Stirling's Doors Open Days 2024

Doors Open Days is Scotland's largest free festival which celebrates heritage and the built environment.

View from the gardens looking towards Cowane's Hospital and the Holy Rude kirk

2024 is the 30 th  year of Stirling’s Doors Open Days festival as well as part of the Stirling 900 celebrations. This year many buildings are welcoming Doors Open Days visitors to celebrate the built heritage, ancient & modern, of the Stirling area.

Doors Open Days is Scotland’s largest free festival which celebrates heritage and the built environment.  It offers free access to over a thousand venues across the country each September. 

Doors Open Days are coordinated nationally by the Scottish Civic Trust and are organised locally in each Council area. Doors Open Days is part of European Heritage Days and is supported by Historic Environment Scotland.

How to use the Map Tour

Simply scroll down the page and allow the map to take you to each Doors Open Days location. Use either your mouse or trackpad, laptop, pc, or simply swipe up or down when using a tablet or mobile phone.

Any images used are either used by permission or sourced from existing published materials

Bannockburn House - Matt Reid, volunteer

Cowane's Hospital - Colin McLean Photography @CMP

Leighton Library - Tom Astbury