Fairmont Pond

A U.S. EPA Region 8 Story Map


The Pond with potential contamination is in Fairmont Park, Salt Lake City, Utah in the Sugar House neighborhood.

Site Location Map

The Park is home to a playground, soccer fields, skate board area, volleyball court, aquatic center, off leash dog park, and duck/fishing pond. The Park is heavily trafficked by young children, after school programs, neighborhood groups, the unhoused and other various populations. The Park is surround by residential housing, an after-school program, multi-use commercial buildings, and Interstate 80. A former gym (in the process of being demolished) and multi-use office building which was burned down in June of 2021 is located on the west boundary of the park.

Site Overview Map

Initial Response

On August 22, 2021 the National Response Center received a report of a sheen on the Pond in Fairmont Park. This sheen was believed to be from cooking oil, or a mineral oil lost from a transformer. Salt Lake City and County officials began cleanup activities and hired a remediation contractor to support their efforts. At that time EPA did not deploy any assets to assist in the cleanup.

On September 8, 2021 EPA received an additional report of the potential of mercury and other unknown contamination was discovered during the cleanup of the sheen report back in August. Mercury was detected in a water sample from the holding tank for the oily water that was pumped off the pond by the City’s clean up contractor. Out of an abundance of caution Salt Lake City closed the park’s pond until further notice. It was at this time EPA was requested for assistance on assessment, characterization and cleanup of potential mercury contamination in the pond.

Additionally, on September 8th, at the request of Salt Lake City, the Salt Lake County Health Department conducted air quality monitoring for the presence of mercury and did not find any concerning readings in the air. The pond is spring fed and currently there is no risk to the drinking water supply or to irrigation in Salt Lake City.

Update (Sep 9 - Sep 10, 2021)


  • Assess Fairmont Pond for contamination and potential sources.
  • Secure area.
  • Coordinate with City, County and State officials on response operations.
  • Plan, coordinate, or deploy EPA assets/resources for additional support.
  • Keep all stakeholders informed of response operations and assessment findings.

Current Activities

EPA arrived on Site on September 9, 2021. EPA met with unified command for a situational update and to discuss plans on moving forward. EPA assumed the role as lead agency for the response. Working along Salt Lake City officials, EPA began media coordination and assessing the impacted pond. EPA contractor staff arrived on scene in the evening to size up the potential need for additional resources, conduct a reconnaissance of the area and monitor the area for any sources of mercury.

No fishing or wading signs placed on the outskirts of Fairmont Pond.

Mercury vapor analysis showed no elevated levels (none above background) of mercury vapors around the park, along the irrigation ditches/creek, along the perimeter of the burnt struct and along the perimeter of the structure under demolition. Readings on average of 7 to 11 nanograms per cubic meter (ng/m3), far below the action level for residential indoor standards set at 1000ng/m3 (most conservative action level). Readings around the vents/portals on the oily water holding tank were around 100ng/m3 and peaked at 250ng/m3. Readings at ground level around the tank were around 45ng/m3. Mercury vapor readings do not indicate there is a harm or any concern for mercury vapors in the area.

On September 10, 2021 EPA and contractor crews were able to continue reconnaissance of the pond area and park. A light sheen along with two deceased fish were observed on the pond. Cause of death for the fish is unknown and EPA will continue to monitor for any impacts to wildlife. As an observation, other wildlife (ducks, fish, minnows) did not seem impacted or affected by the sheen or water.

Sheen observed in several areas around the Fairmont Park pond.

EPA began to collect water and sediment samples for offsite analysis for mercury contamination. Sampling is being conducted to help understand and characterize any potential impacts to the pond and irrigation ditch/creek. EPA does not anticipate receiving results back form the laboratory until late Saturday evening (September 11, 2021). Preliminary results from water sampling conducted by Salt Lake City show mercury levels in the water are non-detect.

EPA contractors collecting sediment sampling in Fairmont Pond.

Safety Message

EPA will adhere to all CDC and local recommendations pertaining to COVID-19 during the site work.

Planned Activities

  • Continue to assess Fairmont Pond for contamination and potential sources.
  • Continue to coordinate with City, County and State officials on response operations.
  • Evaluate if additional resources are needed.
  • Conduct additional sampling (if needed) to characterize the site.
  • Keep all stakeholders informed of response operations and assessment findings.

Update (Sep 11 - Sep 12, 2021)


  • Assess Fairmont Pond for contamination and potential sources.
  • Coordinate with City, County and State officials on response operations.
  • Conduct additional sampling event(s). 
  • Establish a plan for resources and necessary response actions.
  • Keep all stakeholders informed of response operations and assessment findings.

Current Activities

On September 11, 2021 EPA met on site to continue to assess and evaluate the conditions of the Pond. The previous night brought heavy rains, wind and thunder. This storm event allowed EPA to assess the potential for any runoff or flushing of the storm water system to see if that could be contributing to any contamination. Along with observations, additional water and sediment sampling were pulled after and during the rain and sent off for analysis.

The new absorbent boom placed in the creek flowing into the southeast area of Fairmont Park pond near the burn structure.

Sampling results from water and sediments taken on September 10, 2021 were reported back from the laboratory in the early afternoon of September 11, 2021. Results showed no mercury contamination in the pond, water or metal holding tank. Based on field observations, monitoring data and the additional data from the City's samples, EPA does not believe there is mercury contamination in the Pond. 

Sampling results form water and sediment samples taken on September 11, after the storm event, showed no mercury contamination in the pond, water or metal holding tank.

Water quality measurements were collected at sample locations in the park and are within the range of rivers and streams in the watershed.

All sampling results and maps maybe viewed under the  Documents section  of the response.epa.gov site. 

EPA demobilized from the site on September 11, 2021.

EPA will meet with local city officials and emergency management to transition and close out EPA involvement on September 13, 2021. 

Safety Message

EPA will adhere to all CDC and local recommendations pertaining to COVID-19 during the site work.

Planned Activities

  • Continue to coordinate with City, County and State officials on demobilization and close out of response operations.
  • Keep all stakeholders informed of response operations and assessment findings.
  • There are no further planned response actions planned

Sample Results

Water and sediment samples were collected and sent to a laboratory for total mercury and dissolved mercury analysis. Below are maps indicating the sample locations and the corresponding laboratory results.

Sample Result Maps from Samples Collected on 9/10/2021

Sample Result Maps from Samples Collected on 9/11/2021

Map Viewer

A map viewer can be accessed by clicking the button below.

More Information

More information can be found on the EPA website. Please click the button below to connect to the EPA website.

No fishing or wading signs placed on the outskirts of Fairmont Pond.

Sheen observed in several areas around the Fairmont Park pond.

EPA contractors collecting sediment sampling in Fairmont Pond.

The new absorbent boom placed in the creek flowing into the southeast area of Fairmont Park pond near the burn structure.

Water quality measurements were collected at sample locations in the park and are within the range of rivers and streams in the watershed.