2021 Scarecrow Roadshow

October 8 - 11, 2021

This Thanksgiving, come celebrate the harvest season with the Asphodel-Norwood Scarecrow Roadshow!

Click or hover over the orange arrows to view the addresses on the Asphodel-Norwood Scarecrow Roadshow tour. Click on the Expand button in the top right corner to exit full-screen mode.

Residents of the Township of Asphodel-Norwood who have registered for the Scarecrow Roadshow will be entered into a random draw to win a Thanksgiving themed goodie platter and gift card from  Sweetheart's Bakery .

"The Scarecrow Road Show has given us a chance to take our décor roadside and get creative with our yoga scarecrows!! We are happy to participate in a fun, neighborhood event and look forward to the tour."-- quote from the Watts Family, 2020 and 2021 participants

Contest Rules & Regulations:

All entries must be registered by October 4, 2021.

  • Register with the Township Office, it’s FREE! 

Registration form can be found at  www.antownship.ca/scarecrowroadshow 

  • Build your scarecrow display
  • Submit or request a photo taken of your display by end-of-day October 6, 2021
  • Watch for the winner* of the Scarecrow Road Show contest on our website and social media pages

*winner will be selected at random

For additional information, please contact:

recreation@antownship.ca | (705) 639-5343