Augustana College Thermographic Imaging: Seminary Quadrant
The first chapter in tracking heat loss at Augustana College
Augustana College Facilities has asked the Geography Department to produce thermal images of the buildings of Augustana to assess heat leakage that is occurring during the colder months. We began this imaging with the buildings located in Seminary Quadrant (Swenson Geoscience, Founders Hall, Seminary Hall, and John Deere Planetarium).

Image Capturing & Analysis
For aerial imaging, a DJI Mavic 2 Enterprise Advanced drone, capable of thermal imaging, was used to take photographs of the top of each building in the Seminary Quadrant. To create the thermal images, a color gradient is used with dark blue being the coldest, dark red being the hottest, and white being areas where the temperature is above the set range. The temperature range used to capture Seminary Hall and John Deere Planetarium was 26℉-60℉. However, to capture Swenson Geoscience and Founders Hall, the temperature range was changed to 26℉-50℉ to allow for better contrast of colors in the imaging. Furthermore, for all aerial photographs, the temperature outside was 29℉.
For imaging of the sides of the buildings, the same drone was used to capture the photos; however, the drone was held in-hand to ensure accurate and clear images of building sides were taken. All of side images were captured at a temperature range of 26℉-50℉ and the temperature outside was 29℉.
Once all data was organized, the photographs were uploaded to ArcGIS Pro and they were geo-referenced by using the geoprocessing tool titled "GeoTagged Photos to Points". Once all photos were geo-referenced, layer groups were created for each building and all points were placed in their respective building group. From there, symbology of each side photo was edited so that all side photos were represented as "Arrow Marker 9" in the ArcGIS 2D style. From there colors were changed to classify what building they captured and rotation was added to each point to represent the direction each photo was taken in. As for the aerial photos, the symbology was edited so that all aerial points were represented as "Landmark" in the ArcGIS 2D style and colors were added to classify what building they captured. After all data was represented adequately, the sharing tool "Share as Web Map" was used to convert the project into a web map that was uploaded to ArcOnline. Additionally, the geoprocessing tool "Package Project" was used to convert the project into a file that could be uploaded to ArcOnline.

Ranking System
In order to assess what buildings were more prone to heat leakage than others, a ranking system was put in place to categorize these buildings within Seminary Quadrant. The four buildings were placed in either the More Problematic, Problematic, or Less Problematic category. Buildings were placed in these categories by the amount of total heat leakage and the number of hot spots on each building shown from the thermal images. Based on these categories, Augustana Facilities can assess what buildings to hold to a higher priority to others in regards to repairing heat leakage.

Final Rankings
Most Problematic
- Swenson Geoscience
- Founders Hall
- Seminary Hall
Less Problematic
- John Deere Planetarium
Notable Areas
Swenson Geoscience
- Extreme heat leakage was seen on lower windows and heavy leakage was seen on lower windows.
Notable Areas
Founders Hall
- Heavy leakage on lower half of building. Some major hotspots located near the door located on this side.
Notable Areas
Seminary Hall
- Moderate to heavy leakage occurring throughout the side of the building near windows. Extreme hotspots seen in areas where a door is located
Notable Areas
John Deere Planetarium
- Heavy leakage seen on lower level door and stairs leading down to that same door. Extreme hotspot seen on top of the easternmost wall vent.
Web Map
Explore the images for yourself! Click on any point to pull up the images taken at that location!
- Red: Swenson Geoscience
- Orange: Founders Hall
- Yellow: Seminary Hall
- Green: John Deere Planetarium
NOTE: Click towards the tip of each arrow for better chances of all images appearing at each location.