Senekal Tourism


Senekal is not only a town full of rich history, but also offers nature-inspired activities and attractions. The Bible Garden is a tranquil garden situated on the grounds of the town’s church. Tourists are encouraged to visit this garden and have lunch in this collection of olive, herbal and palm flora. The rather austere sandstone Dutch Reformed Mother Church stands right in the middle of town, in Van Riebeeck Street, encircled by a wall of petrified tree trunks. These tree trunks, after the scrutiny of scientists, are said to hail back some 250 million years, believed to be related to our current pine and yellowwood trees. The largest of these stands seventeen and a half metres high on the western side of the ring wall. They make wonderful photograph material. (Information obtained from  , )

Tourist Attractions:

  1. Arcadia Vacation Farm
  2. Biddulphsberg Battle Site (Anglo-Boer War)
  3. Dutch Reformed Church
  4. Hunting
  5. Motor Bike Club
  6. Willem Pretorius Game Reserve