Predominant Non-English Languages spoken in Chicago
Five of the most commonly spoken languages in Chicago after the English language are Spanish, Polish, Arabic, Tagalog, and Chinese. This is due to the various cultures spread throughout Chicago including those of European, Latin American, African American, and Asian decent. The presence of these varying nationalities makes for large numbers of people who primarily speak languages other than English.
The data used contains estimates of the number of residents aged 5 years or older in different Chicago community areas of residence who “speak English less than very well” for the years 2008-2012.
Spanish Speakers in Chicago
The number of individuals who primarily speak Spanish is spread out through almost every community in Chicago. Of the 2.7 million people living in Chicago, roughly 18% of those people primarily speak Spanish.
Arabic Speakers in Chicago
Arabic speakers are mostly reside in the northern parts of Chicago. There is however a large population of Arab Americans and Palestinian communities located not too far from Chicago in the southwest suburbs area.
Tagalog Speakers in Chicago
As with Arabic speakers, Tagalog speaker appear to reside in the same area of the the northern part of Chicago.
Polish Speakers in Chicago
Many Polish speakers reside within the northwest area of Chicago as well other parts. Although it doesn't seem like it, Polish is the third most common non-English language spoken in Chicago after Spanish and Chinese.
Chinese Speakers in Chicago
Most of the Chinese speakers are concentrated near the Heart of Chicago in Chinatown. Chinese is the second most commonly spoken non-English language in Chicago.
Sources: City of Chicago