Hawaiʻi State Capitol Virtual Tour

The Hawaiʻi State Capitol is located at 415 S. Beretania Street in downtown Honolulu.

​Produced by the Hawaiʻi Public Access Room

Statehouse in a Palace

ʻIolani Palace, the only royal palace on American soil, was built by King David Kalākaua to raise the status of Hawaiʻi as a modern nation. The palace was completed in 1882 and King Kalākaua took up residence there, followed by Queen Liliʻuokalani until the overthrow of the monarchy in 1893. ʻIolani Palace used as the legislative and government building for the Republic of Hawaiʻi (1894-1900), Territory of Hawaiʻi (1900-1959) and State of Hawaiʻi until the present State Capitol Building was built.

Throne Room in ʻIolani Palace. Photo by Daniel Ramirez of Honolulu.  CC 

At right: Opening Day for Hawaiʻi State Legislature in the ʻIolani Palace Throne Room, 1959. Photo courtesy of  Representative Katsugo Miho . Copyright retained by family of Katsugo Miho.

Breaking Ground

Shortly after Hawaiʻi became a state on August 21, 1959, the architecture firms of John Carl Warnecke & Associates of San Francisco and Belt, Lemmon & Lo of Honolulu were selected to work in partnership. Plans began in 1960, but groundbreaking for construction didn't take place until November 10, 1965. The Capitol was completed four years later and it opened on March 15, 1969, dedicated by  Governor John A. Burns .

Photo courtesy of Marcilena Lobendahn

At right: State Capitol under construction. Photo by James Y. Young, 1966.

An Island Vision

The vision for a modern and functional place of democracy was one of beauty and dignity that reflected the character of the islands. Not surprisingly, the unique design of the Hawaiʻi State Capitol centered around the birth of the islands from the sea. The structure is set in reflecting pools of water which symbolize the Pacific Ocean that surrounds the islands. Like a volcano, the sloped chamber walls spring from the surface of these pools, reaching upwards toward the open sky.

Hawaii State Capitol - The Building of Our Hawaii

"The open sea, the open sky, the open doorway, open arms and open hearts -- these are the symbols of our Hawaiian heritage. In this great State Capitol there are no doors at the grand entrances which open toward the mountains and toward the sea. There is no roof or dome to separate its vast inner court from the heavens and from the same eternal stars which guided the first voyagers to the primeval beauty of these shores. It is by means of the striking architecture of this new structure that Hawaii cries out to the nations of the Pacific and of the world, this message: We are a free people . . . . we are an open society . . . . we welcome all visitors to our island home . . . . We welcome you! E Komo Mai! Come in! The house is yours!"

opening address to Legislature by Governor John A. Burns, 1969.

Rising Up

The basement of the Capitol houses the Senate Chamber floor on the makai (ocean) side and the House of Representatives Chamber floor on the Ewa side (West Oahu). The courtyard allows public entry into these chambers through the spectators' galleries. Offices for the State's 25 Senators and 51 House Representatives and hearing rooms are located on both the third and fourth floors, along with the Office of the Governor and the Hawaiʻi Public Access Room. The Hawaiʻi Public Access Room provides citizens with services and equipment to participate in the legislative process and is the only fully staffed facility of its kind in the nation. The fifth floor provides a panoramic view of Honolulu from ocean to mountain.  

Source: https://dbedt.hawaii.gov/economic/library/facts/symbols/capitol/

At right: View from second floor. Photo courtesy of Marcilena Lobendahn. 

Courtyard 24/7

Instead of an enclosed rotunda as seen in most state capitol buildings, architects designed the Hawaiʻi State Capitol with a 21,000-square-feet courtyard that soars overhead to an open crown. With the sky as its dome, the courtyard incorporates the elements of nature, allowing sun, wind and rain to stream in. The light, airy style is perfect for Hawaiʻi's gentle tropical climate, welcoming citizens throughout the year.

 In the center of the courtyard lies "Aquarius," a circular mosaic measuring 36 feet across, made with more than 600,000 Italian smalti tiles. Tadashi Sato created the mosaic based on a painting he made of a scene at Nakalele Point on West Maui. "Aquarius" reflected his love of Hawaiʻi in the sparkling waters, submerged rocks and playful shadows of native shore waters.

"Aquarius" by Tadashi Sato

At right: View from inside courtyard. Photo courtesy of Marcilena Lobendahn.

Colors of the Chambers

The chambers have different color schemes -- blue for the Senate and red for the House of Representatives. Both chambers are decorated with abstract mural tapestries designed by American textile artist, Ruthadell Anderson. Each tapestry is assembled with separately woven panels of wool knots on linen warps. The whole piece measures close to 40 feet in height.  

 The wall tapestry in the Senate Chamber is filled with the colors of the ocean, sand and sky. Another central masterpiece in the chamber is the "Moon" light sculpture, created by Otto Piene, a pioneer in kinetic art. This dramatic light sculpture is assembled with polished aluminum and 630 nautilus shells. Wired with a color-changing sequence, the sculpture glows with different hues.

 The tapestry in the House Chamber uses brown, gold, red and orange tones of lava and earth. In contrast to the Senate Chamber, Piene made the "Sun" with 132 gold-plated copper and brass orbs to complement the earth theme. Prisms cast pale rainbows on the ceiling.

Governor Ige delivers his 2016 State of the State speech in the House Chambers. Photo courtesy of Marcilena Lobendahn.

At right: Senate Chamber tapestry and "Moon" chandelier.

Governor Green at the Capitol

The doors leading into the Executive Chamber are each covered with eight panels, representing the eight Hawaiian islands. The entrance to the Governor's Ceremonial Room is graced by glass cabinets housing replicas of Hawaiian artifacts on loan from the Bishop Museum. Portraits of Hawaii's past State governors line the walls of the inner room. The Governor's Ceremonial Room is where the Governor signs bills into law, presents proclamations, holds press conferences and even meet true-to-life heroes.

Governor Green invites University's of Hawai'i Journalism students to the Capitol.

At right: Governor Green signs Act 43 with supporters.

Finding Flora

Forty columns rising 60 feet high surround the building like the coconut palm trees found on every island of Hawaiʻi. The columns reflect the graceful palms, which were valued as a prime source of food and practical materials for the ancient Hawaiians.

Water from three brackish wells feed into the reflecting pools through hibiscus motif spouts. The hibiscus is the State flower.

Koa, an indigenous Hawaiian hardwood, is used to make the paneling in the Chambers and the Executive offices, benches in the spectators' galleries, and cabinetry and doors on the Executive level.

This semi-circle desk, made with koa wood, is located in the Ceremonial Room.

At right: The kukui nut tree, also known as a candlenut tree, is a symbol of enlightenment and a source of oil, light, wood, dye, food and medicine for the Hawaiians. Four planter benches with kukui nut trees are placed in the courtyard to provide a place of rest for the weary.  

For Freedom's Sake

On July 4, 1950, the United States Treasury Department presented an exact replica of the original Liberty Bell to the Territory of Hawaiʻi. There were 55 replicas produced so that all states and territories can ring it on patriotic occasions. 

At right: The Eternal Flame sits across from the State Capitol fronting Beretania Street, flanked by rows of royal palms on both sides. Created by Bumpei Akaji of Kauaʻi, a 442 nd  Regimental Combat Team veteran, this memorial burns endlessly in remembrance of the December 7, 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor.

For the People

On the makai entrance of the Capitol stands "The Spirit of Liliʻuokalani," created by Marianna Pineda.  Queen Liliʻuokalani became the first female ruler of the Kingdom of Hawaiʻi in 1891. The Queen valued her people and devoted efforts to establish schools for Hawaiian children. She was also a talented musician and composer who wrote 165 melodies and chants. Most of all, she was a steadfast, dignified queen who put her people first.  

Martyr of Molokaʻi

A bronze statue of Father Damien, designed by Marisol Escobar, stands at the mauka (mountain) entrance. Father Joseph Damien de Veuster was a Belgian Roman Catholic priest who volunteered to go to Molokaʻi in 1873 to care for the outcasts afflicted with leprosy. He lived and worked at Kalaupapa for 16 years, and alongside the patients, he built chapels, organized schools and choirs, provided medical care for the living and buried the dead. The simplicity of the statue's design reflects the artist's decision "to undertake the work directly and simply in much the same way Father Damien did his work."  

 At right: "The Spirit of Liliʻuokalani"  

Ua Mau Ke Ea O Ka ʻĀina I Ka Pono

Bronze replicas of the state seal are suspended by chains at both entrances of the Capitol. Originally designed as the seal for the Republic of Hawaiʻi by Viggo Jacobsen in 1895, the State Seal is a modified version of the Hawaiian Kingdom's royal coat of arms. Marking the year of statehood, 1959 appears at the top of the seal. The heraldic shield includes a star, representing the 50th state, and puloʻuloʻu sticks, representing the authority and power of government. Above the shield is the sun and below the shield is a phoenix, both of which represents a new era and the rebirth of Hawaiʻi from a monarchy to a democratic government as the 50th state of the Union. King Kamehameha the Great who unified the Hawaiian Islands stands to the left and the Goddess of Liberty holding the flag of Hawaiʻi stands to the right. The kalo (taro) leaves, banana foliage and maidenfern signify the lush fruitfulness found in Hawaiʻi. The state motto is written at the bottom: UA MAU KE EA O KA 'ĀINA I KA PONO. 

The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness.

Anti Domestic Violence Proclamation 10/20/2023

With Warmest Regards

Mahalo for taking a virtual tour of our State Capitol. I hope you will have the opportunity to come visit our beautiful islands and see all that Hawaiʻi has to offer.

 There are many other historic points of interest within walking distance of the Hawaiʻi State Capitol, such as Washington Place and ʻIolani Palace. Nearby you will also find the Aliʻiolani Hale, Korean and Vietnam War Memorial, and the Hawaiʻi State Art Museum.

 Aloha and thank you again for your interest. I look forward to your visit to the islands in the near future.


Throne Room in ʻIolani Palace. Photo by Daniel Ramirez of Honolulu.  CC 

Photo courtesy of Marcilena Lobendahn

Source: https://dbedt.hawaii.gov/economic/library/facts/symbols/capitol/

"Aquarius" by Tadashi Sato

Governor Ige delivers his 2016 State of the State speech in the House Chambers. Photo courtesy of Marcilena Lobendahn.

Governor Green invites University's of Hawai'i Journalism students to the Capitol.

This semi-circle desk, made with koa wood, is located in the Ceremonial Room.

Martyr of Molokaʻi

Anti Domestic Violence Proclamation 10/20/2023