US-89/91 Corridor Study

This study identify goals and objectives along the corridor from I-15 in Brigham City up through Sardine Canyon and into Cache Valley


The Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) is working with Box Elder and Cache Counties, Brigham City, Mantua, Wellsville, Cache MPO, and Wasatch Front Regional Council (WFRC) to identify the vision of the US-89/91 corridor over the next 15 years. The corridor will be evaluated on how it functions in terms of road user safety, access, and capacity needs.

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US-89/91 Study Corridor

UDOT Solutions Development Approach

This study applies the UDOT Solutions Development Approach to enhance future capacity in the corridor through projects to be implemented over the next several years. The image below provides more information on what the Solutions Development Approach entails.

Summary of UDOT's Solutions Development Approach

Goals and Outcomes - Survey Feedback

Existing Conditions

Existing Plan Review

This study reviewed plans and studies applicable to the nearby study corridor. This is important for consistency across agencies as the Counties, Municipalities, and MPOs near the study corridor have all undertaken relevant planning efforts that define a vision and goals for the area. The plans reviewed are listed below.

Open Space and Setbacks

For many residents of Cache Valley, the view as they enter the valley from the canyon provides a reassuring feeling of having arrived home. Open space in Cache Valley, including this view is so important that in 2022, residents voted to pass a $20 million open space bond to fund the purchase of selected properties throughout the county; some of those properties could potentially help to maintain this view and enhance the quality of the corridor. For many years the communities in the southern part of the county have willingly limited some of their potential economic development opportunities to preserve these setbacks by directing traffic generators to approved intersections and limiting access points. This foresight has the added benefit of allowing for less impactful development of the US 89/91 corridor and trail network to accommodate future travel needs.

Photo of US-89/91 Highway in Cache County (Photo from Eli Lucero - The Herald Journal).

Safety Analysis

Mobility Analysis

Capacity Analysis

Environmental Conditions

Environmental conditions have a significant impact on the safety and the functionality of a roadway. This section explores common environmental hazards to the area - flooding, wildfires, and animal habitats.

Study Corridor Summary

Solutions & Concepts

Brigham City - Corridor Section

Sardine Canyon & Mantua - Corridor Section

Cache Valley - Corridor Section

Corridor Agreement Recommendations

In 2006, a cooperative agreement was signed between UDOT, Cache County, and the cities of Logan, Nibley, Wellsville, and Hyrum detailing specific needs of the US-89/91 corridor. This agreement states that there should be a recurring agreement every 15 years outlining the needs of the corridor. UDOT has chosen to include Box Elder County, Mantua, and Brigham City in this and future corridor agreements. This section will discuss key points to be included in the 2024 Corridor Agreement.

Box Elder County Recommendations

The following recommendations are specific to Box Elder County:

  • Key improvements at the I-15 interchange with US-91.
  • Limit access between I-15 and Main Street.
  • Implement variable speed limit on US-89/91 in Box Elder/Sardine Canyons.
  • Install a shared-use path or trail connecting Brigham City to Logan.
  • US-89/91 Interchange at SR-90.
  • US-89/91 Interchange at Brigham City Main Street/SR-13.
    • Reconfigure access points south of Main Street.
    • Eliminate Michelle Drive access at US-89/91.
    • Provide additional access through Quail Pointe subdivision.
  • Install RCUT type interchange at the US-89/91 and 600 N intersection in Mantua.

Cache County Recommendations

The following recommendations are specific to Cache County:

  • From Previous Agreement: Improve 2600 S and 4400 S intersections
  • Build RCUT at US-89/91 intersection with SR-23 in Wellsville.
  • Administer proactive access management policy in preparation for future land use and corridor expansion.
  • Implement variable speed limits in Sardine Canyon.
  • Install a shared-use path or trail connecting Brigham City to Logan.
  • Prepare for a 7-lane configuration on US-89/91 per CMPO's Regional Transportation Plan.
  • Potential interchange at SR-23.
  • Potential interchange at SR-101.
  • Potential interchange at SR-101.
  • Potential interchange at Future Western Corridor.
  • Potential interchange at Logan 1000 West.

Project Timeline

Click on the button below to view the stakeholder meeting presentation presented at the stakeholder meeting on November 30th, 2023 and the presentation presented on April 25th, 2024.

November 2023 - Data Sharing and Problem Identification

Story Map Draft 1

April 2024 - Initial Solutions and Concepts

Story Map Draft 2

May 2024 - Final Solutions and Concepts

Story Map Draft 3

Summary of UDOT's Solutions Development Approach

Photo of US-89/91 Highway in Cache County (Photo from Eli Lucero - The Herald Journal).