Current Planning Applications

Scroll or swipe down to view any current applications for rezoning, by-law amendments and development agreements.

Application by Abundant Life Victory Church for an amendment to the Central Colchester Land Use Bylaw to rezone property located at 149-151 Pictou Road from R-4 Multiple Residential – High Density to I Institutional to permit the existing structure to be utilized as a Place of Worship

Application by Abundant Life Victory Church for an amendment to the Central Colchester Land Use Bylaw to rezone property located at 149-151 Pictou Road from R-4 Multiple Residential – High Density to I Institutional to permit the existing structure to be utilized as a Place of Worship. Click to expand.

APPLICANT: David McLean on behalf of Abundant Life Victory Church

Application by 4584800 Nova Scotia Limited to amend an existing Development Agreement on lands located at Ainslie Lane (Lot F1-2 – Private Lane), Valley, NS

Application by 4584800 Nova Scotia Limited to amend an existing Development Agreement on lands located at Ainslie Lane (Lot F1-2 – Private Lane), Valley, NS. Click to expand.

APPLICANT: Chris Marchand on behalf of 4584800 Nova Scotia Limited

2023 - Application by Five Corners Property to Amend the Central Colchester Municipal Planning Strategy to change the designation and zoning of this property to allow the creation of a Comprehensive Development District (CDD), for a proposed mixed-use development.

2023 - Application by Five Corners Property to Amend the Central Colchester Municipal Planning Strategy to change the designation and zoning of this property to allow the creation of a Comprehensive Development District (CDD), for a proposed mixed-use development.. Click to expand.

OWNERS: Five Corners Property (on behalf of 4432357 NS Ltd.)

Application by Tammy Reeves and Jason Reeves for a Development Agreement to permit a grouped dwelling development, four dwellings with four units/dwelling

Application by Tammy Reeves and Jason Reeves for a Development Agreement to permit a grouped dwelling development, four dwellings with four units/dwelling. Click to expand.

APPLICANT: Tammy and Jason Reeves

Amendments to the Colchester Subdivision Bylaw

Amendments to the Colchester Subdivision Bylaw. Click to expand.

LOCATION: Colchester

Application by zzap Consulting Inc., on behalf of Karountzos Developments Inc., for a Development Agreement to permit a grouped dwelling development consisting of three apartment buildings

Application by zzap Consulting Inc., on behalf of Karountzos Developments Inc., for a Development Agreement to permit a grouped dwelling development consisting of three apartment buildings. Click to expand.

APPLICANT: zzap Consulting Inc.

Application by Shane Richard, on behalf of Ridgeway Management Inc., for a Development Agreement to permit a grouped dwelling development consisting of 12 multi-unit residential buildings

Application by Shane Richard, on behalf of Ridgeway Management Inc., for a Development Agreement to permit a grouped dwelling development consisting of 12 multi-unit residential buildings. Click to expand.

APPLICANT: Ridgeway Management Inc

Application by Abundant Life Victory Church for an amendment to the Central Colchester Land Use Bylaw to rezone property located at 149-151 Pictou Road from R-4 Multiple Residential – High Density to I Institutional to permit the existing structure to be utilized as a Place of Worship

APPLICANT: David McLean on behalf of Abundant Life Victory Church

LOCATION: 149-151 Pictou Road, Bible Hill PID 20440491

DESCRIPTION: The applicants have applied for a rezoning to permit the existing structures (the former St. David’s Church and Church Hall) to be utilized as a Place of Worship.

APPLICATION STATUS: First Reading was held on Thursday, February 27, 2025, by Council and a hearing date was scheduled for THURSDAY, March 20, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. It will be held in Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 1 Church Street, Truro.

Contact Jill McGillicuddy at  or 902.897.3170 for more information.

Application by 4584800 Nova Scotia Limited to amend an existing Development Agreement on lands located at Ainslie Lane (Lot F1-2 – Private Lane), Valley, NS

APPLICANT: Chris Marchand on behalf of 4584800 Nova Scotia Limited

LOCATION: Ainslie Lane (Lot F1-2 – Private Lane), Valley PID 20031225

DESCRIPTION: The applicant has applied to amend the existing Development Agreement to permit eight (8) storage sheds.

APPLICATION STATUS: First Reading was held on Thursday, February 27, 2025, by Council and a hearing date was scheduled for THURSDAY, March 20, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. It will be held in Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 1 Church Street, Truro.

Contact Jill McGillicuddy at  or 902.897.3170 for more information.

2023 - Application by Five Corners Property to Amend the Central Colchester Municipal Planning Strategy to change the designation and zoning of this property to allow the creation of a Comprehensive Development District (CDD), for a proposed mixed-use development.

OWNERS: Five Corners Property (on behalf of 4432357 NS Ltd.)

LOCATION: 157 acre property within the Village of Bible Hill (formerly known as the Bates Property). The PID number is 20067658.

DESCRIPTION: If successful, the CDD would allow for a variety of mixed uses including houses, apartment buildings, commercial uses and parks and trails.

APPLICATION STATUS: A Public Hearing was held on August 1st, 2023 with Council voting in favour of the amendments to the Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use By-law. These amendments have been approved by the Provincial Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing and are effective immediately.  Click here to read the staff report and recommendation .  Click here to read the notice of approval. 

Contact Pam Macintosh at or 902-897-3170 for more information.

Click on the button above to read the 2007 Bible Hill Master Plan, which was a study done in anticipation of there being interest in development occurring in this area in the future.

Application by Tammy Reeves and Jason Reeves for a Development Agreement to permit a grouped dwelling development, four dwellings with four units/dwelling

APPLICANT: Tammy and Jason Reeves

LOCATION: 307 College Road, Bible Hill PID 20062352

DESCRIPTION: The applicants have applied for a Development Agreement to permit a grouped dwelling development, four dwellings with four units/dwelling.

APPLICATION STATUS: This application is currently under review by the Municipality. A public meeting will be scheduled with the Planning Advisory Committee at a later date. Contact Jill McGillicuddy by email:  or by phone at 902-897-3170 for more information.

Amendments to the Colchester Subdivision Bylaw

LOCATION: Colchester

DESCRIPTION: Amendments are proposed to the Colchester Subdivision Bylaw that include approval of lots not meeting frontage requirements for the purpose of a telecommunication tower, addition of flag lots, amendments to the provisions of private roads, and text amendments.

APPLICATION STATUS: Council approved these amendments.  The Department of Municipal Affairs and Housing have completed their review. The amendments are effective as of September 25, 2024. Contact Jill McGillicuddy by email:  or by phone at 902.897.3170 for more information.

Application by zzap Consulting Inc., on behalf of Karountzos Developments Inc., for a Development Agreement to permit a grouped dwelling development consisting of three apartment buildings

APPLICANT: zzap Consulting Inc.

LOCATION: 104 Vimy  Road, Bible Hill PIDs 20068540, 20479226 and 20477196.

DESCRIPTION: The applicants have applied for a Development Agreement to permit a grouped dwelling development, consisting of three multi-unit four storey buildings, totalling 162 units.

APPLICATION STATUS: This application is currently under review by the Municipality. A public meeting will be scheduled with the Planning Advisory Committee at a later date. Contact Jill McGillicuddy by email:   or by phone at 902-897-3170 for more information.

Application by Shane Richard, on behalf of Ridgeway Management Inc., for a Development Agreement to permit a grouped dwelling development consisting of 12 multi-unit residential buildings

APPLICANT: Ridgeway Management Inc

LOCATION: Highway 2 Lot 11 – RWR1, Hilden PID 20205266.

DESCRIPTION: The applicant has applied for a Development Agreement to permit a grouped dwelling development, consisting of six multi-unit with 12 units/building, totalling 72 units.

APPLICATION STATUS: This application is currently under review by the Municipality. A public meeting will be scheduled with the Planning Advisory Committee at a later date. Contact Jill McGillicuddy by email:  or by phone at 902.897.3170 for more information.