

The ESG criteria is usually required to assess long term sustainability of a company's performance, and it is sure that it can also be used to evaluate and improve living quality in a community. Through data collection and further analysis, potential risk can be identified and feasible solutions can be made for improvement.

In our study, we split our study areas into 3 different categories. E(environmental), S(social), G(governance).

E - Environmental: environmental data is collected by ourselves using different tools to analyse the environmental quality in TKO

S - Social: census data is acquired from CSDI to introduce the social context of TKO.

G - Governance: A survey is used to collect public information from citizens in TKO as a reference data for governmental and non-governmental organization.



In this section, we collected our data by using an air quality meter at 21 sample points.

We converted those data at the points into surface data by interpolation analysis.


According to the map, the darkest colour in the map means that the place has the smallest amount of methane. From the data, we can see that the centre and Southern of the study area have the highest concentration of methane.


According to the map, the darkest colour in the map means that the place has the smallest amount of VOCs. From the data, the area with the highest VOCs is from the centre to further Southwest region.


According to the map, the darkest colour in the map means that the place has the largest amount of PM 10. From the data, the area with the highest PM10 is from the centre to further Southward.


According to the map, the darkest colour in the map means that the place has the largest amount of PM 2.5. From the data, the area with the highest PM2.5 is from the centre to further Southeast region.

Final result by overlaying

After overlaying all of the different types of pollutants, we were able to deduce that the area with the lowest air quality is in the center of our study area, around the MTR station and newer residential areas in the south.

We used 3D models on top of the map function to accurately show building heights. Pairing the 3D models with the line of sight function, we were able to visualize air corridors through 7 lines of sight.

Line 1

View from the East to West

Line 2

View from the East to West

Line 3

View from the East to West

Line 4

View from the East to West

Line 5

View from the East to West

Line 6

View from the East to West

Line 7

View from the East to West

When we apply the air pollution layer in the map, we can see the final overlay result of the air pollution of the area. Darker colors mean more pollution, lighter means less.


We can see the darkest colors are in the area around the MTR station and TKO Plaza. Lines of sight 5, 6, 7 pass through several buildings, including Bauhinia Garden, TKO Plaza. The building density in the area is very high, so the air flow in the city is blocked, preventing the pollutants from moving out of the city swiftly without obstruction.

Therefore, building density is strongly related to the amount of pollutants.


Through using the web map function, we were able to visualize the data collected by the Common Spatial Data Infrastructure(CSDI) to make observations about the situation in Tseung Kwan O.

This map shows the people aged 65 or above and the locations of NGO/private elderly homes.

From the data of CSDI, there are more than 1500 elderly(above65) living in the area of Kwong Ming Court, Beverly Garden, Bauhinia Garden and Yung Ming Court. However, there is only one non-governmental organization elderly home in our study area but no private elderly home. So, the number of elderly home in Tseung Kwan O is severely insufficient

This map shows distribution of people aged 15-24, and location of study rooms.

In our study area, we found that there was only 1 study room. One in a multi-storey car park. While it is accessible to most residents of the area, the problem is not in the location. It is the amount of study rooms available. According to the population census of 2021, 14700 are aged 15-19, which have the highest demand of using the study rooms. 1 study room is definitely not enough for the demand.

While there is one just outside of our study area, that study room is not easily accessible as it is not close to any MTR station. But even then, it will not be enough to meet the needs of the 14700 people.

This map shows people in age group 15-24, as well as locations of aided primary/secondary schools.

In our study area,there are more than 1000 teenagers(above15) living in Kwong Ming Court,Beverly Garden,TKO Plaza, The Grandiose, Bauhinia Garden, Yung Ming Court and Park Central.From the data,there are 7 aided primary schools and 3 aided secondary schools located in the study area which is sufficient

This map displays the locations of clinics/health centres under the Department of Health and Hospitals under Hospital Authority.

Through looking at the map, we can see that there is in fact not a single medical facility under the Department of Health or Hospital Authority in our study area. This will negatively affect lower or middle class citizens who do not have as much purchasing power to afford services from more expensive private medical facilities.

This map shows the total population of each small area, and the locations of community halls.

There are more than 500000 people living in Tseung Kwan O. However, there is only one community hall located in Sheung Tak. So, we believe that the amount of community halls in our study area is not enough for the residents in our study area.


Link to our survey:  https://arcg.is/1fSuSb0 

We decided to use a survey to study citizens' satisfaction of their living environment and explore any possible social impacts in the studying area--Tseung Kwan O, by using Survey123.

We have designed several questions about the living quality in Tseung Kwan O and compiled multiple pie charts which visualize the data collected from our survey from levels 1-5. (1=lowest, 5=highest)

Part1: Community Health

Part2: Community Environment

Part3: Community Facilities

Part4: Personal Opinion

The pie charts above are the results of each of the questions in our survey. The numbers of these pie charts will change whenever a new response is recorded. We believe the government can benefit from utilizing our data.


Assessing the situation through incorporating ESG principles in the development process can propel our city and help enhance its sustainability, resilience and more. Meanwhile, key issues in ESG — such as environmental protection, conservation, physical and mental wellbeing of citizens.

We have found in the data we collected and analyzed, that our study area of Tseung Kwan O is lacking in facilities under government authorities, especially wellbeing and medical facilities. However, there is a sufficient number of aided schools, and the overall satisfaction of living in the area as shown in the survey carry a positive trend.

View from the East to West

View from the East to West

View from the East to West

View from the East to West

View from the East to West

View from the East to West

View from the East to West