Welcome to California State University, Dominguez Hills
Take a virtual journey through our history, academic programs, student life, student support services, and more.
While there is no better way to experience CSUDH than a campus visit, we now offer a virtual tour narrated by a current CSUDH student. Click on the video below to hear why Janelle calls CSUDH her home.
CSUDH Campus Tour
For a more detailed look into what our campus has to offer, scroll through the rest of our virtual tour below. As always, feel free to contact us for any additional information.
Our Beginnings
The key to understanding CSUDH's mission of education, scholarship and service lies within our history. Governor Pat Brown signed a bill establishing South Bay State College. The state of California had the intention to create a premier university in southern California, and they chose Palos Verdes as the location. With this location, the campus was set to be a highly sought-after institution.
Proposed Palos Verdes campus site ca. 1964
Then, in August 1965, an African-American motorist was arrested on suspicion of drunk driving. An argument broke out, a fight ensued, and it led to allegations of police brutality that resulted in the community reacting in outrage. Our campus refers to the incident as The Watts Rebellion, to honor and recognize the reasons behind the uprising as rooted in a cause much deeper than aimless violence.
In October 1965, Governor Pat Brown made the decision to move South Bay State College to its current location in order to provide under-served communities of color greater access to higher education. CSUDH moved to Carson, California, and has since remained a campus rooted in social justice, committed to advocacy and access for all students.
Campus Tour Map - Moving from Palos Verdes to Carson
Original campus drawings and model
The significance of the Watts Rebellion and the move of South Bay State College to Carson, California, informs our campus' commitment to social reform and allyship with marginalized communities. CSUDH remains a campus committed to advocacy, social justice, access, and education for all students, and remains the only non-impacted CSU campus in the greater Los Angeles area.
Students between classes on the East Walkway
California State University, Dominguez Hills is considered a mid-sized campus with approximately 14,250 students. Approximately 12,500 of those students are undergraduates. With a student to faculty ratio of 26:1, students can expect classes to feel similar to what they experienced in high school.
CSUDH has six academic colleges with a wide variety of programs. The top five most popular programs by enrollment are: Business Administration; Psychology; Child Development; Criminal Justice; and Sociology.
Tuition and Fees for a full-time undergraduate student are approximately $7,454 (full academic year). Scholarship offerings and information can be found on the financial aid webpage: https://www.csudh.edu/financial-aid/ .
Central Campus
East Campus
West Campus
South Campus
Contact Us
Thank you for following along as we cover the highlights of CSU Dominguez Hills. If you have any additional questions, we have support links and contact information listed below:
General Information Email: i nfo@csudh.edu
I Want More Info: https://www.csudh.edu/future-students/more-info/
I Want to Apply: https://www.csudh.edu/future-students/apply/
Explore CSUDH: https://www.csudh.edu/explore
Social Media:
- Instagram: @CSUDominguezHills
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/CSUDH
- Twitter: @DominguezHills
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