Current Planning Applications
Scroll or swipe down to view any current applications for rezoning, by-law amendments and development agreements.

Application by Abundant Life Victory Church for an amendment to the Central Colchester Land Use Bylaw to rezone property located at 149-151 Pictou Road from R-4 Multiple Residential – High Density to I Institutional to permit the existing structure to be utilized as a Place of Worship
Application by Abundant Life Victory Church for an amendment to the Central Colchester Land Use Bylaw to rezone property located at 149-151 Pictou Road from R-4 Multiple Residential – High Density to I Institutional to permit the existing structure to be utilized as a Place of Worship. Click to expand.
APPLICANT: David McLean on behalf of Abundant Life Victory Church

Application by 4584800 Nova Scotia Limited to amend an existing Development Agreement on lands located at Ainslie Lane (Lot F1-2 – Private Lane), Valley, NS
Application by 4584800 Nova Scotia Limited to amend an existing Development Agreement on lands located at Ainslie Lane (Lot F1-2 – Private Lane), Valley, NS. Click to expand.
APPLICANT: Chris Marchand on behalf of 4584800 Nova Scotia Limited

2023 - Application by Five Corners Property to Amend the Central Colchester Municipal Planning Strategy to change the designation and zoning of this property to allow the creation of a Comprehensive Development District (CDD), for a proposed mixed-use development.
2023 - Application by Five Corners Property to Amend the Central Colchester Municipal Planning Strategy to change the designation and zoning of this property to allow the creation of a Comprehensive Development District (CDD), for a proposed mixed-use development.. Click to expand.
OWNERS: Five Corners Property (on behalf of 4432357 NS Ltd.)

Application by Tammy Reeves and Jason Reeves for a Development Agreement to permit a grouped dwelling development, four dwellings with four units/dwelling
Application by Tammy Reeves and Jason Reeves for a Development Agreement to permit a grouped dwelling development, four dwellings with four units/dwelling. Click to expand.
APPLICANT: Tammy and Jason Reeves

Amendments to the Colchester Subdivision Bylaw
Amendments to the Colchester Subdivision Bylaw. Click to expand.
LOCATION: Colchester

Application by zzap Consulting Inc., on behalf of Karountzos Developments Inc., for a Development Agreement to permit a grouped dwelling development consisting of three apartment buildings
Application by zzap Consulting Inc., on behalf of Karountzos Developments Inc., for a Development Agreement to permit a grouped dwelling development consisting of three apartment buildings. Click to expand.
APPLICANT: zzap Consulting Inc.

Application by Shane Richard, on behalf of Ridgeway Management Inc., for a Development Agreement to permit a grouped dwelling development consisting of 12 multi-unit residential buildings
Application by Shane Richard, on behalf of Ridgeway Management Inc., for a Development Agreement to permit a grouped dwelling development consisting of 12 multi-unit residential buildings. Click to expand.
APPLICANT: Ridgeway Management Inc