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Wharton Street Revitalization

Project Background

In 2022, the District of Summerland completed a  Downtown Neighbourhood Action Plan  (DNAP). Created through extensive technical work and community input, the DNAP paves the way for a lively and revitalized downtown area. It includes actionable items, policy recommendations and serves as a roadmap for future revitalization projects.

Protecting and Enhancing Our Core Infrastructure and Essential Services

Council’s Strategic Priorities and the  Roads & Water Integrated 20-Year Asset Management Plan  highlight the need for infrastructure work, including watermain replacement and electrical upgrades, to ensure the longevity and safety of essential services. This includes:

  • Stormwater improvements to service new density and growth
  • Replacement of aging water lines
  • Relocation of overhead power lines to underground

These underground upgrades require significant construction, making it an ideal opportunity to enhance the streetscape as well. By revitalizing public spaces, modernizing streets, and creating a more attractive and functional environment, we maximize the investment and bring added value to the community.

Enhancing Our Quality of Life

Under Council’s Strategic Priority “To Enhance Our Quality of Life" and the DNAP, which supports this priority, creating a vibrant and dynamic downtown brings numerous benefits:

  • Economic Growth: A revitalized downtown attracts businesses, creates jobs, and increases property values, strengthening the local economy.
  • Community & Social Well-being: It enhances the quality of life by providing public spaces, cultural activities, and a stronger sense of community identity while also improving public safety.
  • Sustainable Urban Development: By optimizing existing infrastructure, promoting walkability, and integrating green spaces, we foster a more sustainable and livable urban environment.
  • Tourism & Cultural Appeal: A lively downtown draws visitors, supports local arts and entertainment, and reinforces our community’s unique character.

Wharton Street Revitalization

Through the implementation of the DNAP, we're working to create a downtown that is not only a hub of activity, but also a place where people want to live, work and visit. The first major project being implemented is the Wharton Street Revitalization. See the site plan below.

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Wharton Street Revitalization Site Plan

Key Projects

Project Timeline

Construction is estimated to be completed in 2025, with potential for some electrical work to be completed in 2026, such as service connections and power pole removals.


Funding Plan

The total cost of the project is approximately $8.5 million. The project will be funded through various funding sources, including Development Cost Charges (DCCs), reserves, grants and debt.

Alternative Approval Process (AAP)

The District of Summerland is seeking electoral approval through AAP for long-term borrowing for the Wharton Street Upgrades and Victoria Road South Upgrades.  Click here for more information related to the AAP .


We are committed to keeping you informed throughout the project. Updated information related to the schedule and closures will be available on this webpage and .

If you have any comments or concerns, please contact:

Joe Mitchell, Director of Works & Infrastructure

Funding Plan