Diversity in Pennsylvania
An overview of the Diversity Index in Pennsylvania
An overview of the Diversity Index in Pennsylvania
The U.S. Census Bureau released the 2020 Census Redistricting Data, which data on race and Hispanic origin down to the block level. This brief is the first in a series that explores trends in racial and ethnic diversity.
This report highlights trends for the nation, state, and counties using the Diversity Index. The Diversity Index (DI) shows the probability that two individuals chosen at random in a given area will be from different race or ethnic groups 1 .
The nation is becoming more diverse. Nationwide, the DI in 2020 was 61.1 percent, an increase of more than 6.0 percent from 2010 when the DI was 54.9 percent. Pennsylvania's DI grew to 44.0 percent in 2020 percent, an increase from 35.3 percent in 2010 [Figure 1].
In 2020, there was a 44.0 percent chance that two people chosen at random from the state population would be from different race or ethnic groups. The non-Hispanic white population was the largest racial or ethnic group in the state (73.5% of the total population), while the second largest group was the non-Hispanic Black or African America (10.5%), and the third largest group was Hispanic or Latino (8.1%) [Figure 2].
Other racial groups measured in 2020 included Asian (3.9%), Multiracial (3.5%), and American Indian/Alaska Native, Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, or Some Other Race, each representing less than one percent of the total Pennsylvania population.
The DI varied greatly by Pennsylvania county in 2020, from 70.5 percent in Philadelphia County to 8.9 percent in Bedford County. Figure 3 shows the spatial distribution of DI values across counties. Hover over each county for their DI value.
Counties in the southeastern region of the state tended to have a higher DI than other regions across the state. The top 5 most diverse counties in Pennsylvania included Philadelphia (70.5%), Dauphin (57.9%), Monroe (56.4%), Lehigh (55.7%), and Delaware (54.8%).
Meanwhile, the least diverse counties in 2020 included Potter (10.6%), Armstrong (9.5%), Elk (9.5%), Jefferson (9.4%), Bedford (8.9%).
The map below uses prevalence mapping to show the geographic distribution of the second largest racial or ethnic group. These maps aid in understanding spatial patterns in race and ethincity 1 .
Statewide, the non-Hispanic white population was the largest group in each county with the exception of Philadelphia. The second largest racial or ethnic group was the non-Hispanic Black or African American population statewide; however, this trend varied by county and only 14 other counties had the non-Hispanic Black or African American population as their second largest group.
The non-Hispanic Multiracial population was the second-largest group in 27 of Pennsylvania's counties, primarily in the western and norther portions of the state. The Hispanic or Latino population was the second-largest group in 22 of Pennsylvania's counties, primarily in the eastern portion of the state. The non-Hispanic Asian population was the second-largest group in 3 of Pennsylvania's counties.
Diversity increased in all counties between 2010 and 2020. As noted above, Pennsylvania's DI grew from 35.3 percent in 2010 to 44.0 percent in 2020, an increase of 4.7 percentage points. Note that changes in the way the U.S. Census Bureau measures race and Hispanic Origin may influence comparisons between the DI of counties from 2010 to 2020 2 .
The map below shows the change in the DI value for each county from 2010 to 2020. Hover over a county to see its change in diversity over the decade. See the appendix at the end of the report for a table with data on the DI value for each Census and the change between decades.
Eight counties had more than a 10% increase in their DI value, including Berks (10.2%), Dauphin (10.5%), Lehigh (10.8%), Lebanon (10.9%), Northampton (11.2%), Cumberland (12.7%), Lackawanna (13.8%), and Luzerne (16.9%). Most counties (48) saw an increase in diversity at least by 5 percent.
In Pennsylvania, the youth population, or those under 18 years of age, was more diverse than adult population, or those 18 year of and and over (56.4% vs 40.3%, respectively). This was also true in most Pennsylvania counties.
The table below shows difference in the DI values between the younger and older populations at the county level. This helps us explore changes in diversity by age. Search for your county in the table below to see its values for the youth (under 18) and adult (18 and over) populations.
Many counties had larger DI values in their youth population when compared to their adult population. The five largest differences occurred in Lawrence (18.7%), Northampton (19.9%), Erie (20.9%), Lackawanna (22.7%), and Luzerne (23.1%).
In Forest County, the adult population was much more diverse than the youth population due to the group quarters population (inmates) that make up a significant portion of the county's population. There were only a slight differences (+/- 2%) in DI between the youth and adult populations in Huntingdon, Clearfield, Greene, Union, Centre, Philadelphia, and Somerset counties.
The table below summarizes the Diversity Index for each county in Pennsylvania in 2010 and 2020, as well as the percent difference. Use the search bar to find your county (listed alphabetically).
To learn more about the Diversity Index and to view more comparisons at the national and state level, visit: Racial and Ethnic Diversity in the United State: 2010 Census and 2020 Census .
The Census Bureau measures race and Hispanic origin separately. Data for racial groups refer to the non-Hispanic population for those races alone. Data for Hispanic or Latino may include individuals of any race. For more on race and Hispanic origin, please visit: https://www.census.gov/library/visualizations/interactive/race-and-ethnicity-in-the-united-state-2010-and-2020-census.html .