City of Corner Brook Construction Projects

Capital Works, Construction, and Paving Projects within the City of Corner Brook for 2024.


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Road Closures

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Construction Projects

Corner Brook Capital Works and Construction Projects, 2024

Paving Projects

Corner Brook Paving Locations 2024

Caribou Road

109 Caribou Road to Aspen Road

Curling Street

Sheppards Ave to 160 Curling Street

East Valley Road

Prince George Ave to Lomond Street

Georgetown Road

O'Connell Drive to 91 Georgetown Road

Glenhaven Blvd

O'Connell Dr to Kawaja Dr

Griffin Drive

554 Griffin Dr (100m East)

Griffin Drive

Lewin Parkway to Mill Yard Entrance

Hilliard's Road

Petries Street to 34 Hilliard's Road

Petries Street

Verge Place to 41 Petries Street

O'Connell Drive

Gilbert St to Rivervale Rd

Park Street

Central St to 55 Park Street

Valley Road

Broadway to 27 Valley Road

Water Street

19 Water Street to 25 Water Street

Wheelers Road

Beaumont Hamel to 152 Wheelers Road

Country Road

Bliss St to Atlantic Ave

East Ave

Caribou Road Intersection

Elizabeth Street

Windsor St to 130 Elizabeth Street

Empire Street

O'Connell Dr to Bayview Heights

O'Connell Drive

CNA Entrance to Citadel Dr

West Valley Road

Brookfield Ave to Humber Park

Clarence Street

Blomidon View Rd to Peddles Ln

Harvey Road

Fudges Rd to Batstones Rd

Herald Avenue

Broadway to Mt. Bernard Ave

Humber Road

Clarence St to 86 Humber Road

O'Connell Drive

CB Stream Bridge to Upper Parking Lot of Margaret Bowater Park

O'Connell Drive

Elswick Rd to 13 O'Connell

Penneys Lane

Penneys Lane (Entire Street)

Riverside Drive

Port Entrance (250m East)

University Drive

Arts and Culture Center to Sir Wilfred Grenfell College

Veterans Square

Premier Dr to Osmonds Ave

The Paving Process and FAQs

Paving is an essential part of the City’s scheduled annual maintenance work for its roads and streets. Paving projects generally involve phases of work where traffic may be impacted for shorter durations, but roads remain open.

Repaving a road involves the following steps:

  1. The milling process. Milling is done by a large machine that grinds the top surface off the old asphalt. This ensures that when new asphalt is added, the road maintains the same height and matches adjacent curbs, driveways and intersections.
  2. Repair and adjust manhole covers. This is a crucial step done by hand to protect the integrity of the finished project.
  3. Line painting and, when needed, adding crushed rock on the shoulders. These steps all must follow in a specific sequence at just the right time to give a durable and smooth finished product.
  4. Paving day. The trucks first spray 'tack' as a type of treatment that helps new pavement bond to the existing pavement.
  5. An asphalt spreader places the asphalt in a consistent thickness and width and compacts the asphalt.
  6. Rollers travel behind to seal the surface.

Why is there typically a delay between the milling and the paving process?

After milling, crews must repair and adjust manhole covers. This is a crucial step that must be done by hand to protect the integrity of the finished project and avoid premature failure of the pavement.

Why can’t paving be done in the rain?

Paving can only be done under the right conditions – the surface must be clean, dry and the right temperature before a new coat of asphalt can go on.

What factors influence where the City decides to pave?

When choosing locations to pave, the City considers how long ago a road was paved, the condition (patches, cracks, and potholes) as well as rutting that can create unsafe conditions for drivers.

How does the City plan and source paving projects?

The City carefully plans for paving projects to ensure the best roads we can provide while continuing to work within approved budgets. To do this, we work with qualified contractors sourced by competitive bidding to do much of the work.

What is the cost of the paving projects?

Total Cost of the 2024 Paving Program: $3,465,585.95

109 Caribou Road to Aspen Road

Sheppards Ave to 160 Curling Street

Prince George Ave to Lomond Street

O'Connell Drive to 91 Georgetown Road

O'Connell Dr to Kawaja Dr

554 Griffin Dr (100m East)

Lewin Parkway to Mill Yard Entrance

Petries Street to 34 Hilliard's Road

Verge Place to 41 Petries Street

Gilbert St to Rivervale Rd

Central St to 55 Park Street

Broadway to 27 Valley Road

19 Water Street to 25 Water Street

Beaumont Hamel to 152 Wheelers Road

Bliss St to Atlantic Ave

Caribou Road Intersection

Windsor St to 130 Elizabeth Street

O'Connell Dr to Bayview Heights

CNA Entrance to Citadel Dr

Brookfield Ave to Humber Park

Blomidon View Rd to Peddles Ln

Fudges Rd to Batstones Rd

Broadway to Mt. Bernard Ave

Clarence St to 86 Humber Road

CB Stream Bridge to Upper Parking Lot of Margaret Bowater Park

Elswick Rd to 13 O'Connell

Penneys Lane (Entire Street)

Port Entrance (250m East)

Arts and Culture Center to Sir Wilfred Grenfell College

Premier Dr to Osmonds Ave