Tahoe's Climate Future

How Is Climate Change Affecting Lake Tahoe, and How Are We Adapting?

This story map highlights how climate change is expected to impact the Lake Tahoe Basin (Basin) in the coming years. It also highlights how Basin partners are already adapting to climate change. Partners include federal, state, and local public agencies, the Washoe Tribe of Nevada and California, businesses, and nonprofit organizations.

Future Climate Conditions

dying trees in forest
Power Line Resilience Corridors

Your Climate Future

What Can You Do?

Where Can You Learn More?

This story map shares information about Tahoe's future climate conditions from the  Integrated Vulnerability Assessment of Climate Change in the Lake Tahoe Basin . The future conditions are based on a standard scenario where global greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise throughout the 21st century. How much and how quickly the climate actually changes will depend on what we do to cut greenhouse gas emissions in coming years.

More resources:

Lake Tahoe Environmental Improvement Program