Remembering Hurricane Florence

Florence was a powerful and prolonged hurricane that brought damaging winds and historic flooding to the southern Mid-Atlantic 5 years ago.


Florence was a long-lived tropical cyclone that made landfall as a  Category 1 hurricane  (maximum sustained winds of 90 mph) near Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina (NC), around 7:15 AM on September 14, 2018. But Florence was much more than a "typical" Category 1 landfalling hurricane, and the strength of its winds don't tell the whole story.

Florence went through multiple rapid intensification periods during its lifetime, including to a Category 4 peak, but each intensification was followed by a period of weakening, including to a Category 1 at landfall. After extensive media coverage on the storm as it crossed the Atlantic, the "weakening" of Florence's winds may have lead to a false sense of security from the public, with a possible perception that its impacts would not be as bad. However, in the case of Florence, the greater danger was from the significant slowing of the storm's forward motion. This slow motion resulted in many hours and days of torrential tropical rain, leading to historic rainfall amounts, a danger that was heavily emphasized in forecasts and briefings provided by the  National Weather Service  offices, including the  Weather Prediction Center  and  National Hurricane Center .

This is a crucial point: The wind-based tropical cyclone categories do not communicate all possible impacts. In addition to damaging wind, tropical cyclones can also produce destruction from flash flooding, river flooding, storm surge, and tornadoes. As a Category 1 storm at landfall, Florence caused disastrous freshwater flooding across much of the southeastern United States and significant storm surge flooding in portions of eastern North Carolina. Florence resulted in 22 direct deaths and was also associated with 30 indirect fatalities. ( Storm details courtesy of NHC's Tropical Cyclone Report) 

Satellite visible imagery of hurricane Florence around the time of landfall along the North Carolina Coast.
Satellite visible imagery of hurricane Florence around the time of landfall along the North Carolina Coast.

GeoColor image of Florence near landfall time, from GOES-East, courtesy of NESDIS.

By the numbers:

  • 184: The highest wind speed, in mph, measured by a dropwindsonde released in Florence’s eyewall at the 909-mb level at 2101 UTC on September 10, 2018.
  • 937: Estimated minimum central pressure, in millibars.
  • 900,000+: The number of utility customers who lost power across NC.
  • 22: Estimated total damage losses, in billions of dollars, in NC due to winds, freshwater flooding, and storm surge flooding. This places Florence as the all-time costliest tropical cyclone on record for NC.
  • 70: Consecutive hours for which the WFO Raleigh area of responsibility (county warning area, or CWA) was under tornado watch.
  • 54: Consecutive hours for which the WFO Wilmington CWA was under a tornado watch.
  • 93: Consecutive hours for which some part of North Carolina was under tornado watch.
  • 41: Consecutive days with a river flood warning in effect for southeast NC.
  • 35.93: Inches of rain recorded at Elizabethtown in southeast NC. Other totals included 34.00 inches at Swansboro, 17.00 inches at Hope Mills, and 16.28 inches at Godwin, NC.
  • 4.8: Average speed in mph of Florence as its center drifted over southeast NC and northeast SC from 5 am Friday, 9/14, to 5 am Sunday, 9/16.
  • 85: Hours of constant radar surveillance by WFO Raleigh forecasters.
  • 2,000+: Number of roads closed in central NC, including parts of Interstate 95 and Interstate 40.
  • 39: Decision support briefings given by WFO Raleigh forecasters.
  • 34 and 38: Decision support briefings, general and river-specific, given by WFO Wilmington forecasters.
  • 22: Live webinars with partners given by WFO Raleigh forecasters.
  • 1953: Year when "Florence" was first used as a hurricane name, making it one of the longest-lived names in NHC naming history, before the name was retired in 2019. Naming of hurricanes and tropical storms started in 1950 with phonetic alphabet names, followed by a switch to female names in 1953, then to both male and female names in 1979. 

Journey Across the Atlantic

Track of Florence, from NHC best track information. Click on points to see details on the storm at that time.

August 30 th  – September 4 th 

Formation of Low and Strengthening to Tropical Storm

On August 30, 2018, an easterly tropical wave moved off the west coast of Africa and continued in a west-northwestward direction. By August 31, this disturbance had organized into a tropical depression and was located just southeast of the Cape Verde Islands. Within the next 12 hours, the system strengthened into a tropical storm and was given the name Florence.

Due to a large ridge sitting over the North Atlantic, Florence was forced to move on a west-northwest track, skirting the edge of the high pressure. Florence also encountered marginal sea surface temperatures and cooler, drier air from the north as it continued west, slowing the strengthening of the system.

Photo courtesy of NOAA/NESDIS.

Visible satellite imagery of a tropical wave that would later evolve into Hurricane Florence over the eastern Atlantic.

September 4 th –7 th 

Category 1, Rapid Intensification, and Rapid Weakening

In the morning of September 4, Florence was upgraded to a Category 1 hurricane. Over the next 30 hours, it underwent a period of Rapid Intensification (RI), reaching Category 4 status by the afternoon on September 5 (left image).

As Florence continued moving westward, a shortwave trough, or small low-pressure system, passed to the north, bringing along an increase in vertical shear. This caused the tropical system to undergo a period of rapid weakening (RW), and by the evening of September 7, Florence had weakened to a tropical storm (right image). The trough also weakened the North Atlantic ridge, allowing Florence to move on a more northwestward path towards the Carolinas.

Photos courtesy of NOAA/NESDIS.

A swipe panel where you can compare two visible satellite imagery of Florence. Visually compare the presentation of the typical cyclone when Florence was a weakened from a powerful category 4 hurricane to a tropical storm due to the effects of vertical wind shear.

September 8 th –13 th 

Second Rapid Intensification

Despite weakening, Florence’s inner wind field remained intact and underwent a second period of RI once the shortwave passed. By the morning of September 9, Florence had re-developed an eye and regained hurricane status. 

Florence reached peak intensity on September 11, reaching Category 4 status with winds of 150 mph. At this point, the system was located about 725 nautical miles east-southeast of Cape Fear, NC. As Florence continued to move toward the Carolinas, a shallow warm-water layer allowed for cold-water up-welling near the coast, causing Florence to weaken before making landfall. 

Photo courtesy of NOAA/NESDIS.

Visible satellite imagery after a second period of rapid intensification reaching a strong category 4 hurricane once again.

September 14 th –18 th 

Landfall and Extra-Tropical Transition

Florence made landfall near Wrightsville Beach, NC as a Category 1 hurricane the morning of September 14. The system then continued west-southwest across southern NC and eastern SC, weakening to a tropical storm by the 15th and a depression by the 16th. 

The system then turned northward, crossing through the western Carolinas, eastern Tennessee, and western Virginia before becoming extratropical. On September 18th, the system finally dissipated over Massachusetts.

GOES-East infrared satellite loop of Hurricane Florence from September 13-14, 2018, courtesy of NOAA/NESDIS and captured from AWIPS.

Unusual attention from a national publication

Given the potentially significant event that was about to unfold across the Carolinas, the approach of Florence attracted the attention of the New Yorker magazine, who sent a reporter down to the North Carolina NWS forecast offices to learn about our tropical cyclone operations and how we make decisions.

This article provides a rare look 'behind the curtain' of a local Weather Forecast Office as a long lived and high impact event unfolds before their eyes.

A screen capture of an article titled, Inside the National Weather Service, the Digital eye of the Hurricane Florence by Doug Bock Clark, September 15th, 2018.

Screen capture of the New Yorker article on NWS operations ahead of Florence, published in September, 2018.



The roughly 25-hour radar loop below, from Thursday, September 13, to Friday, September 14, uses data from multiple NWS WSR-88D Doppler radars. It shows well the open eye of Florence prior to landfall, followed by a closing-off of the eye once inland, when the wind field began to steadily weaken. Despite the weakening of the wind field prior to and just after landfall, Florence still packed a tremendous punch in terms of storm surge, damaging wind gusts, and very heavy and prolonged rainfall which led to both freshwater flooding and considerable river flooding.

Radar imagery of Hurricane Florence making landfall along the Carolina coast and slowly moving west over the next 12 to 24 hours

Radar Composite reflectivity mosaic loop of Hurricane Florence from September 13-14, 2018, captured from AWIPS.


Florence produced over 10 inches of rainfall across much of southeastern and southcentral NC and northeastern SC. A few totals exceeded 20 inches from the NC/SC border eastward across southeastern North Carolina. These extreme totals were due to the tropical nature of the rain (which resulted in efficient rainfall processes and very heavy rainfall rates) and to the slow forward speed of Florence prior to and after the hurricane made landfall.

Rainfall estimates from the MRMS, multi-radar multi-sensor, centered over North Carolina. Rainfall estimates range from 1.5 to 4 inches along the Virginia and North Carolina border to 30 to 50 inches near Wilmington NC and Morehead City NC.

Multi-radar, gauge-adjusted estimated rainfall from Hurricane Florence, for the week ending September 18, 2018.

This resulted in persistent bands of rain moving inland over the eastern Carolinas and training repeatedly over the same areas. A swath of 30+ inches of rain was observed from Wilmington to Elizabethtown, NC, including a peak storm total rainfall of 35.93 inches, measured about 6 miles northwest of Elizabethtown. This value set a state record for tropical cyclone rainfall (unseating the previous NC tropical rainfall record of 24.06 inches, in Southport, NC, during Hurricane Floyd in 1999). A new state tropical rainfall record for South Carolina was also set by Florence, 23.63 inches recorded at Loris, SC (exceeding the previous record of 17.45 inches from near Lake Jocassee during Tropical Storm Beryl in 1994).

The NWS had been forecasting extreme rainfall and catastrophic flooding for several days ahead of Hurricane Florence's approach toward the NC coast. The 5-day forecast created when Florence was about 200 miles off the NC coast depicted astonishing rainfall amounts, including a large area of 15 to 35 inches of rain over the southeast quarter of NC into northeast SC, and these totals verified well.

5 day forecast verses observed rainfall. As Hurricane Florence approached the North Carolina Coast on Thursday, September 13th, 2018, the NWS was forecasting extreme rainfall and catastrophic flooding in the coming days. Here is a look at how the forecast compares with the estimated rainfall.

A comparison of the NOAA/NWS forecast 5-day rainfall, left, and the radar estimated, gauge-adjusted observed rainfall, right, for September 13-18, 2018.

Radar estimated rainfall from Florence from 8:00 AM September 13th, 2018 through 8:00 PM September 17th, 2018 for North Carolina.

Radar estimated storm total rainfall from Florence. Image created by, and rainfall volume calculated from, the AWIPS Graphical Forecast Editor by WFO Raleigh forecasters.

To the right is another map of the unofficial, radar-estimated storm total rainfall from Florence over NC (actual gauge-measured amounts not included). Using the average total rainfall over the state, Florence dropped about 8.04 TRILLION gallons of rain on NC!

Flooding over the Eastern Carolinas

This rainfall produced historic, catastrophic flooding of both land areas and on rivers.

The imagery below was created using a blend of color channels from the NASA MODIS spacecraft. Water clouds appear white, while ice clouds tend to be light-blue or cyan. Vegetation appears as bright green, bare ground has a pinkish tan color, burn scars appear as a reddish-brown color and water appears dark blue or black.  Blue-green areas are a mix of water and vegetation, as one might expect in a flooding situation. The flooded rivers show up very well in the post-Florence image, with labels added to help identify the mainstem rivers.

Swipe animation showing satellite imagery over portions of North and South Carolina which shows how catastrophic river flooding after Hurricane Florence is seen from space.

Slider showing NASA MODIS imagery before, left, and after, right, Florence

Notable River Flooding

Cape Fear River at Fayetteville, NC

While the river flooding was devastating for many, good quality forecasts still helped many people prepare. As forecast confidence increased that the rainfall associated with Hurricane Florence would be historic and catastrophic, concerns for devastating river flood grew.  The Cape Fear River Basin was at risk to receive some of the heaviest rainfall, and even inland from the coast and the forecast 20+ inches of rain, 10-15 inches of rain around Fayetteville could cause near record flooding.  

A hydrograph showing the observed river gauge height, dark blue, and the forecast river gauge height, purple line with small squares every six hours, located along the Cape Fear River at Fayetteville North Carolina. The forecast crest if 62.4 feet.

Plot of observed (blue line) and forecast (purple) gauge readings from the Cape Fear River at Fayetteville river gauge (FAYN7), valid 749 PM EDT on September 14, 2018, courtesy of the USGS and

Through multiple rounds of coordination between the Southeast River Forecast Center, the NWS in Raleigh, and emergency management in Cumberland County and Fayetteville, the official forecast (graph on right, noted by purple line/dots) called for a crest of 62.4 feet around midnight on September 18.  The river actually crested at 61.58ft around midnight on September 18, which was an incredible near-record flood forecast within 1 foot four days ahead of time! The blue line in the graph below shows the observed river stage of the Cape Fear River at Fayetteville. This compared quite well to the river stage forecast from several days prior (graph on right).

A hydrograph showing the observed river gauge height, dark blue, and the forecast river gauge height, purple line with small squares every six hours, located along the Cape Fear River at Fayetteville North Carolina. The observed crest was 61.58 feet.

Plot of observed (blue line) and forecast (purple) gauge readings from the Cape Fear River at Fayetteville river gauge (FAYN7), valid 219 PM EDT on September 20, 2018, courtesy of the USGS and

Swipe viewer which compares the forecast river gauge height to the observed river gauge height at the site along the Cape Fear River at Fayetteville, North Carolina.

Swipe panel displaying hydrograph from Cape Fear River at Fayetteville (FAYN7) with the forecast gauge height (left) compared to the actual observed gauge height (right). Images courtesy of USGS and

Pictures taken by NWS Raleigh, NC employees while conducting a storm survey for flooding near and around the river gauge site located on the Cape Fear River at Fayetteville, NC (FAYN7).

Waccamaw River at Conway, SC

The Waccamaw River experienced catastrophic flooding in October 2016 from Hurricane Matthew and a new record high stage was observed at 17.89 feet.  Rebuilding had only recently finished as new all-time record flooding developed from Hurricane Florence.  The river exceeded Matthew's stage by over three feet.  Horry County Emergency Management reported 361 homes in Conway and 1,580 homes in the rural portion of the county were damaged or destroyed by flooding.

Pictures taken by NWS Wilmington, NC employees while conducting a storm survey for flooding near and around the river gauge site located on the Waccamaw River at Conway, SC (CNWS1).


Florence produced 31 tornadoes over the Carolinas, including 21 rated as EF0 (winds of 65 to 85 mph) and 10 rated as EF1 (86 to 110 mph), occurring on September 15 and 16. Below is a map of tornado tracks covering both days, along with a link to the SPC Historical Severe Weather Database Browser.

Map showing confirmed tornadoes from Hurricane Florence which affected portions of South Carolina, North Carolina, and Virginia.

Map of Florence-associated tornado tracks, covering September 15 and 16, 2018. Data courtesy of the NOAA Storm Prediction Center.

To get details on individual Florence-generated tornadoes, click on the tornado tracks on the map below.

2018 Hurricane Florence tornadoes. Data courtesy of the NOAA Storm Prediction Center.

Four panel of radar imagery showing different radar products of a tornadic supercell as it moved through Elm City, NC. Reflectivity, top left. Velocity, top right. Differential Reflectivity, bottom left. Correlation Coefficient, bottom right.

Loop of (clockwise from top left) reflectivity, storm relative velocity, correlation coefficient, and differential reflectivity from the KRAX radar, 1058Z-1111Z on September 17, 2018.

To the right is a radar loop of the storm which produced a tornado near Elm City, NC, in Wilson county, in the NWS Raleigh CWA (KRAX radar is located near Clayton, NC). The top right image shows the wind circulation associated with the tornado, with the red indicating outbound (away from the radar) velocities and green indicating inbound (toward the radar) velocities. The characteristic "hook" signature that can suggest the presence of a tornado can be seen on the top left image.

This tornado produced considerable damage in Wilson county, including this tree on a house.

A large tree fallen on top of a one-story house causing significant structural damage.

This tornado produced considerable damage in Wilson county, including this tree on a house. (Photo courtesy of Reuters.)

Peak Wind Gusts

Below is a map of peak wind gusts from Florence, in miles per hour. These gusts were strong enough to uproot numerous trees and cause widespread power outages from the Mid Atlantic through the Southeast coast, including the central and eastern Carolinas.

Florence observed maximum wind gusts from NWS and non-NWS sites, compiled from data collected by WFO Raleigh, WFO Wilmington, WFO Morehead City, and the National Hurricane Center.


As of this writing, 41 fatalities have been attributed to Florence in North Carolina. Most were a result of motor vehicle accidents or drownings; medical events during cleanup; and trauma caused by wind or fallen trees.

A map showing fatalities related to Hurricane Florence with counties in North Carolina color coded based on the number of deaths that occurred within that county.

Map of Hurricane Florence fatalities by county for North Carolina. Data courtesy of NC State Highway Patrol and Office of the Chief Medical Examiner. Map compiled by the WFO Raleigh staff.

Touring the key impacts and moments from Florence across the central and eastern Carolinas

WFO Morehead City, NC

WFO Morehead City, NC. Click to expand.

Working at an NWS Forecast Office during a hurricane is a unique experience filled with long, arduous days and nights, often working 12- to 15-hour shifts for multiple days in a row, and perhaps even sleeping at the office.

WFO Wilmington, NC

WFO Wilmington, NC. Click to expand.

Just like the teams at WFO Raleigh and WFO Morehead City, the forecasters at the Wilmington NWS office worked around the clock for many days in a row before, during, and after Florence, often while concerned for the safety of their own families, friends, and property.

WFO Raleigh, NC

WFO Raleigh, NC. Click to expand.

After the event, NWS Raleigh provided an extensive debriefing to NOAA officials who were conducting post-storm surveys and interviews.

Storm Surge on the Neuse River

Storm Surge on the Neuse River. Click to expand.

Persistent, strong east to northeast winds produced major storm surge across much of eastern NC. The greatest storm surge amounts of around 8-11 ft above ground level produced major impacts across much of the tidal Neuse River and its tributaries. In Craven County, there were 1800 water rescues primarily from storm surge flooding.

Boat and Dock Damage at Fairfield Harbor Marina

Boat and Dock Damage at Fairfield Harbor Marina. Click to expand.

8-11 ft of storm surge inundation on the Neuse River brought major impacts to many locations outside of New Bern as well, including Fairfield Harbor, Trent Woods, and Riverbend.

Storm Surge Damage along the Atlantic Beach Causeway

Storm Surge Damage along the Atlantic Beach Causeway. Click to expand.

Elsewhere along the Crystal Coast and Onslow County, as well as across the tidal Pamlico River, surge inundation of around 5-8 ft flooded businesses, homes, and roadways. In Carteret County, there were 437 water rescues.

Waist Deep Water on Mill Creek Road in Newport

Waist Deep Water on Mill Creek Road in Newport. Click to expand.

Storm surge around 2-4 ft above ground level was measured further north along the Inner and Outer Banks, with some property and roadway flooding, and significant beach erosion and dune overwash south of Cape Hatteras.

Strong winds batter the NC Coast

Strong winds batter the NC Coast. Click to expand.

Coastal areas south of Cape Lookout were the most impacted by strong winds, with nearly 3 days of strong winds resulting in widespread damage to businesses, residences, and infrastructure. Winds over 100 mph were experienced along the beaches, with hurricane force winds reaching well inland. The greatest wind gust measured was 106 mph at Cape Lookout.

Heavy Rainfall Measured in FEET

Heavy Rainfall Measured in FEET. Click to expand.

Storm total rainfall amounts around 1-2 FEET, with some locations approaching 3 FEET, produced widespread, long duration major river flooding across southeastern North Carolina. Major to catastrophic impacts were felt along much of the Neuse, Trent, Newport, White Oak, and NE Cape Fear Rivers (and their tributaries) in eastern NC. Many neighborhoods and towns were inundated and/or inaccessible due to the prolonged flooding.

A New Record River Flood Stage at New River near Gum Branch

A New Record River Flood Stage at New River near Gum Branch. Click to expand.

Many residences experienced significant flooding along the New River in northern Onslow County.

A New Record River Flood Stage at Northeast Cape Fear River near Chinquapin

A New Record River Flood Stage at Northeast Cape Fear River near Chinquapin. Click to expand.

This photo shows extensive flooding (dark water) just downstream of the Chinquapin, NC gauge on the NE Cape Fear River. You can see extensive flooding of farmlands, roads, neighborhoods, and a golf course community.

Incredible Flooding in Trenton

Incredible Flooding in Trenton. Click to expand.

Flooding in Trenton, near New Bern, in the wake of Hurricane Florence in 2018. The Trent River flows through the town and crested at a record of 29.28 feet during the evening of September 17th. Photo: Staff Sgt. Herschel Talley/Nebraska National Guard

Video: Wild Weather Balloon Launch at NWS Morehead City

Video: Wild Weather Balloon Launch at NWS Morehead City. Click to expand.

NWS Morehead City routinely launches weather balloons twice a day. However, leading up to and during hurricanes, that number is often increased to four times per day to help improve forecast quality and assist with research. Strong winds and heavy rainfall made these launches a challenge, but the dedicated staff of NWS Morehead City donned their rain gear and braved the elements in the name of science!

Video: Strong Winds on Bogue Sound

Video: Strong Winds on Bogue Sound. Click to expand.

NWS video of strong winds on Bogue Sound in the Bogue Watch neighborhood off of highway 24.

Video: Landfall occurred at Wrightsville Beach

Video: Landfall occurred at Wrightsville Beach. Click to expand.

An observation site measured a pressure of 958 millibars and a wind gust of 86 mph.

2nd Highest Wind Gust Measured at Wilmington International Airport

2nd Highest Wind Gust Measured at Wilmington International Airport. Click to expand.

The Wilmington airport recorded a 105 mph wind gust, the second highest on record. The sea level pressure of 965.5 millibars was the fourth lowest on record.

A New Record River Flood Stage at Cape Fear River at Downtown Wilmington

A New Record River Flood Stage at Cape Fear River at Downtown Wilmington. Click to expand.

The Cape Fear River at downtown Wilmington reached a then-all time record stage of 8.28 feet MLLW (Mean Lower Low Water - average level of the lowest tide for each day computed over a 19-year period).  Severe flooding scoured out a section of U.S. Highway 421 just north of Wilmington.

Impressive Storm Total Rainfall Measured by CoCoRaHS Observer

Impressive Storm Total Rainfall Measured by CoCoRaHS Observer. Click to expand.

A CoCoRaHS observer in Loris, SC recorded a storm total rainfall of 23.63 inches, the largest amount ever measured with a tropical cyclone in the state of South Carolina. (Video courtesy of NWS Wilmington Meteorologist Tim Armstrong.)

17 Total Tornadoes in SE NC

17 Total Tornadoes in SE NC. Click to expand.

Seventeen tornadoes touched down in the area served by the National Weather Service in Wilmington, damaging homes, vehicles, and a large number of trees.

Extensive Power Outages

Extensive Power Outages. Click to expand.

Strong winds and falling trees cut electricity to almost all homes and businesses across North Carolina's Cape Fear region. In some areas it took ten days for service to be restored.

Video: Interstate 40 turned into a River

Video: Interstate 40 turned into a River. Click to expand.

At one point all highways leading to and from Wilmington were flooded, leaving the city an island cut off from the outside world.

Flooding along the Lumber River

Flooding along the Lumber River. Click to expand.

Severe flooding along the Lumber River devastated Fair Bluff, NC and portions of the city of Lumberton.

Video: A New Record River Flood Stage at Waccamaw River at Conway, SC

Video: A New Record River Flood Stage at Waccamaw River at Conway, SC. Click to expand.

The Waccamaw River broke its previous record crest by over three feet at Conway, SC, causing exceptional flooding and damaging over 1,900 homes and businesses along the river from Lee's Landing south toward Socastee.

Wettest Single Storm in Local Record

Wettest Single Storm in Local Record. Click to expand.

Florence’s 23.02 inches of rain in Wilmington makes it the wettest single storm in the local record.  It also contributed to Wilmington’s 2018 annual rainfall total over 100 inches, the wettest year in Wilmington history.

A New Record River Flood Stage at Cape Fear River at Fayetteville

A New Record River Flood Stage at Cape Fear River at Fayetteville. Click to expand.

Feet of rainfall across the lower Cape Fear River Basin lead to historic river flooding along the Cape Fear River where it crested to 61.58 feet at roughly 8 PM on September 18th.

Tremendous Travel Impacts

Tremendous Travel Impacts. Click to expand.

Expansive impacts to transportation with more than 2,000 roads closed including Interstate 95 and Interstate 40. I-95 remained closed for nearly 80 miles through North Carolina until it reopened September 23rd.

WFO Morehead City, NC

Working at an NWS Forecast Office during a hurricane is a unique experience filled with long, arduous days and nights, often working 12- to 15-hour shifts for multiple days in a row, and perhaps even sleeping at the office.

WFO Wilmington, NC

Just like the teams at WFO Raleigh and WFO Morehead City, the forecasters at the Wilmington NWS office worked around the clock for many days in a row before, during, and after Florence, often while concerned for the safety of their own families, friends, and property.

WFO Raleigh, NC

After the event, NWS Raleigh provided an extensive debriefing to NOAA officials who were conducting post-storm surveys and interviews.

Storm Surge on the Neuse River

Persistent, strong east to northeast winds produced major storm surge across much of eastern NC. The greatest storm surge amounts of around 8-11 ft above ground level produced major impacts across much of the tidal Neuse River and its tributaries. In Craven County, there were 1800 water rescues primarily from storm surge flooding.

Boat and Dock Damage at Fairfield Harbor Marina

8-11 ft of storm surge inundation on the Neuse River brought major impacts to many locations outside of New Bern as well, including Fairfield Harbor, Trent Woods, and Riverbend.

Storm Surge Damage along the Atlantic Beach Causeway

Elsewhere along the Crystal Coast and Onslow County, as well as across the tidal Pamlico River, surge inundation of around 5-8 ft flooded businesses, homes, and roadways. In Carteret County, there were 437 water rescues.

Waist Deep Water on Mill Creek Road in Newport

Storm surge around 2-4 ft above ground level was measured further north along the Inner and Outer Banks, with some property and roadway flooding, and significant beach erosion and dune overwash south of Cape Hatteras.

Strong winds batter the NC Coast

Coastal areas south of Cape Lookout were the most impacted by strong winds, with nearly 3 days of strong winds resulting in widespread damage to businesses, residences, and infrastructure. Winds over 100 mph were experienced along the beaches, with hurricane force winds reaching well inland. The greatest wind gust measured was 106 mph at Cape Lookout.

Heavy Rainfall Measured in FEET

Storm total rainfall amounts around 1-2 FEET, with some locations approaching 3 FEET, produced widespread, long duration major river flooding across southeastern North Carolina. Major to catastrophic impacts were felt along much of the Neuse, Trent, Newport, White Oak, and NE Cape Fear Rivers (and their tributaries) in eastern NC. Many neighborhoods and towns were inundated and/or inaccessible due to the prolonged flooding.

A New Record River Flood Stage at New River near Gum Branch

Many residences experienced significant flooding along the New River in northern Onslow County.

A New Record River Flood Stage at Northeast Cape Fear River near Chinquapin

This photo shows extensive flooding (dark water) just downstream of the Chinquapin, NC gauge on the NE Cape Fear River. You can see extensive flooding of farmlands, roads, neighborhoods, and a golf course community.

Incredible Flooding in Trenton

Flooding in Trenton, near New Bern, in the wake of Hurricane Florence in 2018. The Trent River flows through the town and crested at a record of 29.28 feet during the evening of September 17th. Photo: Staff Sgt. Herschel Talley/Nebraska National Guard

Video: Wild Weather Balloon Launch at NWS Morehead City

NWS Morehead City routinely launches weather balloons twice a day. However, leading up to and during hurricanes, that number is often increased to four times per day to help improve forecast quality and assist with research. Strong winds and heavy rainfall made these launches a challenge, but the dedicated staff of NWS Morehead City donned their rain gear and braved the elements in the name of science!

Video: Strong Winds on Bogue Sound

NWS video of strong winds on Bogue Sound in the Bogue Watch neighborhood off of highway 24.

Video: Landfall occurred at Wrightsville Beach

An observation site measured a pressure of 958 millibars and a wind gust of 86 mph.

2nd Highest Wind Gust Measured at Wilmington International Airport

The Wilmington airport recorded a 105 mph wind gust, the second highest on record. The sea level pressure of 965.5 millibars was the fourth lowest on record.

Graph of surface pressure (left Y axis and red line, in inches of mercury) and wind gusts (right Y axis and black dots, in miles per hour) at the Wilmington, NC, International Airport from September 13-14, 2018.

A New Record River Flood Stage at Cape Fear River at Downtown Wilmington

The Cape Fear River at downtown Wilmington reached a then-all time record stage of 8.28 feet MLLW (Mean Lower Low Water - average level of the lowest tide for each day computed over a 19-year period).  Severe flooding scoured out a section of U.S. Highway 421 just north of Wilmington.

Impressive Storm Total Rainfall Measured by CoCoRaHS Observer

A CoCoRaHS observer in Loris, SC recorded a storm total rainfall of 23.63 inches, the largest amount ever measured with a tropical cyclone in the state of South Carolina. (Video courtesy of NWS Wilmington Meteorologist Tim Armstrong.)

17 Total Tornadoes in SE NC

Seventeen tornadoes touched down in the area served by the National Weather Service in Wilmington, damaging homes, vehicles, and a large number of trees.

Extensive Power Outages

Strong winds and falling trees cut electricity to almost all homes and businesses across North Carolina's Cape Fear region. In some areas it took ten days for service to be restored.

Video: Interstate 40 turned into a River

At one point all highways leading to and from Wilmington were flooded, leaving the city an island cut off from the outside world.

Flooding along the Lumber River

Severe flooding along the Lumber River devastated Fair Bluff, NC and portions of the city of Lumberton.

Video: A New Record River Flood Stage at Waccamaw River at Conway, SC

The Waccamaw River broke its previous record crest by over three feet at Conway, SC, causing exceptional flooding and damaging over 1,900 homes and businesses along the river from Lee's Landing south toward Socastee.

Wettest Single Storm in Local Record

Florence’s 23.02 inches of rain in Wilmington makes it the wettest single storm in the local record.  It also contributed to Wilmington’s 2018 annual rainfall total over 100 inches, the wettest year in Wilmington history.

A New Record River Flood Stage at Cape Fear River at Fayetteville

Feet of rainfall across the lower Cape Fear River Basin lead to historic river flooding along the Cape Fear River where it crested to 61.58 feet at roughly 8 PM on September 18th.

Tremendous Travel Impacts

Expansive impacts to transportation with more than 2,000 roads closed including Interstate 95 and Interstate 40. I-95 remained closed for nearly 80 miles through North Carolina until it reopened September 23rd.

Life After Florence

Florence left a grim mark on this region during and immediately after its arrival, including countless downed trees, limbs, and power lines, and flooding from torrential rain, swollen rivers, and storm surge.

Tree down across a roadway in Raleigh, NC, resulting from Florence. Picture by Jonathan Blaes, NWS Raleigh.

Community Impacts

Google Maps location showing Fair Bluff and its proximity to the Waccamaw River.

Google Maps image of Fair Bluff, NC.

The town of Fair Bluff in Columbus County, NC, along the Waccamaw River, was devastated by Hurricane Matthew in 2016, then hit even harder by flooding from Florence.  With the town's population now down to half of its pre-Matthew level and poverty and joblessness widespread, the  Guardian newspaper wrote an in-depth story  on Fair Bluff and said it could become one of the U.S.'s first "climate crisis ghost towns."

Effects on Mental Health

Crisis Text Volume for Suicidal Thoughts over time in Youth. Graph shows they daily number of criteria text for 2018 with a section highlighting 1 to 6 weeks after Hurricane Florence where suicidal thoughts increased 23%.

Model actual versus predicted plot of crisis text volume for suicidal thoughts with a 95% Confidence Band for North and South Carolina communities, Post-Hurricane Florence (blue line), 2018. Data source, Crisis Test Line data, 2018.

The toll exacted by Hurricane Florence was not limited to just flooding, or the damage to structures and the natural world, or the physical impacts to humans and animals. The weeks after landfall also presented a mental health crisis among young people.  Runkle et al. (2020)  examined trends of those seeking mental health support via a crisis texting platform across North and South Carolina before and after Florence. They found an "immediate and sustained increase in crisis texts" for various mental health concerns, including anxiety/stress (17% increase) and suicidal thoughts (23% increase), in the six weeks after Florence's landfall. Similarly, emergency department visits by young people for any mental health condition in Florence-affected counties increased by 16% after Florence's arrival, including a 33% increase in visits prompted by suicidal ideas. These findings suggest that post-disaster assistance might also need to include increased emotional support and interventions provided by counselors, school personnel, clergy, family, and the mental health care community.

New River Forecasts for the Black River at Tomahawk

A hydrograph showing the river gauge height for the Black River near Tomahawk (TOMN7), which was at 20.33 feet, moderate flood stage, around 9AM on Sunday September 16th, 2018.

Plot of observed (blue line) gauge readings from the Black River near Tomahawk river gauge (TOMN7), valid 919 AM EDT on September 16, 2018, courtesy of the USGS and

Residents along the Black River were greatly affected by flooding during and long after Hurricane Florence. Prior to Hurricane Florence, river forecasts were not available for the river gage location near Tomahawk in Sampson County.  Local residents relied on word of mouth of river conditions from friends and family upstream and in some cases did not have adequate time to prepare and evacuate the historic flood.  The graph on the right shows the Black River stage (blue line) on September 16, 2018, with no forecast despite river levels approaching major flood stage. The graph below shows the gauge readings a couple of days later, on September 18, with river levels soaring well above previous record levels.

A hydrograph showing the river gauge height for the Black River near Tomahawk (TOMN7), which was at 28.71 feet, major flood stage and a new record for this gauge, around 5AM on Sunday September 17th, 2018.

Plot of observed (blue line) gauge readings from the Black River near Tomahawk river gauge (TOMN7), valid 204 PM EDT on September 18, 2018, courtesy of the USGS and

Seeing a strong need for improved services, the National Weather Service in Raleigh worked with the local emergency management office, as well as the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Safety, to identify the need for a forecast, and the Southeast River Forecast Center in Peachtree City, GA, to develop and implement a forecast when high water is expected.  These forecasts began on Wednesday, January 18, 2023, and are an important step in providing advanced notice of flooding to the public and decision makers to help save lives and property.

An aerial image of the area around the Black River near Tomahawk in Sampson County showing the extreme flooding as the river outflows its banks.

Flooding resulting from Florence, on the Black River near Tomahawk in Sampson county. Photo courtesy of the NC DOT.

How the Florence experience shaped how we prepare for future storms

Hurricane Florence was devastating in countless aspects, and living through a historic event helped us learn a great deal about tropical cyclone forecasting, public messaging of historic impacts, and much more, which resulted in improvements to forecasts, briefings, and increased resilience within our communities.

A photo of a storm surge pole. These colored poles change color with height every three feet to show a visual representation of what 3, 6, and even 9 feet of storm surge would look like.

One of the 27 storm surge poles that have been placed across Dare County, NC.

Storm Surge Poles

After the coastal flooding from Hurricane Florence, a need for public awareness of storm surge was identified. These colorful storm surge poles were the answer. Dare County Emergency Management Director Drew Pearson and his staff developed the poles as a way to visually represent what different storm surge levels could look like. Collaboration with the National Hurricane Center led to one of the polls being installed at the front door of NHC, and collaboration on storm surge messaging between Dare County and the National Hurricane Center has improved greatly.

These poles are colored in segments that represent the water levels above ground. Blue represents the lower end of surge, 1-3 feet; yellow represents 3-6 feet, orange means 6-9 feet, and red indicates 9+ feet of destructive storm surge. Next to each pole is a display which features additional information and a legend showing how the colors correspond with NHC's flood inundation map. These poles are an excellent and aesthetically-pleasing way to bring awareness to scale of storm surge and to prompt people to take action and protect their lives and property when a storm surge watch or warning is issued.  Click here for further details on this program via Dare County's YouTube channel.  

Weather Ready Nation

In the years since Florence, NOAA’s National Weather Service has embarked on a goal to make this country a “Weather-Ready Nation.” NOAA’s Weather-Ready Nation (WRN) initiative is about helping our nation become more resilient to increasing extreme weather, water and climate events, like Hurricane Florence. NOAA is working to keep these threats from becoming disasters with greater accuracy in forecasts and warnings, evolving services to community decision makers, and better ways to communicate risk to stakeholders and the public. While we at NOAA are taking steps towards building a Weather–Ready Nation, we cannot do it alone! As part of the WRN initiative, NOAA partners with emergency management officials, businesses, and the media through the WRN Ambassador Program to motivate individuals and communities to prepare for a potential weather disaster. These actions can save lives – at home, in schools, and in the workplace – and help our nation better withstand extreme weather threats.

Ambassador Weather Ready Nation

Any organization committed to serving as an example and engaging their stakeholders to make this country ready, responsive, and resilient can be a WRN Ambassador. By becoming a WRN Ambassador, organizations can serve a pivotal role in affecting societal change by promoting Weather-Ready Nation messages, collaborating with NOAA, sharing success stories, and serving as an example. In the five years since Hurricane Florence affected the Carolinas, NOAA’s NWS Raleigh has added dozens of schools, businesses, civic organizations and other organizations to its roster of WRN Ambassadors. We look forward to continuing our ongoing collaboration with our WRN Ambassadors in a number of ways, such as providing weather hazard safety and preparedness outreach content that can be shared by our Ambassadors with the local community, participating in weather hazard preparedness events, and by promoting seasonal preparedness weeks. We are confident that these efforts will help make the Carolinas more resilient in the face of increasing vulnerability to extreme weather and water events like Hurricane Florence.

The National Weather Service Raleigh, NC forecast office is pleased to recognize the following Weather-Ready Nation Ambassadors which are located all across central North Carolina. These businesses and organizations have pledged to work with us to build a Weather-Ready Nation. Logos of organizations that have been named Weather-Ready Nation Ambassadors fill the remainder of the image, with nearly 60 organizations in total in central North Carolina alone, and counting.

Quote from Kathy Dello

North Carolina State Climatologist June 2023

"North Carolina is getting hotter, wetter, and more humid. We are approaching the five-year anniversary of Hurricane Florence, a category 1 hurricane that caused unprecedented damage in eastern North Carolina. Florence was a generational storm that turned portions of Interstate 40 into a river and cut most of North Carolina off from the rest of the country.  Five years after Florence, you’ll be hard pressed to find someone in North Carolina who does not acknowledge that the state’s climate is changing. Future hurricanes will be wetter and are likely to be more intense, though it is unknown whether the number of hurricanes making landfall in North Carolina will change. Atmospheric water vapor is the fuel for hurricanes. Increased water vapor in a warmer climate will favor hurricanes that are more intense and that will produce more extreme rainfall. Increased [coastal] flooding, due largely to sea level rise, will disrupt coastal and low-lying communities. By the end of the century, these areas will experience high tide flooding nearly every day and a substantial increase in the chance of flooding from coastal storms."

Additional links:


A huge thank you to all of the tireless NWS forecasters, emergency managers, local law enforcement, and so many more who worked around the clock in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia to provide accurate and timely information to help save lives and property during this historic event.

Satellite imagery provided from multiple sources, including, NASA Astronaut Ricky Arnold, NESDIS, and NOAA Remote Sensing Division Survey, and Chip Helms and NASA WorldView. The best track and wind radii gathered from NHC archive GIS products. Radar animation for Florence landfall compiled as a radar mosaic and exported from AWIPS. Precipitation maps created by WPC (forecast QPF) and MRMS NSSL (observed QPE). River gauge data gathered from equipment from USGS and plotted in AHPS (Advanced Hydrologic Prediction System). Storm damage pictures taken by NWS employees from Wilmington, Raleigh and Morehead City. Tornado tracks gathered from SPC. Radar imagery of Wilson County Tornado collected from NCEI and sampled from the KRAX radar. Peak wind gusts observations gathered from the NHC Tropical Cyclone Report for Florence. Fatality map created by NWS Raleigh. Many pictures collected from outside of the agency including from DOT and members of the public who sent pictures into local WFO offices by the public. Drone footage of flooding captured by NCDOT. Google street maps collected from screenshots during and after the event. Mental Health data provided by Crisis Test Line data. Finally, Weather Radar Nation collage created by NWS Raleigh.

This Storymap was produced as a collaborative effort between the North Carolina National Weather Service Offices located in Raleigh, NC, Morehead City, NC, and Wilmington, NC. A special thanks to Gail Hartfield, Aaron Swiggett, Dan Leins, Timothy Armstrong, Ryan Ellis, Annalisa Striplin, and Carl Barnes for gathering, organizing, and summarizing the abundance amounts of data from this historic event to make this Storymap possible.

GeoColor image of Florence near landfall time, from GOES-East, courtesy of NESDIS.

Screen capture of the New Yorker article on NWS operations ahead of Florence, published in September, 2018.

Radar Composite reflectivity mosaic loop of Hurricane Florence from September 13-14, 2018, captured from AWIPS.

Multi-radar, gauge-adjusted estimated rainfall from Hurricane Florence, for the week ending September 18, 2018.

A comparison of the NOAA/NWS forecast 5-day rainfall, left, and the radar estimated, gauge-adjusted observed rainfall, right, for September 13-18, 2018.

Radar estimated storm total rainfall from Florence. Image created by, and rainfall volume calculated from, the AWIPS Graphical Forecast Editor by WFO Raleigh forecasters.

Slider showing NASA MODIS imagery before, left, and after, right, Florence

Plot of observed (blue line) and forecast (purple) gauge readings from the Cape Fear River at Fayetteville river gauge (FAYN7), valid 749 PM EDT on September 14, 2018, courtesy of the USGS and

Plot of observed (blue line) and forecast (purple) gauge readings from the Cape Fear River at Fayetteville river gauge (FAYN7), valid 219 PM EDT on September 20, 2018, courtesy of the USGS and

Swipe panel displaying hydrograph from Cape Fear River at Fayetteville (FAYN7) with the forecast gauge height (left) compared to the actual observed gauge height (right). Images courtesy of USGS and

Map of Florence-associated tornado tracks, covering September 15 and 16, 2018. Data courtesy of the NOAA Storm Prediction Center.

Loop of (clockwise from top left) reflectivity, storm relative velocity, correlation coefficient, and differential reflectivity from the KRAX radar, 1058Z-1111Z on September 17, 2018.

This tornado produced considerable damage in Wilson county, including this tree on a house. (Photo courtesy of Reuters.)

Map of Hurricane Florence fatalities by county for North Carolina. Data courtesy of NC State Highway Patrol and Office of the Chief Medical Examiner. Map compiled by the WFO Raleigh staff.

Tree down across a roadway in Raleigh, NC, resulting from Florence. Picture by Jonathan Blaes, NWS Raleigh.

Google Maps image of Fair Bluff, NC.

Model actual versus predicted plot of crisis text volume for suicidal thoughts with a 95% Confidence Band for North and South Carolina communities, Post-Hurricane Florence (blue line), 2018. Data source, Crisis Test Line data, 2018.

Plot of observed (blue line) gauge readings from the Black River near Tomahawk river gauge (TOMN7), valid 919 AM EDT on September 16, 2018, courtesy of the USGS and

Plot of observed (blue line) gauge readings from the Black River near Tomahawk river gauge (TOMN7), valid 204 PM EDT on September 18, 2018, courtesy of the USGS and

Flooding resulting from Florence, on the Black River near Tomahawk in Sampson county. Photo courtesy of the NC DOT.

One of the 27 storm surge poles that have been placed across Dare County, NC.