PA-PC-2-2022 - Shellfish Growing Area Classification Changes

A visual guide to the changes resulting from this proclamation

This application is intended to serve as a guide to assist the public in interpreting the classification changes resulting from the PA-PC-2-2022 Proclamation.  The maps included in this application are not intended to replace the written proclamation.

Below are maps showing the shellfish growing area classification changes resulting from PA-PC-2-2022.  The maps on the left of the slider are the old classifications and the maps on the right of the slider are the new classifications.  The slider in the middle can be moved left and right to see what is changing.

Growing Area A-2

A portion of the Intracoastal Waterway near the Holden Beach Bridge and Holden Beach Marina has closed.  The official description of the new closure boundaries is as follows:  Intracoastal Waterway Area – All those waters bordered on the west by a straight line beginning at a point 33° 54.8158' N - 78° 20.5729' W on the north shore of the IWW; running southerly near IWW Marker “69” to a point 33° 54.4854' N - 78° 20.5754' W on Holden Beach; and bordered on the east by a straight line beginning at a point 33° 55.0909' N - 78° 15.8647' W on the north shore of the IWW; running southerly to a point 33° 55.0262' N - 78° 15.8639' W on the south shore of the IWW near the end of Halstead Street in Holden Beach; to include Holden Beach Marina, the Sea Aire Boat Basin, the canals near Greensboro Street on Holden Beach, the canals near Starfish Drive on Holden Beach, and the canals near Swordfish Drive on Holden Beach.

Growing Area A-3

A portion of the Lockwoods Folly River has closed.  The official description of the new closure boundaries is as follows:  Lockwoods Folly River and the Intracoastal Waterway – All those waters in Lockwoods Folly River and the Intracoastal Waterway bounded on the north and east by a line beginning on Federal Point at 33° 57.6326’ N - 77° 56.5399’ W; running northwesterly to a point at 33° 57.6858’ N - 77° 56.7862’ W; running southwesterly to a point near Beacon “26” at 33° 57.5325’ N -77° 57.2171’ W; running southwesterly to a point near Beacon “23” at 33° 56.2080’ N -77° 58.7519’ W; running southwesterly to a point 33° 54.6110' N - 78° 01.1093' W in the Cape Fear River; running southerly near Beacon “16” to a point on Fort Caswell at 33° 53.7710’ N -78° 00.9928’ W; and bounded on the south and west by a line beginning at a point 33° 55.7574’ N - 78° 13.4734’ W on the west shore of the Lockwoods Folly River; running easterly to a point 33° 55.7356’ N - 78° 13.2577’ W; thence running northeasterly to a point 33° 55.8529’ N - 78° 12.5732’ W; thence running southwesterly to a point 33° 55.3541’ N - 78° 12.9899’ W on Sheep Island, thence running southeasterly to a point 33° 55.2284’N - 78° 12.7791’ W near the northwest tip of Horse Island, to include the Elizabeth River and Dutchman Creek.

Growing Area C-2

A portion of Courthouse Bay around what used to be Courthouse Bay Marina has reopened to harvest.  A portion of Courthouse Bay around the Second Marine Division Boat Basin has closed.  The official description of the new closure boundaries is as follows:  Second Marine Division Boat Basin – All those waters within 100 feet of the outermost docking spaces at the Second Marine Division Boat Basin bounded by a line beginning at a point 34° 35.3518’ N - 77° 22.2829’ W on the shore north of the marina, running southeasterly to a point 34° 35.3286’ N - 77° 22.2618’ W, thence running southwesterly to a point 34° 35.1855’N - 77° 22.3719’ W, thence running southwesterly to a point 34° 35.1613’N - 77° 22.4083’ W, thence running northwesterly to a point 34° 35.2167’N - 77° 22.4561’ W on the shore south of the marina.

Printable versions of the updated maps and closure boundary descriptions can be accessed  here , or by calling 252-726-6827.