Damage - Port Tampa Bay

The Tampa Bay Hurricane of 1921

Take a look back at the events that unfolded.

Advanced Research Weather Research and Forecasting Model (ARWRF) Depiction of 1921 Hurricane
Advanced Research Weather Research and Forecasting Model (ARWRF) Depiction of 1921 Hurricane
Weather Map from October 21st, 1921
Weather Map from October 21st, 1921
Weather Map from October 22nd, 1921
Weather Map from October 22nd, 1921

NWS Tampa Bay

The Team Working 24/7

Whenever severe weather heads this way, our team of experts is working around the clock to ensure you have the most up-to-date information.

Nigh shift crew working during Tropical Storm Elsa
Nigh shift crew working during Tropical Storm Elsa

Night Shift Working During Tropical Storm Elsa, 2021 (From Left to Right) - Jen Hubbard, Keily Delerme, Tyler Fleming, Dan Noah, Tony Hurt

More than ever, proper planning is essential in order to effectively respond before, during, and after the storm. Are you prepared? Be sure to head over to  ready.gov ,  hurricanes.gov , and  weather.gov  for more information. We do not want you to be scared. We want you to be prepared.

Special Thanks & Attributions

The NWS Tampa Bay Area would like to recognize the significant contributions of the entire team that has worked to collect and develop the content for the 100th anniversary of the 1921 hurricane. Additionally, we would like to thank our partners who made contributions to the content and provided recorded interviews, resources, and images to help supplement our content. We sincerely appreciate your collaboration and efforts on this project.


Brian LaMarre

Warning Coordination Meteorologist

Dan Noah (the only Noah in NOAA)

Science and Operations Officer

Bryan Mroczka (we miss you Bryan!)

Senior Meteorologist & Team Lead

Jen Hubbard

Senior Meteorologists

Paul Close, Nicole Carlisle


Stephen Shiveley, Keily Delerme, Tony Hurt, Austen Flannery, Amanda Lee

Historic Photos from Hillsborough County

Tampa Bay History Center, Preserve America Initiative

Storm Surge Sign Locations

Hillsborough County

Interviews on Tampa Impacts & Preparations at the Port

Dennis Martin - Port Tampa Bay, Dwayne Keith - Marine Towing of Tampa

Historic Photos from Pinellas County

St. Petersburg Museum of History, Gulfport Historical Society

Historic Photos from Manatee County

Florida Maritime Museum, Manatee County Library System

Historical Weather Charts

NOAA Central Library

U.S. Weather Bureau Proposed Track of the 1921 Hurricane

Monthly Weather Review, October 1921, Preserve America Initiative

Historical Newspaper Clippings

Preserve America Initiative, UF Digital Collection

Historical Image of Hog Island

Heritage Village Archives & Library

Historical Track Archive


Storm Surge Viewer


Storm Surge Video


1921 Hurricane Simulations

NOAA-CIRES-DOE Twentieth Century Reanalysis (20CR) Dataset, Advanced Weather Research and Forecasting Model

Night Shift Working During Tropical Storm Elsa, 2021 (From Left to Right) - Jen Hubbard, Keily Delerme, Tyler Fleming, Dan Noah, Tony Hurt