Largest Farms in WI
Focusing on the largest farms in Wisconsin, as well as researching what they grow and produce!
1st. Rosendale Dairy Farm

Cows Being milked in Milking Carousel.
Rosendale Dairy Farm is located in Pickett, WI, and was founded in 1999 by three Co-founders. Their names were Jim Ostrom, John Vosters, and Todd Willer. It is the largest dairy farm in the whole state! Rosendale Farm has about 8,400 milking cows. They produce around 78,000 gallons of milk every day. That's a lot! Rosendale Dairy farm is a very important part of Wisconsin milk production.
2nd. Habelman Cranberry Farm

Harvesting cranberries.
Habelman Cranberry Farm is Wisconsin’s largest cranberry farm. It was founded in 1906 by a man named Edward Habelman. This farm is located in Tomah, WI. This farm has around 700 acres all together. Habelman Cranberry Farm also produces products for Ocean spray!
3rd. Badger Hollow Solar Farm
These solar panels are collecting energy.
Badger Hollow Solar Farm was founded in 2008. It is located in Montfort, WI. It has around 2,200 acres of solar panels. This company was founded by Madison Gas and Electric, and WI public service cooperation. This cooperation is trying to find more ways to create energy. This is the largest solar farm in Wisconsin.
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I would love to see these farms still growing and producing in the future. Some may ask, "Why have land prices been going up? How will farms be able to keep growing if they can't buy more land?" The answer is, we don't know what will happen in the future. We can only hope they they are able to keep farming for our nation.
About 99% of farms in the U.S are family farms. I personally live on a farm with about 300-400 head of Holstein dairy beef steers. I know how it feels when you wake up in the morning and go outside to feed calves. You feel so special knowing that you are in charge of animals so important. Family farms mean so much to me! I want to see many more generations grow up on a farm and learn about the hardship and lessons like I did. It is so important to support a local farm because it is most likely family operated. These family farms are trying to grow, trying to teach their children about life, and trying to feed the nation.
I based this page upon what meant most to me, agriculture. I hope what you read today educated you and what different types of agriculture there is out in the world. Of course the three farms that I showed you today are not the only types of farming, but I wanted to teach you on how vast array farming is. Farming is what keeps our globe running. It is what feeds the world. Farming is used everywhere you look!