Carroll Avenue Separated Bicycle Lanes

Montgomery County Department of Transportation

Project Background

The Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) is considering alignment options for creating a separated bicycle lane on Carroll Avenue in Silver Spring, from Merrimac Drive to Piney Branch Road. This bike lane will act as a key connection for future users of the Purple Line's Piney Branch Station and is identified as part of the approved bicycle network in the Montgomery County Bicycle Master Plan.

Study Area

The proposed improvements will incorporate elements that are mindful and in balance with the vehicular needs of the corridor, the residential setting of the neighborhood, and the upcoming Purple Line along University Boulevard. These improvements aim to provide adequate conditions for pedestrians and cyclists of all ages and abilities along this section of Carroll Avenue.

Please review the alternatives that are being considered and provide input to help us understand your preferences for how these improvements can be incorporated into Carroll Avenue and your community.

 Thank you for your time and participation!

Current Conditions and Considerations

While designing this new bicycle facility, we have taken stock of what the existing environment has to offer in terms of constraints, assets, and opportunities. These factors were taken into consideration when developing the alternative alignments that are presented later in this story map. Take a tour on the maps below to see the study area's existing conditions:


Asset: Existing Bike Lane

The existing bike lane on Carroll Ave, south of Merrimac Rd, provides bicycling connectivity in the southbound direction


Asset: Service Road

The Carroll Ave Service Road provides a bicycling connection in the northbound direction on Carroll Avenue just south of the study area


Opportunity: Ample Right of Way

The section of Carroll Ave between Merrimac Dr and University Blvd currently has a wide enough roadway to allow for the addition of a bike lane with a sidewalk or a shared-use pathway.


Opportunity: Convert Channelized Right Turn Lane

Channelized right turn lane can be repurposed for green space and wider pedestrian areas


Constraint: Purple Line Considerations

Future Purple Line tracks along University Blvd will impact bicyclists' shortest travel path along Carroll Ave


Constraint: Driveways

Numerous driveways along the study area present conflict points for bicyclists and pedestrians


Constraint: Perpendicular Parking

Perpendicular parking on the west side of Carroll Ave prevents the installation of a protected bicycle facility


Asset: On-Street Parking

On-street parking can provide an additional buffer between vehicular traffic and bicyclists.


Asset: Median Removal

The wide section of roadway coupled with the removal of the median would create enough right-of-way to accommodate a protected bicycle lane


Constraint: Roadway Narrows

Roadway expansion will be required to accommodate proposed facilities while maintaining on-street parking on both sides of the street


Constraint: Overhead Utilities

Overhead utilities will require relocation for any facility behind existing curbline


Constraint: Ride-On Stop

Access to the MCDOT Ride-On Bus stop must be preserved


Opportunity: Right Turn Lane

The right turn lane on Carroll Ave at Piney Branch Rd can be repurposed to accommodate the proposed bicycle facility.


Constraint: Topography

Existing topography limits the possibility of roadway or intersection widening or the implementation of an off-road facility

Facility Types

3 Possible Alternatives

Montgomery County is considering three possible alternatives for the new bike facility on Carroll Avenue. Please tour the maps in this section to see the alignments for Alternative A, Alternative B, and Alternative C.

Alternative A: Cycle Track + On-Street Parking on Southbound Lane (north of 11th Avenue)

  • One-way cycle track south of University Blvd with new sidewalk on the northbound lane
  • Angled Purple Line track crossing to prevent bicyclist falls
  • Existing median removal north of University Blvd to accommodate two-way cycle track on the east side of the roadway from University Blvd to Piney Branch Rd
  • On-street parking only on the west side of the street north of 11th Avenue, no parking on the east side of the street

Connecting to the Bikeway

Northbound bicyclists will connect from the service road to the cycle track at the southern end of the intersection of Merrimac Drive


Connecting to the Bikeway

Southbound bicyclists will connect to an existing bike lane on MD 195.


Wide, Buffered Cycle Track

5' wide one-way cycle track with a 2' buffer marking


Wide, Buffered Cycle Track

5' wide one-way cycle track with a 2' buffer marking


New Sidewalk

A new sidewalk will be installed, along with the cycle track


Right Turn Removed

The current right turn lane will be closed and replaced with green space. Right turns from Carroll Avenue will now take place at Merrimac Drive.


Angled Rail Crossing

The bike paths on both sides of Carroll Avenue will be angled to prevent cyclists from falling on the tracks of the Purple Line.


Bike Box

The bike box will give southbound bicyclists a safe place to queue up during the red light phases.


Two-Way Cycle Track

North of University Boulevard, there will be a two-way cycle track on the east side of Carroll Avenue up to Piney Branch Road. This cycle track will be 10' wide with a 4' buffer.


Curb Extension

The curb will be extended to create a larger waiting platform for pedestrians waiting to cross Carroll Avenue, as well as shortening the crossing and making it safer.


On-Street Parking

On-street parking will provide an additional barrier between vehicular traffic and southbound bicyclists.


Pavement Markings

Pavement markings at intersections and junction points will help alert drivers, bicyclists, and pedestrians of potential conflicts with other road users.


On-Street Parking

North of 11th Avenue, on-street parking is on the west side of Carroll Avenue


Two-Way Cycle Track

North of 11th Avenue, the Cycle track remains 10' wide with a 4' buffer, but with no street parking


Sidewalk and Grass Remain

The existing sidewalk and grass strip on the east side of Carroll Avenue will remain unimpacted


Transit Access

Transit access will be maintained and stops will be located on the sidewalk, behind the curb line. Transit riders will have to cross the cycle track to board and alight from the bus.


Network Connections

The Carroll Avenue Separated Bike Lanes will connect to planned facilities on Piney Branch Road.


Use the sliders below to toggle between the current condition on Carroll Avenue and the proposed design of Alternative A:

Looking north on Carroll Avenue at Merrimac Drive

Looking north on Carroll Avenue between Osage Street and 11th Avenue

Looking north on Carroll Avenue from south of the main entrance of the New Hampshire Estates Elementary School Parking Lot

Alternative B: Cycle Track with On-Street Parking on the Northbound Lane (north of 11th Ave)

  • One-way cycle track south of University Blvd with a new sidewalk on the northbound lane
  • Angled Purple Line track crossings to prevent bicyclist falls
  • Existing median removal, north of University Blvd to accommodate a two-way cycle track on the east side of Carroll Ave up to Piney Branch Rd
  • Existing sidewalk and driveway accesses to remain
  • On-street parking only on northbound lane north of 11th Ave - no parking on the southbound lane

Connecting to the Bikeway

Northbound bicyclists will connect from the service road to the cycle track at the southern end of the intersection of Merrimac Drive


Connecting to the Bikeway

Southbound bicyclists will connect to an existing bike lane on MD 195.


Wide, Buffered Cycle Track

5' wide one-way cycle track with a 2' buffer marking


Wide, Buffered Cycle Track

5' wide one-way cycle track with a 2' buffer marking


New Sidewalk

A new sidewalk will be installed, along with the cycle track


Right Turn Removed

The current right turn lane will be closed and replaced with green space. Right turns from Carroll Avenue will now take place at Merrimac Drive.


Angled Rail Crossing

The bike paths on both sides of Carroll Avenue will be angled to prevent cyclists from falling on the tracks of the Purple Line.


Bike Box

The bike box will give southbound bicyclists a safe place to queue up during the red light phases.


Two-Way Cycle Track

North of University Boulevard, there will be a two-way cycle track on the east side of Carroll Avenue up to Piney Branch Road. This cycle track will be 10' wide with a 4' buffer.


Curb Extension

The curb will be extended to create a larger waiting platform for pedestrians waiting to cross Carroll Avenue, as well as shortening the crossing and making it safer.


On-Street Parking

On-street parking will provide an additional barrier between vehicular traffic and southbound bicyclists.


Pavement Markings

Pavement markings at intersections and junction points will help alert drivers, bicyclists, and pedestrians of potential conflicts with other road users.


Sidewalk Reconstruction

The sidewalk on the west side of Carroll Ave north of University Blvd will be reconstructed


Parking Buffer Continued

North of 11th Avenue, the Cycle track remains 10' wide with a 4' buffer, and is continued to be buffered from the travel lane by on-street parking.


Sidewalk and Grass Remain

The existing sidewalk and grass strip on the east side of Carroll Avenue will remain unimpacted


Two-Way Cycle Track

The northern section of the facility is a 10', two-way cycle track with a 2' buffer and a parking lane between the buffer and traffic


Transit Access

Transit access will be maintained and stops will be located on the sidewalk, behind the curb line. Transit riders will have to cross the cycle track to board and alight from the bus.


Network Connections

The Carroll Avenue Separated Bike Lanes will connect to planned facilities on Piney Branch Road.


Use the sliders below to toggle between the current condition on Carroll Avenue and the proposed design of Alternative B:

Looking north on Carroll Avenue at Merrimac Drive

Looking north on Carroll Avenue between Osage Street and 11th Avenue

Looking north on Carroll Avenue from south of the main entrance of the New Hampshire Estates Elementary School Parking Lot

Alternative C: Shared-Use Path - On-Street Parking on the northbound lane of Carroll Ave

  • Shared-use path installed on the east side of Carroll Ave south of University Blvd
  • Angled Purple Line track crossing create a safer crossing for bicyclists
  • The existing median and sidewalk will be removed to install the shared-use path north of University Blvd to Piney Branch Rd
  • All existing driveway accesses would remain
  • On-street parking only on the northbound lane north of 11th Ave- Parking on the southbound lane will only be in front of New Hampshire Estates Elementary School

Southbound Connection

Bicyclists connect to a bike lane on MD 195


Northbound Connection

Bicyclists can connect from the service road to the shared-use path at the intersection


Shared-Use Path with Grass Buffer

The 10' wide shared-use path will have a grass buffer to protect pedestrians and bicyclists from traffic.


Right Turn Lane Removed

The right turn at University Blvd will be removed, right turns will be made at Merrimac Dr.


Crossing the Purple Line

The shared crosswalk traversing the purple line will be at a right angle to the tracks, preventing bicyclists from falling and to allow all users clear sight lines.


On-Street Parking Buffer

The shared-use path will be buffered by an on-street parking lane north of University Blvd.


Shared-Use Path with Grass Buffer

The existing sidewalk and grass will be replaced with a 10' shared-use path and a 4' grass buffer. The installation will be towards the roadway, avoiding impacts to residential properties.


Curb Extension

A curb extension will be provided to grant pedestrians a place to wait to cross the street, give pedestrians a shorter crossing, and slow drivers through the intersection.


New Sidewalk and Parking

A new sidewalk and on-street parking will be added in front of New Hampshire Estates Elementary School.


West Side Street Parking Ends

There is no street parking on the west side of Carroll Ave beyond New Hampshire Estates Elementary School


Access to Transit

Current access to transit will be maintained. A user waiting area is provided adjacent to the shared-use path.


Future Connections

The shared-use path will connect will future Piney Branch Road facilities.


Use the sliders below to toggle between the current condition on Carroll Avenue and the proposed design of Alternative C:

Looking north on Carroll Avenue at Merrimac Drive

Looking north on Carroll Avenue between Osage Street and 11th Avenue

Looking north on Carroll Avenue from south of the main entrance of the New Hampshire Estates Elementary School Parking Lot

Alternative Comparison Matrix

Use the matrix below to compare each option as it relates to the project development impacts and the level of interaction between travel modes provided:

Let Us Know What You Think!

Please use the survey below to help the project team know which alternative you would prefer:

Carroll Ave SBL Alignment Question

Looking north on Carroll Avenue at Merrimac Drive

Looking north on Carroll Avenue between Osage Street and 11th Avenue

Looking north on Carroll Avenue from south of the main entrance of the New Hampshire Estates Elementary School Parking Lot

Looking north on Carroll Avenue at Merrimac Drive

Looking north on Carroll Avenue between Osage Street and 11th Avenue

Looking north on Carroll Avenue from south of the main entrance of the New Hampshire Estates Elementary School Parking Lot

Looking north on Carroll Avenue at Merrimac Drive

Looking north on Carroll Avenue between Osage Street and 11th Avenue

Looking north on Carroll Avenue from south of the main entrance of the New Hampshire Estates Elementary School Parking Lot