Amazon Fulfillment Centers

Monitoring Economic Impacts of COVID-19

Status of Distribution Warehouses

Monitoring distribution warehouses can provide clues on the volume of shipments, online shopping trends, and the operational status of individual facilities.

Ursa Space is monitoring:

  • 46 Amazon fulfillment centers across the US

We can help answer questions like:

  • Are warehouses relatively busy for this time of year?
  • Are there regional differences?
  • Does it appear that a spike in COVID-19 cases slows down operations?

Using  synthetic aperture radar (SAR)  technology, we are able to determine the amount of man-made objects in an area, e.g. number of trucks.

By monitoring Amazon's fulfillment centers, Ursa Space can provide a pulse on consumer demand for 'nowcasting' revenue trends ahead of quarterly releases.

There is a 76% correlation between the SAR Activity Index and Amazon's revenue from Q1 2018 onward.

 Ursa Space Systems  is continually monitoring vital locations around the world using satellite imagery to provide a deeper understanding of the socio-economic impacts of COVID-19.

Ursa Space Systems is a U.S.-based satellite intelligence company that provides business and government decision-makers access to on-demand analytic solutions. Through its radar satellite network and data fusion expertise, Ursa Space detects real-time changes in the physical world to expand transparency. The company’s subscription and custom services enable clients to access satellite imagery and analytic results with no geographic, political, or weather-related limitations.

Contact  for more information.

©Ursa Space Systems Inc. ·  · (607) 216-6234