Industry Impact Grants

Fiscal Year 2019

The Working Lands Enterprise Initiative and its governing board were created in 2012 to promote economic development in Vermont's agricultural and forestry sectors.

During fiscal year 2019, the Working Lands Enterprise Board (WLEB) finalized over $800,000 in funding to 18 businesses and service providers. As part of the funding available in 2019, the Industry Impact Grants were created as a pilot program for projects ranging from $50,000 to $150,000. Three businesses received funding as a part of this pilot program. The projects impact the supply chain for low grade wood and diary; these two industries were determined by the WLEB to be in need of large investments to achieve long-term viability.

Recipients of the Industry Impact Grants

The counties and towns where the recipients are located.

Gagnon Lumber Inc.

Sourcing their materials from within a 40-mile radius of their Pittsford sawmill allows Gagnon Lumber to ensure that nearly all of their material come from Vermont.

Gagnon Lumber was able to transition to Three Phase electric power for their sawmill.

Completed on December 2, 2019, this project replaced diesel generation with grid power, stabilizing energy costs and securing the long-term viability of the sawmill. This new energy source has allowed for greater use of resources from area loggers. Additionally, Gagnon Lumber can pursue the development of new products such as producing custom pallets. Taken collectively, this project will promote the long-term viability of the 10 jobs at Gagnon Lumber as well as the 40+ jobs the business supports in logging, trucking, and other affiliated sectors. 

Kirby Mulch Company LLC

As a receiver of wood byproducts (stumps, brush, wood pallets, etc.) and agricultural waste, Kirby Mulch serves as a valuable link in the local forestry supply chain.

Kirby Mulch received additional financial support to purchase equipment to increase production.

Kirby Mulch was able to purchase screening equipment, a kiln, a facility scale, and a well for on-side water needs. Additionally, they were able to update their workforce and work environment by hiring a new full-time office position and constructing a small office building.

As a result of COVID-19, Bunnell has had to pivot his business significantly due to the loss of hardwood pulp markets. With the loss of a contract that provided a home for his low-grade pulp, he has created a new market with firewood and pine pulp sales. Customers can find white birch, sugar maple and beech firewood piles to choose from. Bunnell has a 50/50 split providing pine pulp between one family-owned blueberry plots, and large scale pick-your-own blueberry operations. 

He has seen an increase in homeowners investing time into landscaping and gardening projects. By diversifying, should the demand for mulch, compost, or firewood decline in the future, production will shift from one product offering to another. Marketing efforts include the development of a website, though word-of mouth and a Rt. 2 location has served as the best advertising. Outreach to local wood chip purchasers (i.e. hospitals and schools) and additional roadside promotion are in development. 

5 Generations Creamery

The family stated farming and sugaring in Glover in the early-1900s. Over a hundred years later, they still produce maple syrup and small batch cheeses from milk produced on the farmstead. 

5 Generations Creamery was able to complete constructing and outfitting their creamery.

Over a four-year period, they intend to process all the milk they produce into cheese. By transforming their milk into cheese, they anticipate generating additional revenue than with bulk milk sales only. Funding was used to purchase essential cheese making equipment including a vat, pasteurizer, draining and processing tables, and a cheese press. With the updated creamery, in March 2020 – the first month of full batch-sizes – they processed over 105,800 pounds of milk into 10,590 pounds of cheese. Additionally, they were able to hire two new full-time employees with livable wages. In addition to their own employees, they paid local electricians, fabricators, carpenters, and Vermont-based consultants for work directly related to the project.