41665 - 41707 Government Rd Brackendale

Development Permit No. 539

*Please note that the Public Information Meeting process is now closed for comment.*

The District will still be accepting comments for this project via the regular public comment platforms through the online  Development Showcase  or via email to planning@squamish.ca up until the date of the Council Hearing.


The District of Squamish has received a development permit application, which if approved, would allow for the construction of two new mixed-use buildings located at 41665-41707 Government Rd, while maintaining the existing Brackendale General Store. The project proposes one building south of the existing Brackendale General store, with 15 rental apartments and one commercial unit on the ground floor, a second building containing 13 rental apartments and one commercial unit on the ground floor is proposed to be constructed west of the existing Brackendale General store. The project is subject to Development Permit Area 1, 2 and 3 Guidelines.

Location Map

Background and Zoning

The 7130 m² site consists of four parcels, is zoned C-1 (Local Commercial) and RS-2 (Residential 2). Neighbouring properties to the north and east are zoned RS-2, while the property immediately south is also zoned C-1. The subject property is the site of the Brackendale General Store and is identified as a neighbourhood node in the Official Community Plan. While this proposal is seeking to maintain the existing General Store building and preserve the Riparian Area on the west portion of the site, it should be noted that under the current zoning the property owner could demolish the existing General Store Building and construct a duplex on the western lot zoned RS-2. This is allowable under the C-1 and RS-2 zoning and permitted under DPA 1 and Provincial Riparian Area regulations.

Project Proposal

The development is proposed on the two lots fronting Government Rd, which are zoned C-1. No development is proposed on 41675 Government Rd and the unaddressed parcel to the south.

The development is requesting two variances to the zoning bylaw, an increase to the maximum height from 12.18 m to 14.5 m and a reduction of required parking spaces from 53 to 48. These variances are requested in order to maintain the existing General Store building and preserve as much of the riparian area on the western lots as possible.

The proponents have received a site-specific exemption from the floodplain bylaw to allow for commercial floor area below the required FCL. Building A proposes a 95 m² CRU on the ground floor while Building B proposes a 91.5 m² CRU on the ground floor.

This DP application seeks to allow for the construction of two mixed use buildings, while retaining the existing Brackendale General Store. Building A is four storeys and consists of 15 rental apartments and one commercial unit. The rental units in Building A are a mix of studio and 1-bedroom apartments and range in size from 425 ft² to 653 ft². Building B is four storeys and consists of 13 rental apartments and one commercial unit. The rental units in Building B are a mix of studio, 1-bedroom and 2-bedroom apartments and range in size from 425 ft² to 855 ft².

Aerial looking West

The development is accessed off Government Rd. Vehicle parking consists of surface parking at grade. A large portion of the parking stalls are located within the SPEA of Brakcendale Creek, as this are was being used for parking in advance of this application that use is grand parented under DPA 1 and RAPR guidelines. The parking areas located within the SPEA will remain unpaved. 7 of the required visitor parking stalls are proposed to be shared with the commercial parking stalls in accordance with section 41.7 (c) of the zoning bylaw.

The buildings form and character include materials and forms that reflect the character of the Brackendale General Store. A mix of natural materials, naturally toned materials and extensive landscaping help integrate the buildings into the environment.

Site Plan



View looking North

View from Wain Place

The District is looking for your feedback or any questions you may have about this application. Please note that all submissions will form part of the public record and will be presented to Council in a package when the application is considered by Council. Please submit comments or questions here or contact the District by phone (604-815-5002) or email (planning@squamish.ca). Comments can also be mailed or dropped off at the drop slot at Municipal Hall - 37955 2nd Avenue, Squamish BC, V8B 0A3

Feedback on this platform

Please  click here  to provide any feedback on this engagement platform and whether it works for you.

Location Map

Aerial looking West

Site Plan

View looking North

View from Wain Place