Better Bus Routes: 2023 Network Redesign

Do you want a better bus system for the Treasure Valley? We do too! Learn about what we're working on and share your feedback below.

Woman Sitting on bus

Tell us about you

To help us understand who is responding to this survey, we would like to know a little bit about you.

Tell us about you


When VRT first introduced bus service we focused on providing routes in as many places as possible to connect passengers across the region. As we continue to grow, we hope to provide more buses on existing routes (the “frequency” of buses) to reduce waiting times, improve transfers between routes, and more. We are proposing three different service scenarios to improve transit service for the community.

Current Services

We currently operate 18 fixed routes, 7 of which operate on Saturday, and 2 VRT OnDemand services – one in Canyon County, and one in Eagle. Between Ada and Canyon County, there are more than 50 buses providing a total of approximately 90,000 annual hours of transit service. An hour of transit service is any hour that a bus is available to pick up passengers.

Valley Regional Transit Current Services

Route Colors and Frequency

VRT has been working to improve how riders identify bus routes, with updates to bus stop signs and route colors based on how often a bus arrives (its frequency). These colors are:

  • Green = Frequent Service (runs all day, with periods of 15-minute bus arrivals)
  • Blue = Local Service (runs all day with periods of 30- to 60-minute bus arrivals)
  • Purple = Commute Service (service that only operates during commute periods)

The map below illustrates how changing route colors allows you to see at a glance, which routes will be more convenient for you. Additional information regarding service levels will be available for those with vision impairments.

Current Services in the Treasure Valley Shown by Frequency

Route Performance

Ridership is a major factor when we consider route changes. We look at the number of boardings per hour of service, which shows us which routes are performing poorly and which are performing well. From here, we can suggest changes in service that are likely to generate more riders and better serve the community.

The map below shows the routes that perform well, average routes, and routes that perform poorly. Poor-performing routes are ones we will look at updating, while high-performing routes are ones we will look at investing more in.

Current Service Network Showing Top (green) and Bottom (red) Performing routes in Ada County

What's changing?

VRT relies on voluntary contributions from cities, counties, highway districts, universities, and development organizations around the valley to help fund our services. Due to cost increases and inflation, our current budget will not be able to provide as much service next year. With input from these funding partners, we developed three service scenarios based on different funding options.

 Click here for a summary  of how current routes could change.

Scenario A: Same budget, fewer service hours

This option would shift service from less-used routes to areas of higher demand, all within the current budget; due to cost increases, this scenario would also reduce service levels on select routes and frequency improvement to others.

These changes would:

  • Improve frequency of the 7B Fairview/Towne Square Mall to 30 minutes all day
  • Streamline the 2 Broadway
  • Introduce a new cross-town connection along Orchard - providing options for riders to ride North and South without going to downtown Boise
  • Extend service on Overland to Five Mile and Walmart
  • Simplify service in the West Bench of Boise
  • Make a new connection between the Towne Square Mall and the Village in Meridian
  • Consolidate service between Caldwell, Nampa, Meridian and Boise providing more consistent all-day service and restore all day service on Nampa/Caldwell Boulevard.

The map below shows current levels of service and routes and the Scenario A service and routes. You can use the slider to see how these changes impact the system. Select individual routes on the map to get more detailed information on the initial route concept.

Comparison of existing services and restructured network with the same budget and fewer service hours

Scenario B: Increased budget, same service hours, frequency focus

This option would shift service from less-used routes to areas of higher demand; with a budget increase, VRT could provide even more service in high-demand areas in this scenario.

These changes would:

  • The 7B Fairview/Towne Square Mall would join routes 3 and 9 with 15-minute peak service and 30-minute off peak service.
  • The restructured 2, 6, and 12 improve to 30 minutes all day, as would the current route 5.
  • Saturday service would be added to the restructured 12.

The estimated ridership for this network would likely be the highest of all the scenarios presented.

The map below compares the restructured network with the same number of service hours to the current network.

Comparison of existing services and restructured network with the same number of service hours, larger budget and higher service frequencies

Scenario C: Increased budget, same service hours, coverage focus

This option would shift service from less-used routes to areas of higher demand; with a budget increase, VRT could provide on-demand service in areas impacted by the changes to provide a more flexible transit option.

The estimated ridership for this network would likely be in between Scenario A and Scenario B.

Comparison of existing services and restructured network with the same number of service hours, larger budget and on-demand services for coverage

Tell us your thoughts on the proposals or existing services

We would like to hear from you on the proposals and our current services. You can leave comments on current services and service proposals by selecting routes on the map below or by selecting individual route surveys below.

General Comments on Scenarios

ArcGIS Survey123

Comment on Proposed Routes

Comment on Existing Routes