2021 Business Plan
The Inland Valley Development Agency (IVDA) is a special purpose military base reuse joint powers authority created through the State of California legislation (AB 419).
Since its formation in 1990, the IVDA has been dedicated to the effective reuse of the former Norton Air Force Base for the economic benefit of the East Valley.
The IVDA Board is comprised of local member entities, which include the County of San Bernardino, and the Cities of Colton, Loma Linda, and San Bernardino.
On December 9, 2015, the IVDA Board adopted a five-year Strategic Plan. In 2020, the IVDA completed a Business Plan Update to further focus on the following areas:
The SBD International Airport is certificated by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) under Part-139 as a public use commercial service airport supporting a variety of aviation services to the public.
SBD has a presence in the following industry segments: Air Cargo, Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul ("MRO"), General Aviation , Corporate Aviation, and will soon provide Air Passenger Services.
On November 6, 2002, the IVDA and Hillwood/San Bernardino, LLC entered into a comprehensive Master Disposition and Development Agreement now referred to as Alliance California.
This partnership continues to be a catalyst for revitalization of the surrounding project area.
The IVDA achieved a new milestone for 2021, as the base reuse project area has generated a record total assessed valuation of $9.6 billion, as reported by RSG, a 9.6% increase.
GOAL #1: Change the Landscape
- Over 4.2 million square feet of 1940's buildings abated and demolished since 2002.
- Alliance California boasts 15.2 million square feet of development to date and has an additional 1.6 million square feet planned.
GOAL #2: Increase Tax Base
- $1 Billion of total private investment
- $962 Million tax base increase
GOAL #3: Bring Jobs Back
- As set forth by the original Joint Powers Authority (JPA) Agreement, the IVDA's purpose is to encourage and promote new employment opportunities while maintaining effective business retention programs in the base reuse project area.
- The Agency continues to replace and exceed the 10,000 direct jobs lost due to the closure of the Norton Air Force Base.
As of 2021, the IVDA project re-use area has reached a milestone of creating and retaining 17,129 direct jobs.
The San Bernardino International Airport maintains steady growth as the 2nd largest employer.
The chart below shows the economic impact of the IVDA project area for 2021.
With the robust Impacts page, IMPLAN allows us to analyze our regions with multiple events. The table below shows the industries impacted by IVDA data.
Northgate Building 2
3rd Street and Del Rosa, San Bernardino, CA 92408
Gateway South Building 6 (Completed)
Central Avenue and Valley View Avenue, San Bernardino, CA 92408
Since its formation, the IVDA has overseen over $304 million in public infrastructure. Also, through grant funding from the Federal Economic Development Administration (EDA), the IVDA continues to focus on completing current U.S. Department of Commerce projects.
3rd Street and 5th Street Corridor
In January of 2018, the San Manuel Band of MIssion Indians, the City of Highland, and the Inland Valley Development Agency received funding assistance from the U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration (EDA) for the 3rd and 5th Street Corridor Improvements project.
The EDA granted an additional financial award of $2,294,963 for a total grant amount of $9,352,963. Design for this project is now complete. Construction bids have been received by the City of Highland and are being reviewed for conformity in order to make a recommendation to the EDA.
Mountain View Avenue Phase II: Widening and Reconstruction
On July 31, 2018, the IVDA entered into a professional services agreement with VCS Environmental, Hilltop Geotechnical, OPC, WSP and ACT to provide services relating to the processing of regulatory permits to support work for the Mountain View Avenue bridge crossing at Mission Creek.
This requires a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Section 404 Nationwide Permit, a California Department of Fish and Wildlife Section 1602 Stream-bed Alteration Agreement, and a Regional Water Quality Control Board Section 401 Water Quality Certification.
Construction commenced November 2019 and was completed in April 2022 in coordination with the Redlands Passenger Rail Project and the Cities of Redlands, San Bernardino, and Loma Linda.
Norton Air Force Base Water Tower
As a component of the 2004 Water Integration Agreement with the City of San Bernardino, the Inland Valley Development Agency (IVDA) retained ownership of certain portions of the system. While no longer actively operated as a part of the San Bernardino Municipal Water Department's water system, the Water Tower is an iconic structure which also has important historic value for our Norton veteran community.
On March 10, 2021, the IVDA Board approved an agreement with AeroPro, in which restorative and encapsulating coatings would be applied, including maintenance for two years. The restoration of the water tower was completed in February 2022.
Airport Gateway Specific Plan
On June 8, 2016, the IVDA Board approved an agreement with PlaceWorks, Inc. for the preparation of a Multi-Jurisdictional Specifc Plan. This comprehensive planning project will address and align local and regional development and land use objectives.
On April 10, 2020, Kimley-Horn completed the Traffic Impact study and appendix for the Airport Gateway Specific Plan (AGSP).
Tom Dodson and Associates are responsible for the environmental and technical studies. These are near completion for inclusion into the AGSP.
PlaceWorks in currently working on completing a draft of the remaining chapters in the Specific Plan. They are also focusing their efforts on a public outreach plan for the project. The Specific Plan is scheduled for publication in June 2022.
A Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) is required at least every 5 years to qualify for Economic Development Administration (EDA) assistance under its Public Works and Economic Adjustment Assistance Program. This was completed on September 13, 2018.
The CEDS include the Inland Valley Development Agency and the San Bernardino International Airport Authority (SBIAA) member entities: the county of San Bernardino and the Cities of Colton, Highland, Loma Linda, and San Bernardino.
The Updated CEDS strongly aligns with the EDA's focus on building resilience in local and regional economies.
The 2022 annual update to the 5-Year CEDS (2022) will be completed and submitted to the EDA by October 2022.
Established in 2020 by the IVDA, in partnership with the San Bernardino County Fire District, the UAS Center at SBD provides training to public safety employees on all aspects of UAS, including pilot training, maintenance/repair and systems integration. It offers a secure location for companies to research, develop and test their UAS technology.
The Center also serves as a workforce development catalyst, offering programs to youth which prepare them for jobs in the rapidly evolving UAS technology sector.
The IVDA continues to partner with multiple educational institutions to foster the enrichment of learning in the local community.