11th and Louisiana
Roadway and Utility Improvements
Lawrence will begin improvements to 11th Street and Louisiana Street to improve pavement conditions and expand bicycle and pedestrian routes within the Historic Oread Neighborhood. The project will create a walkable and bikeable route to the eastern edge of the University of Kansas campus and enhance safety for all modes of transportation.
Complete streets concepts, the Lawrence Bike Plan, and the Lawrence Pedestrian Plan provided the vision for these improvements.
Our Project
The project will include the full pavement replacement and roadway reconstruction of 11 th Street between Ohio Street to the east and Indiana Street to the west and Louisiana Street between 11 th Street to the north and 12 th Street to the south.
Bicycle lanes and sidewalks will be added on 11 th Street, and the slope up Oread Hill will be flattened to make walking and biking the route easier. Connecting to these improvements will be a bicycle lane and sidewalk replacement on the west side of Louisiana Street.
Additionally, the water, sanitary sewer, and storm sewer lines located within these portions of right-of-way will be either replaced or improved for better functionality.
We Have Done the Research
We have identified and incorporated your concerns and desires for this project. Many considerations include:
- Access for residents during construction;
- Timed coordination to ensure minimal interruption to businesses;
- Coordination with KU;
- Coordination with the Multi-modal Transportation Commission;
- Minimize Utility Interruptions
Key Design Elements & Project Goals
Several design elements have been incorporated to enhance travel and support adjacent land uses such as:
- Replace aging pavement with new, smooth driving surfaces
- Modernize the street and intersections by using current design criteria
- Replacement or rehabilitation of the existing waterline, sanitary sewer line, and storm sewer within the project limits
- Improve walking and biking by implementing complete streets, the Lawrence Bikes Plan and the Lawrence Pedestrian Plan
- Flatten slope up Oread Hill for easier multi-modal use
- Improve safety for all modes of transportation
Guided Tour
We will now take you through a guided map tour starting on the West end of the Project and show concept renderings of specific areas throughout the project corridor.The concept renderings are not final, but will give you an idea of how the improvements will look and feel. You can pan around in the map by clicking and dragging the map. You can also use the zoom tool on the lower right corner to zoom in and out or click the improvements photo rendering to view a full screen version of the improvements..
01 / 13
11th and Indiana St Intersection
Facing Southeast
11th and Indiana St Intersection
Facing Northwest
11th and College Drive (West)
Facing Southeast
11th and College Drive (West)
Facing Northwest
11th and College Drive (East)
Facing Southeast
11th and College Drive (East)
Facing Southwest
11th and Louisiana St Intersection
Facing East
11th and Louisiana St Intersection
Facing Northwest
11th and Ohio St
Facing Southeast
11th and Ohio St
Facing Northwest
Louisiana St
Facing Southeast
Louisiana St
Facing Northwest
Louisiana St
Facing Northeast
Construction Schedule and Phasing
The construction schedule for the 11th & Louisiana Street Improvement Project is compressed to minimize disruption to adjacent owners and the University of Kansas. Tentatively, construction is anticipated to begin on Phase 1 in Spring 2024. The project will be phased to allow access to student housing for the 2024 Spring and Fall academic semesters. Phase 2 construction is anticipated to begin at the intersection of 11th & Louisiana during the University's 2024 summer break. Phase 3 construction on Louisiana is scheduled to begin in Fall 2024 and end in Winter 2024. Advanced notices will be provided to all surrounding residents and businesses about construction activities and access impacts and detours.
01 / 03
Construction Sequence
Phase 1 construction is scheduled to take place during the University of Kansas 2024 spring semester.
Construct 11th Street and Ohio Street roadway, sidewalk, storm sewer and sanitary sewer improvements. Construct 11th Street westbound traffic lane, bicycle climbing lane, northern sidewalk and waterline improvements.
Local Access Full closure of 11th Street east of Louisiana Street to just west of the alley between Ohio Street and Tennessee Street. Close 11th Street to through traffic at Indiana Street for eastbound and at Kentucky Street for westbound. Access must be provided and maintained to 1101 Ohio Street driveway.
Detour 11th Street traffic via Mississippi Street, 9th Street, and Tennessee/Kentucky Streets.
Full closure of Ohio Street just north and south of 11th Street. Close Ohio Street to through traffic at 10th Street for southbound and at 12th Street for northbound. Convert the 1100 block of Ohio Street to two-way traffic.
Detour Ohio Street traffic via 10th Street, Tennessee Street, and 12th Street.
Construction Sequence
Phase 2 construction may not begin until May 13, 2024 and must be open to traffic by August 19, 2024.
Phase 2a Construction of 11th Street roadway, Sidewalk, storm sewer, and waterline improvements, as well as West College Drive roadway and sidewalk improvements.
Phase 2b Construction of 11th Street and Louisiana roadway, Sidewalk, storm sewer, and waterline improvements, as well as East College Drive roadway and sidewalk improvements.
Local Access Full closure of 11th Street at Indiana Street. Close 11th street to through traffic for westbound at Kentucky Street, Tennessee Street, Ohio Street, and Mississippi Street.
Detour 11th Street traffic via Mississippi Street, 9th street, and Tennessee/Kentucky Streets.
Full closure of Louisiana street. Close Louisiana street to through traffic at 12th street. Convert the 1100 block of Louisiana street to two-way traffic. Access must be coordinated or maintained to the drive of 1101 & 1105 Louisiana street.
Full closure of College Drive at the northern limits of the intersections. Phased to allow temporary access to at least one drive at a time.
Construction Sequence
Phase 3 construction is to take place during the University of Kansas 2024 fall semester.
Phase 3a Construct west half of Louisiana Street roadway, sidewalk, and waterline improvements.
Phase 3b Construct east half of Louisiana Street roadway, sidewalk, and waterline improvements.
Local Access Phase 3a Close the west half of Louisiana Street. Traffic to be carried on the east half of the existing pavement. Restrict parking on the east half of Louisiana Street.
Phase 3b Close the east half of Louisiana Street. Traffic to be carried on the west half of the newly constructed pavement. Access must be coordinated or maintained to all properties and drives.
Contact the City of Lawrence
Omar Maali, PE Municipal Services & Operations Senior Project Engineer 785-764-1572 omaali@lawrenceks.org
Contact PEC
Alex Darby, PE Utility Project Manager alex.darby@pec1.com
Jason Fundis, PE Roadway Project Manager jason.fundis@pec1.com