Ngā Kaihanga Ara
Public database of members of the NZ trailmakers network
Click on the pins or scroll through the list of community trail groups to learn more about members of the network.
Add your group to the map
If you belong to a community volunteer group or trust that designs, builds or maintains trails or other access to the outdoors, add your group's details to the map .
Sign up for more news
Herenga ā Nuku Aotearoa facilitates a nationwide network of trailmaker groups and trusts. The network meets via video conferencing 4 times per year. People discuss issues that they have in common, tautoko each other and offer advice.
If your group wants to join the network or learn more, contact our partnership advisor at partners@herengaanuku.govt.nz .
Get support
Herenga ā Nuku’s team of regional field advisors are a great first port of call when you have trail-building questions. They’re an incredible wealth of knowledge and will point you in the right direction. They also share resources that groups can use to help them build or maintain trails.
Our website also has a lot of information, including resources, to help you create the best possible outdoor access. We have information on including others, protecting the land, staying safe, using technology, developing policies and procedures, working with DOC, long term regional plans, conservation management strategies, and more. We also have links to information about funding grants, nominations for the Outdoor Access Champion awards, and a beginner's guide to community-led walkway and cycleway projects.