CAF Density Page

Tall Buildings and Density

This map illustrates how population density changed between 1980 and 2020.

Areas in red lost density in that time period, and areas in blue gained density.

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The patterns are stark in cities like Detroit, where the city proper was hollowed out while outer suburbs expanded.

The opposite is seen in cities across Asia and Africa, where density has exploded over the past 40 years.

The Pearl River Delta cities (seen at left) have swelled from a collective population of 16 million in 1980 to over 86 million in 2020.

Click through the years below to see how the density of the Pearl River Delta has changed over time.

The map below further explores how density relates to tall buildings. Swipe left and right to reveal the location of 100-meter-plus buildings completed between 1980 and 2020 and their relationship to density gains and losses.