Utilizing IndianaMap for Source Water Protection

Presented at 2024 Indiana Geographic Information Council annual conference

Presentation Topics

1. Using ArcGIS Online and IndianaMap to manage environmental data from national and local Indiana agencies related to protecting drinking water sources

2. Tips for collecting data in drinking water protection areas

3. Using web-based tools to include the public in the conversation about protecting drinking water sources

Who is MCWEC?

  • Marion County Wellfield Education Corporation (MCWEC) was established as a not-for-profit corporation through 1996 local ordinance
  • MCWEC conducts business outreach, public education and implementation of GIS projects to prevent contamination of the groundwater resources of Marion County, Indiana
  • Data and tools are provided to the local water utilities to understand the potential contaminants in and around wellfield protection areas (wellfields)

MCWEC contracts with  Mundell & Associates , a local environmental consulting firm.

Potential Contaminant Source Inventory (PCS)

  • Public water suppliers are required to generate a PCS report every 5 years
  • Prior to implementation of GIS, annual reports were static and clunky - with many data sources that were hard to manage
  • MCWEC transitioned to a set of ArcGIS Online tools which use live environmental data, accessed through IndianaMap.

ArcGIS Online Benefits

Drinking water providers of any size can use IndianaMap to create a free ArcGIS online account to access the data and create their own applications.

Managing the Data

MCWEC created a 3 part Experience Builder app for stakeholders to explore and understand the data.

Collecting Data

In addition to consuming data from IndianaMap, MCWEC collects business data during a yearly drive survey.

  • Basic Field Maps form setup with drive route layers
  • Easy to identifying historic businesses at-a-glance


Drive route layers are created to ensure all businesses are catalogued.

  • Verbal directions
  • Organizes a print-out by location / number for easy confirmation
  • Huge time-saver for urban clusters

Extra cost ~$60 /year

Public Outreach

ArcGIS Online tools can be used to help the public understand where and how to protect drinking water sources.

1. Zone Lookup Instant App embedded on MCWEC website and used at tabling events

Am I in a Wellfield?

2. StoryMap for reporting yearly activities of MCWEC

Protecting Drinking Water in Marion County, IN


There is much we can do to protect our drinking water with just IndianaMap and AGOL tools

Contact Us

Julie Reyes jreyes@mundellassociates.com

Rachel Walker rwalker@mundellassociates.com

(317) 630-9060

Extra cost ~$60 /year