Three Fingers Fire Lookout
Mount Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest, Snohomish County, WA
The fire lookout is located at 48°10′12″N 121°41′11″W
The lookout sits on top of the Southernmost peak of Three Fingers. Located in the Darrington Ranger District, hikers can get to the lookout by scrambling over rock and snow through Tin Can Gap and up three creaky wooden ladders that ascend to the front door of the lookout.
Getting There
Drive the Mountain Loop Hwy to milepost 7
Turn left onto FS Road 41
Follow FS Road 41 until it closes
From the FS Road 41 closure you will need to bike along the old road to the Goat Flats Trailhead.
The bike ride is 8.5 miles with a consistent climb of 2500 feet elevation.
Give yourself plenty of time for this bike ride, especially if you are carrying a pack.
You can stash your bikes in the woods next to the trailhead
Hike from the Goat Flats trailhead to the lookout, passing through Goat Flats and Tin Can Gap on your way
The hike is 7.5 miles up 4200 feet elevation (one way). After passing Tin Can Gap the hike becomes a scramble to the fire lookout
Beware: Ice axes are recommended for the scramble due to multiple snow field crossings
Can you see the Marmot on top of the rock?