother.


There are many varieties of  snakes  in Arlington with most of them being non-poisonous. Snakes are beneficial to the environment, feeding on everything from insects to rodents.

Identifying snakes is important in determining how Animal Services responds to snake calls. A non-poisonous snake outside of a home is normal, but if any variety of snake is reported inside of a home, an Animal Services Officer will respond.

The three most common venemous snakes in Arlington are the Copperhead, Water Moccasin Cotton Mouth and the Western Diamondback Rattlesnake.

Arlington Animal Services Field Operations Manager Juan Santana Attends a Texas Snake Training Class

A Day in the Life of an Animal Control Officer

Meet Juan Santana, field operations manager for Animal Services. Juan has been working as an animal control officer in Arlington for over 15 years. Every day at work he never knows what to expect because it’s always something new.

“Many people think the job of an animal control officer is repetitive,” said Santana. “Where you catch a dog and put it in the shelter and then you’re done, but there’s so much more to it than what people think.”

“I wish it was that easy, but it’s not—at times you have to catch a dog on the freeway, or loose horses in a park, you just never know. I mean we’ve had to round-up cows and trap feral hogs,” said Santana. “The best part of this job is helping citizens find their animals, and at times saving wildlife.” 

More MyArlingtonTX News articles:

Lead Code Compliance Officer Juan Santana

Bird Sightings

The most recent wildlife sightings map added is this bird reporting map. At the time of this story map release, the following birds are shown on this interactive map:

  • Egret and Heron
  • Owl
  • Vulture

Egret and Heron

Egrets and Herons are some of the most beautiful birds you will see, but when they nest they can also be some of the most destructive. Egrets and Herons are federally protected by the  Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 . What this means is the birds cannot be killed, or their nests disturbed when they have eggs or young.

 Egrets and Herons  come together and make a “rookery” which can be made up of a few dozen birds to thousands of birds. The rookery will grow as the adults and young return each year. The rookery has many challenges for residences such as excessive excrement, dead frogs, mice and birds, strong smell and orphaned young. Arlington's proactive approach helps property owners with a history of rookeries in their neighborhoods.

Fox 4 News:

NBC 5 News:


 Owls  are amazing wild animals that reside in The American Dream City. There are many different species in North Texas. Some of the most common seen in Arlington are Screech Owls, Barred Owls, Barn Owls and Great Horned Owls.

You will see owls mostly in the twilight hours or at night. They are very beneficial to the wild environment, with their main diet mostly rodent type animals. The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department refers to the owl as a “feathered mousetrap”.

Screech Owl


Gliding acoss Arlington's skies, you may see two different types of  Vultures  that are native to North Texas, the Black Vulture and the Turkey Vulture. Both species of vultures are protected under Federal Law and Texas State Statute through the  Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 .

Vultures feed on carrion and are a very important part of Arlington's wild ecosystem. Decaying deceased animals not only are sad to see, but also create smell and possible disease. Deceased animals attract flies/maggots. Without vultures, flies and disease in Arlington would increase tremendously. 

In some rural areas, vultures help farmers with the removal of deceased livestock. In short, vultures help keep Arlington smelling good!

Why Trapping Will Not Work

There are three main reasons why trapping does not work: the vacuum effect, the availability of resources, and nature's ability to adapt.

Vacuum Effect

Trapping and removal of wildlife has proven to be ineffective. As you remove an animal, the next night another animal takes its place.

Availability of Resources

The availability of resources is another reason wildlife may be in your neighborhood. Arlington has a very healthy urban ecosystem. Not only do parks, streams, and greenbelts make great habitat, but some backyards do too. Areas underneath sheds, decks, or brush make great homes for many of our wild neighbors. Bird feeders, uncovered trash, vegetable gardens, or pet food that has been left outside provide food for many species.

Nature Will Adapt

Research has found that wildlife will adapt when resources are available in a habitat. Litters are bigger, more of the offspring survive, and the numbers return to normal within a year or less.

Steps to Reduce Wildlife at Home

Let wildlife be wild!

  • Do not intentionally feed wildlife;
  • Tightly seal trash bags/containers and place curbside on day of, and in time for collection;
  • Keep landscaping well groomed;
  • Feed pets indoors, or at least pick-up / remove any food not eaten;
  • Do not leave birdseed in bird feeder (or on the ground) overnight;
  • Close pet doors securely at night;
  • Trim overhanging tree branches that provide easy access to your roof for squirrels and other wildlife;
  • Cover crawlspace and attic openings with heavy gauge, rust-proof wire mesh (not chicken wire);
  • Carefully inspect your eaves and other areas where the roof and the house join. Repair deteriorating boards, warped siding, and loose shingles;
  • Secure chimney caps. Chimneys are open invitations to raccoons looking for 'hollow trees' to give birth and raise their young;
  • Create an 'L-shaped' barrier if you have a deck. Attach heavy gauge wire mesh to the base of the deck, sink it six inches into the ground, bend it 90 degrees away from the deck for 12 inches and then cover it with soil.

Protect Your Pets

Be a responsible pet owner and protect your pets.

Orphaned or Injured Wildlife

Finding young animals that are helpless against the world and doing what is best for them can sometimes go against your instincts. What is always best for young animals is for their mothers to take care of them, humans are a long second choice.

What to Do about Finding Orphaned or Injured Wildlife

The first step towards helping young, and possibly orphaned Arlington wildlife is to assess the situation. Each type of animal is different; what is good for one species is not necessarily good for another.

Who to Contact

  • Texas Parks & Wildlife Department
  • Arlington Animal Services at 817-459-5898

Image of a fledgling bird in green grass.


Arlington Animal Services’ mission is “Working together as a community, we will improve the lives of animals.” For those who do not want to have wildlife on their property we recommend a proactive approach:

  • Prevent wildlife from becoming accustomed to people by reducing human/wildlife interaction. This is the first step in letting wildlife be wild.
  • Eliminate food, water, and shelter.

Animal Services understands that there are times that trapping, or removal of problem wildlife is warranted. Even with the removal of a nuisance animal this does not stop another animal from moving into its territory. Removal without addressing the underlying source will not stop further problems. We are available to answer questions our web page may not address. Please email questions to .

Finally, if you love wildlife, please “Let Wildlife be Wild”. That means don’t provide wild animals with food as that habituates the animal to humans which could make a dangerous situation for people and pets.

Wildlife has survived without our assistance for many generations; just enjoy their beauty from afar and appreciate their ability to be independent and self-sufficient.

If you are not a big fan of wildlife, please “Let Wildlife be Wild”. That means eliminate any attractants to your home or yard, keep your chimney capped, keep landscaping groomed, feed pets indoors or pick up immediately after, and keep trash containers tightly sealed. If you do not attract them, they will stay away. 

For more information about specific wildlife visit Arlington's  Urban Wildlife Animals website .

 Get your "Let Wildlife Be Wild" T-shirt!  All proceeds from donations benefit Animal Services education programs.

Ray Rentschler, former Animal Services field operations manager educating Arlington youth about urban wildlife

A band of Coyotes spotted by the Arlington Landfill

Nine-banded Armadillo

Photo by Ray Rentchler of a Red Bat with babies in a tree

Screech Owl