Lumber Heritage Region Management Action Plan

5 Year Plan: 2025-2030

The Planning Process

The collaborative effort to update the Management Action Plan of the Lumber Heritage Region (LHR) engaged active participation from LHR staff, board members, organizational stakeholders, and the broader public. Supported by Mackin Engineering & Consultants, this update process commenced in Spring 2023, following Mackin’s selection as planning consultants by LHR. The planning process began with a kick-off meeting involving the Steering Committee appointed by LHR staff. To formulate the plan, essential steps included comprehensive background research, stakeholder interviews, surveys, and regular meetings with LHR staff. The consultant team closely collaborated with LHR staff to identify key areas of focus for the plan and to consider any necessary adjustments to the vision and mission statement. Additionally, the planning process involved a public survey and targeted outreach to stakeholders. Subsequently, detailed action items were developed to address the identified key areas of focus. After finalizing the focus areas, a second steering committee meeting was conducted online to assess the committee’s comments and feedback on what was developed. The planning process concluded in Summer of 2024 with a meeting of the Steering Committee to review the draft plan and copies sent to DCNR for review as well.

Priority Focus Areas

Through the planning phase, it became clear that five focal points within the LHR should guide the development of the management action plan. Consequently, the recommendations outlined in the plan are organized according to these focus areas. The five focus areas are:

  • PARTNERSHIPS/RESPONSIBILITIES - Foster a vibrant and engaged culture that empowers LHR staff, board members, partner organizations, and volunteers to collectively advance the Lumber Heritage mission and vision.
  • HERITAGE & OUTDOOR RECREATION - Advocate and promote the integration of historical education with outdoor recreation, fostering a deeper appreciation for cultural heritage and natural landscapes among individuals and communities.
  • EDUCATION - Aspire to foster a dynamic and inclusive educational environment through the ongoing development of initiatives, while expanding and enriching existing offerings.
  • MARKETING/PROMOTION - Increase the presence and acknowledgment of the LHR by broadening the brand and establishing LHR as a unique and appealing destination.
  • FUNDING - Enhance financial stability and position LHR for sustained long-term success by implementing a proactive and diversified strategy for funding sources.