Unfunded Chinook Projects
Supporting Chinook Projects Helps Orca Recovery
Southern Resident killer whales rely heavily on Chinook salmon for food, 1 making up about 80 percent of their diet, especially in the summer. 1,2 When Chinook are not available, Southern Residents have been known to eat other prey including chum, coho, and sockeye salmon, steelhead trout, herring, and halibut. 3
Restoration efforts to protect and restore Chinook-bearing habitat are an important part of helping Southern Residents. Projects that help improve conditions for Chinook are tracked in the Salmon Recovery Portal, which is an online database that contains salmon habitat recovery actions across Washington State.
Great progress has been made over the decades but there are many important salmon restoration projects that go unfunded each year. Explore the map below to see the projects that benefit Chinook recovery around the state that need funding.