Arizona's Important Bird Areas

A StoryMap Tour


Great Blue Heron. Photo: Claudio Contreras Koob/Audubon

The  Arizona Important Bird Area  (IBA) program was founded by BirdLife International in the 1980's, the IBA partner for the United States is the National Audubon Society. The Arizona IBA Program was established in 2001 and is co-administered by Audubon Southwest and the Tucson Audubon Society.

Tour the Important Bird Areas

Instructions: This StoryMap map tour works like an interactive table of contents and helps visualize where IBA birding spots are at a glance. Learn more about each IBA by clicking on the points on the map or by clicking on the title on the list. Happy birding!

Agua Fria National Monument Riparian Corridors IBA

Agua Fria National Monument Riparian Corridors IBA. Click to expand.

Anderson Mesa IBA

Anderson Mesa IBA. Click to expand.

Appleton-Whittell Research Ranch of the NAS IBA

Appleton-Whittell Research Ranch of the NAS IBA. Click to expand.

Arivaca Cienega and Creek IBA

Arivaca Cienega and Creek IBA. Click to expand.

Aubrey Valley and Cliffs IBA

Aubrey Valley and Cliffs IBA. Click to expand.

Atascosa Highlands IBA

Atascosa Highlands IBA. Click to expand.

Bill Williams River National Wildlife Refuge IBA

Bill Williams River National Wildlife Refuge IBA. Click to expand.

Blue and San Francisco Rivers IBA

Blue and San Francisco Rivers IBA. Click to expand.

Boyce Thompson Arboretum and Arnett-Queen Creeks IBA

Boyce Thompson Arboretum and Arnett-Queen Creeks IBA. Click to expand.

Camp Verde IBA

Camp Verde IBA. Click to expand.

Cave Creek IBA

Cave Creek IBA. Click to expand.

Chiricahua Mountains IBA

Chiricahua Mountains IBA. Click to expand.

GLOBAL IBA for Mexican Spotted Owl

Cibola National Wildlife Refuge IBA

Cibola National Wildlife Refuge IBA. Click to expand.

CONTINENTAL IBA for Yuma Ridgway’s Rail

Gilbert Riparian Preserves IBA

Gilbert Riparian Preserves IBA. Click to expand.

Grand Canyon National Park IBA

Grand Canyon National Park IBA. Click to expand.

GLOBAL IBA for Pinyon Jay, California Condor and Mexican Spotted Owl

Havasu National Wildlife Refuge IBA

Havasu National Wildlife Refuge IBA. Click to expand.

CONTINENTAL IBA for Yuma Ridgway’s Rail

Huachuca Mountains IBA

Huachuca Mountains IBA. Click to expand.

SIZE: 101,028 acres

Imperial National Wildlife Refuge IBA

Imperial National Wildlife Refuge IBA. Click to expand.

GLOBAL IBA for Black Rail and CONTINENTAL IBA for Yuma Ridgway’s Rail

Imperial Reservoir IBA

Imperial Reservoir IBA. Click to expand.

GLOBAL IBA for Black Rail and CONTINENTAL IBA for Yuma Ridgway’s Rail

Joshua Tree IBA

Joshua Tree IBA. Click to expand.

GLOBAL IBA for Bendire's Thrasher

Las Cienegas NCA IBA

Las Cienegas NCA IBA. Click to expand.

SIZE: 37,760 acres

Lower Colorado River Gadsden Riparian Area IBA

Lower Colorado River Gadsden Riparian Area IBA. Click to expand.

Lower Oak Creek IBA

Lower Oak Creek IBA. Click to expand.

SIZE: 3,685 acres

Lower Salt and Gila Rivers Ecosystem IBA

Lower Salt and Gila Rivers Ecosystem IBA. Click to expand.

GLOBAL IBA for Yuma Ridgeway's Rail and Neotropical Cormorant, CONTINENTAL IBA for Albert's Towhee, Yuma Ridgeway's Rail and Long-billed Curlew

Lower San Pedro River IBA

Lower San Pedro River IBA. Click to expand.

GLOBAL IBA for Bell's Vireo and CONTINENTAL IBA for Abert's Towhee

Marble Canyon and Vermilion Cliffs IBA

Marble Canyon and Vermilion Cliffs IBA. Click to expand.

GLOBAL IBA for California Condor

Mittry Lake State Wildlife Area IBA

Mittry Lake State Wildlife Area IBA. Click to expand.

GLOBAL IBA for Black Rail and CONTINENTAL for Yuma Ridgway’s Rail

Mogollon Rim Snowmelt Draws IBA

Mogollon Rim Snowmelt Draws IBA. Click to expand.

Patagonia Mountains IBA

Patagonia Mountains IBA. Click to expand.

Patagonia-Sonoita Creek TNC Preserve IBA

Patagonia-Sonoita Creek TNC Preserve IBA. Click to expand.

Pinaleno Mountains IBA

Pinaleno Mountains IBA. Click to expand.

Quigley State Wildlife Area IBA

Quigley State Wildlife Area IBA. Click to expand.

Salt and Verde Riparian IBA

Salt and Verde Riparian IBA. Click to expand.

San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area IBA

San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area IBA. Click to expand.

GLOBAL IBA for Bell's Vireo

San Rafael Grasslands IBA

San Rafael Grasslands IBA. Click to expand.

GLOBAL IBA for Chestnut Collared Longspur (wintering)

Santa Rita Mountains IBA

Santa Rita Mountains IBA. Click to expand.

Sonoita Creek State Natural Area / Patagonia Lake IBA

Sonoita Creek State Natural Area / Patagonia Lake IBA. Click to expand.

Sonoran Desert Borderlands IBA

Sonoran Desert Borderlands IBA. Click to expand.

Tanque Verde Wash / Sabino Canyon IBA

Tanque Verde Wash / Sabino Canyon IBA. Click to expand.

Tucson Mountains IBA

Tucson Mountains IBA. Click to expand.

Tucson Sky Islands IBA

Tucson Sky Islands IBA. Click to expand.

Tuzigoot IBA

Tuzigoot IBA. Click to expand.

Upper Little Colorado River Watershed IBA

Upper Little Colorado River Watershed IBA. Click to expand.

Upper Santa Cruz River IBA

Upper Santa Cruz River IBA. Click to expand.

Upper Verde River State Wildlife Area IBA

Upper Verde River State Wildlife Area IBA. Click to expand.

Watson and Willow Lakes Ecosystem IBA

Watson and Willow Lakes Ecosystem IBA. Click to expand.

Whitewater Draw State Wildlife Area IBA

Whitewater Draw State Wildlife Area IBA. Click to expand.

GLOBAL IBA for Sandhill Crane

Willcox Playa / Cochise Lakes IBA

Willcox Playa / Cochise Lakes IBA. Click to expand.

GLOBAL IBA for Sandhill Crane

Agua Fria National Monument Riparian Corridors IBA

SIZE: 16,843 acres

OWNERSHIP: U.S. Bureau of Land Management

VISITING THE IBA: The Agua Fria National Monument is located 40 miles north of Phoenix, AZ. The best places to see birds is at Horseshoe Ford on the Bloody Basin Road and downstream of EZ Ranch southeast of Cordes Lakes. Best time of year is spring and early summer.

Anderson Mesa IBA

GLOBAL IBA for Pinyon Jay

SIZE: 261 square miles, 167509 acres

OWNERSHIP: Coconino National Forest and private landowners.

VISITING THE IBA: Located 20 miles SE of Flagstaff. Lower Lake Mary, Kinnickinick Lake, and Mormon Lake are good birding spots. Best times of year are fall and spring.

Appleton-Whittell Research Ranch of the NAS IBA

SIZE: 7,723 acres

OWNERSHIP: National Audubon Society, Swift Land and Cattle, Coronado National Forest, Bureau of Land Management.

VISITING THE IBA: The Ranch is located south of the town of Elgin. We advise visitors to call before visiting. Best time of year is July-September.

Arivaca Cienega and Creek IBA

SIZE: 4,930 acres

OWNERSHIP: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, State Trust Lands, Private (with permission).

VISITING THE IBA: From Tucson take Interstate 19 to the Arivaca exit. The cienega is just south of Arivaca. A public trail is east of Arivaca. Best times of year are fall and spring.

Aubrey Valley and Cliffs IBA

SIZE: 246,538 acres

OWNERSHIP: Land is private and owned by Navajo Nation

VISITING THE IBA: Primary access is at Pika Camp gate located north of old Route 66 just before milepost 123. Best times of year is fall when hawks are migrating.

Atascosa Highlands IBA

SIZE: 200,320 Acres

OWNERSHIP: Coronado National Forest

VISITING THE IBA: California Gulch and Sycamore Canyon (walking access only) are the most popular destinations. From Arivaca drive south on Forest Road 39 (Ruby Road). Look for the Sycamore Canyon trailhead Good birding locations for 5-striped sparrow and other Mexico rarities. Great locations all times of the year.

Bill Williams River National Wildlife Refuge IBA

GLOBAL IBA for Bell's Vireo & Black Rail CONTINENTAL IBA for Yuma Ridgway’s Rail & Clark's Grebe

SIZE: 6000 acres

OWNERSHIP: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

VISITING THE IBA: Follow Arizona Highway 95 south from Lake Havasu City ~23 miles. Best places to see birds are at the visitor center near the dam and the walking trail on the old road at Bill Williams River. Best times of year are fall and spring.

Blue and San Francisco Rivers IBA

SIZE: 106,642 acres

OWNERSHIP: Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest (private lands with permission).

VISITING THE IBA: Located adjacent to the New Mexico border, northeast of Clifton and south of Alpine. Best places to see birds is along the Blue River Road and Forest Road 281 south of Luna Lake. Best times of year are spring and summer.

Boyce Thompson Arboretum and Arnett-Queen Creeks IBA

SIZE: 3,071 acres

OWNERSHIP: Boyce Thompson Arboretum and Tonto National Forest

VISITING THE IBA: Highway 60 east from Phoenix toward Superior to BTA turn off. Best times of year are spring and fall.

Camp Verde IBA

SIZE: 3,880 Acres

OWNERSHIP: Town of Camp Verde, National Park, Coconino National Forest, private

VISITING THE IBA: The publicly accessible areas of the Verde River are currently Rezzonico Park in Camp Verde, Montezuma Castle NP, and West Clear Creek campground. Exit I-17 at Middle Verde Road and drive south to Montezuma Castle Road. Best time is spring and early summer.

Waterfall Trail on Fossil Creek. Photo: Coconino National Forest Service.

Cave Creek IBA

SIZE: 2,657 acres

OWNERSHIP: Tonto National Forest, Spur Cross Conservation Area (Maricopa County Park), Desert Foothills Land Trust, Private (Permission only).

VISITING THE IBA: Access to the Tonto National Forest is via Seven Springs Road (Forest Road 24) north of Scottsdale and Spur Cross Conservation Area and  Jewel of the Creek  at the end of Spur Cross Road north of the town of Cave Creek. Great locations all times of the year.  

Chiricahua Mountains IBA

GLOBAL IBA for Mexican Spotted Owl

SIZE: 289,600 acres

OWNERSHIP: Coronado National Forest

VISITING THE IBA: From Sierra Vista go east on Hwy 90 then south on Hwy 80 through Bisbee and Douglas, continuing northeast on Hwy 80 to Rodeo, NM. Go west on Portal Road about 2 miles north of Rodeo.

Cibola National Wildlife Refuge IBA

CONTINENTAL IBA for Yuma Ridgway’s Rail

SIZE: 14,578 acres


VISITING THE IBA: From Blythe, go west on I-10 to Neighbours Boulevard/78 exit and then south on Neighbours Blvd/78 for 17 miles to the headquarters. A driving route and walking trails are nearby. Best time of year is winter and early spring.

Gilbert Riparian Preserves IBA

SIZE: 200 acres

OWNERSHIP: Town of Gilbert

VISITING THE IBA: Take US 60 to the Greenfield Road Exit and then South to Guadalupe Rd. The Preserve is on the SE corner next to the regional library. Good all times of year, winter concentrations of waterfowl and springtime shorebirds.

Grand Canyon National Park IBA

GLOBAL IBA for Pinyon Jay, California Condor and Mexican Spotted Owl

SIZE: 497,894 acres

OWNERSHIP: National Park Service

VISTING THE IBA: To visit the South Rim, take Highway 89 North from Flagstaff to just before Cameron and then take State road 64 West to the Park. To visit the North Rim travel north on HWY 89 to Marble Canyon and then west on 89A to the north rim entrance. South rim is a great birding destination all times of year, October-November are best for migrating hawks at Yaki Point. North rim is best in summer.

Havasu National Wildlife Refuge IBA

CONTINENTAL IBA for Yuma Ridgway’s Rail

SIZE: 39,281 acres

OWNERSHIP: US Fish and Wildlife Service

VISITING THE IBA: The refuge office is in Needles, CA. From Interstate 40, exit on J Street and go southwest 0.6 miles. Turn right at the headquarters entrance sign and follow the signs. The office is in the back. Office hours are 8am-4pm Monday through Friday. Best time to visit is from late fall to early spring. The very best way to see this refuge is by boat. Canoe and kayak trips through Topock Gorge in the spring is a great way to see and hear marsh birds.

Colorado River between Lake Havasu City, Arizona and Needles, California. Photo: United States Fish & Wildlife Service/Melanie Dabovich.

Huachuca Mountains IBA

SIZE: 101,028 acres

OWNERSHIP: Coronado National Forest, Fort Huachucha and Private.

VISITING THE IBA: To reach the most popular birding sites, you must go through Fort Huachuca. Enter Fort Huachuca from Sierra Vista. Follow south on the main road 9.5 miles to Garden Canyon. Other great stops are The Nature Conservancy Ramsey Canyon Preserve and Miller Canyon. Best time of year is spring through early fall. (Please note that everyone in the car must have a valid ID and current registration and insurance for the car) and Private (both permission only).

Imperial National Wildlife Refuge IBA

GLOBAL IBA for Black Rail and CONTINENTAL IBA for Yuma Ridgway’s Rail

SIZE: 31,558 acres

OWNERSHIP: US Fish and Wildlife Service

VISITING THE IBA: From Yuma, go north on Highway 95 and turn left onto Martinez Lake Road (milepost 47). Go west for approximately 10 miles and then turn right onto Red Cloud Mine Rd. and follow signs directing you to the Visitor Center. Best time of year is fall through early spring.

Imperial Reservoir IBA

GLOBAL IBA for Black Rail and CONTINENTAL IBA for Yuma Ridgway’s Rail

SIZE: 3,535 acres

OWNERSHIP: BLM and Bureau of Reclamation

VISITING THE IBA: From Yuma, go north on Highway 95 and turn left onto East Imperial Dam Rd. Best time of year is fall through early spring.

Joshua Tree IBA

GLOBAL IBA for Bendire's Thrasher

SIZE: 136,450 acres

OWNERSHIP: BLM, State Trust Lands and Private

VISITING THE IBA: Located west of Wickiup, Arizona in Mohave County. Follow Chicken Springs Road (County 131) junction with Alamo Lake Road (County 15). Best time of year is late March to early May. Listen for elf and western screech owls at night.

Las Cienegas NCA IBA

SIZE: 37,760 acres


VISITING THE IBA: From Tucson go east on I-10 to Highway 83 then head south. Before the junction of 83 and 82 is the west entrance to Las Cienegas NCA. Best time of year is winter for longspurs and late summer for grassland birds.

Lower Colorado River Gadsden Riparian Area IBA

SIZE: 2,398 acres

OWNERSHIP: Various U.S. and Mexican Agencies and Cocopah Tribe

VISITING THE IBA: Access is difficult and visiting is best recommended with a local guide.

Lower Oak Creek IBA

SIZE: 3,685 acres

OWNERSHIP: Arizona State Parks, Arizona Game and Fish Commission, Coconino National Forest, Private

VISITING THE IBA: Red Rock State Park is south of Sedona. Page Springs and Bubbling Ponds Fish Hatchery is north of Cornville. There are easy access interpretive walking trails. Best any time of the year.

Lower Salt and Gila Rivers Ecosystem IBA

GLOBAL IBA for Yuma Ridgeway's Rail and Neotropical Cormorant, CONTINENTAL IBA for Albert's Towhee, Yuma Ridgeway's Rail and Long-billed Curlew

SIZE: 36,645 acres

OWNERSHIP: Arizona Game and Fish, Arizona Lands State Trust, Maricopa County Regional Park, and Bureau of Land Management.

VISITING THE IBA: Tres Rios Wetlands, drive south past the Phoenix water treatment facility. Parking area and trail along the river. The Arlington Wildlife Area is approximately 3.5 miles south of Arlington. Baseline and Meridian Wildlife Area and Robbins Butte Wildlife Area is west of State Hwy 85. Best time of year is fall through early spring.

Lower San Pedro River IBA

GLOBAL IBA for Bell's Vireo and CONTINENTAL IBA for Abert's Towhee

SIZE: 32,762 acres

OWNERSHIP: Arizona Game and Fish Department, BLM, Bureau of Reclamation, Salt River Project, The Nature Conservancy, Pima County, Private

VISITING THE IBA: Access is limited. The best locations are San Pedro Road in Dudleyville (foot access from road) and San Manuel crossing (foot access, limited parking). Best time of year is April-June, be prepared for warm temperatures.

Marble Canyon and Vermilion Cliffs IBA

GLOBAL IBA for California Condor

SIZE: 102,058 acres

OWNERSHIP: National Park Service Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, BLM

VISITING THE IBA: Lees Ferry and Navajo Bridge Interpretive Center is located on Highway 89A 45 miles southwest of Page, Arizona. Look for California Condors roosting on the bridge.

Mittry Lake State Wildlife Area IBA

GLOBAL IBA for Black Rail and CONTINENTAL for Yuma Ridgway’s Rail

SIZE: 3,984 acres<br> SIZE: 3,9 84 acres

OWNERSHIP: BLM and BurReclamaeau of tion, managed by Arizona Game and Fish

VISITING THE IBA: From Yuma, take Highway 95 north to Imperial Dam Rd, then turn left (west) toward the lake, following WA signs. Best time of year is fall through early spring.

Mogollon Rim Snowmelt Draws IBA

SIZE: 72,162 acres

OWNERSHIP: Coconino and Apache Sitgreaves National Forests

VISITING THE IBA: Highway 87 North from Payson, AZ. North of Pine, AZ, Forest Road 300 Rim Road (east) travels through the IBA. Best times of year Spring, Summer, Fall.

Patagonia Mountains IBA

SIZE: 18,120 acres

OWNERSHIP: Coronado National Forest and Private (permission only).

VISITING THE IBA: East on I-10 from Tucson to exit 281, Highway 83 south. At the junction of Highway 82 and 83 in Sonoita, head west to the town of Patagonia. Great location all times of the year.

Patagonia-Sonoita Creek TNC Preserve IBA

SIZE: 387 acres

OWNERSHIP: The Nature Conservancy and the Tucson Audubon Society for the Paton Center for Hummingbirds.

VISITING THE IBA: East on I-10 from Tucson to exit 281, Highway 83 south. At the junction of Highway 82 and 83 in Sonoita, head west to the town of Patagonia. Great location all times of the year.

Pinaleno Mountains IBA

SIZE: 135,680 acres

OWNERSHIP: Coronado National Forest Safford Ranger District

VISITING THE IBA: Located in Graham County, drive south from Safford on Hwy 191 and turn west onto the Swift Trail (County 366). Best time of year is late spring through early fall. (Road closed in winter). Ideal camping trip destination.

Quigley State Wildlife Area IBA

SIZE: 614 acres

OWNERSHIP: Arizona Game and Fish Commission

VISITING THE IBA: Located along the lower Gila River 40 miles east of Yuma and just north of the town of Tacna. Birds in cottonwood tree grove and adjacent ponds. Best time of year is fall through early spring.

Salt and Verde Riparian IBA

SIZE: 15,523 acres

OWNERSHIP: Tonto National Forest, Fort McDowell Mohave Apache Community

VISITING THE IBA: The Salt River section extends from Saguaro Lake's Stewart Mountain Dam, along the riparian corridor of the Salt River west to the confluence with the Verde River, and the Verde River section is the riparian corridor from Childs, AZ to its confluence with the Salt River. Best time of year is fall, winter, and spring. Numerous US Forest Service picnic and camping areas on the Salt River. Bartlett and Saguaro Lakes have wintering ducks and waterbirds.

San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area IBA

GLOBAL IBA for Bell's Vireo

SIZE: 56,000 acres

OWNERSHIP: Bureau of Land Management

VISITING THE IBA: Located south of St. David, some 50 miles of the Upper San Pedro River and adjoining habitats is accessed by 6 paved road entry points. San Pedro House is a central location with trails and a bookstore/visitor center. Great location all times of the year.

San Rafael Grasslands IBA

GLOBAL IBA for Chestnut Collared Longspur (wintering)

SIZE: 56,983 acres

OWNERSHIP: Coronado National Forest, Arizona Game and Fish Commission, Private, State

VISITING THE IBA: This area is not open to the public.

Santa Rita Mountains IBA

SIZE: 138,760 acres

OWNERSHIP: Coronado National Forest

VISITING THE IBA: The Santa Rita Mountains are 35 miles south of Tucson and include the world famous birding hot spot of Madera Canyon. Access is easiest from Green Valley, AZ. Great location all times of the year.

Sonoita Creek State Natural Area / Patagonia Lake IBA

SIZE: 3,497 acres

OWNERSHIP: Arizona State Parks

VISITING THE IBA: East on I-10 from Tucson to exit 281, Highway 83 south. At the junction of Highway 82 and 83 in Sonoita, head west to the town of Patagonia to the Patagonia Lake State Park turn. Use the park entrance as there is an entry fee. Great location all times of the year. Walking trails around the lake and below the dam.

Sonoran Desert Borderlands IBA

SIZE: 1,184,668 acres

OWNERSHIP: US Fish and Wildlife Service and National Park Service

VISITING THE IBA: From Tucson take County Hwy 86 past Sells and turn south on Hwy 85 to Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument. Special permits are required to access the Cabeza Prieta NWR. Best times of year are winter and spring.  

Tanque Verde Wash / Sabino Canyon IBA

SIZE: 4,770 acres

OWNERSHIP: US Forest Service and Private

VISITING THE IBA: Sabino Canyon Recreation Area on the Coronado National Forest is located at the end of Sabino Canyon Road outside of Tucson. Shuttle busses take visitors into the canyon and the trailhead. Great location all times of the year and an easy visit from Tucson.

Tucson Mountains IBA

SIZE: 46,848 acres

OWNERSHIP: National Park, County Park and Bureau of Land Management.

VISITING THE IBA: Includes Saguaro National Park West and Tucson Mountains County Park. Easily accessed from Tucson via Speedway to Kinney or from the northwest via Picture Rocks Rd. Virtually all of this land is open to the public and there are some very well-known recreation areas favored by birders such as Gates Pass, David Yetman Trail, Arizona Sonora Desert Museum and many trails in Saguaro National Park. Great location all times of the year.

Tucson Sky Islands IBA

SIZE: 327,040 acres

OWNERSHIP: National Park, National Forest, State Park, County Park and very limited private

VISITING THE IBA: There are several good access points for the public from Tucson, notably Catalina Highway travels up Mount Lemmon to access the higher elevations of the Santa Catalina's and Cactus Forest Loop Road is excellent access within Saguaro National Park. Great location all times of the year.

Tuzigoot IBA

SIZE: 2,267 acres

OWNERSHIP: Arizona State Parks, National Park Service, Coconino National Forest, Private

VISITING THE IBA: Located next to Clarkdale and Cottonwood, Tavasci Marsh can be accessed by foot from Tuzigoot National Monument and Dead Horse Ranch State Park. Kayak and canoe trips on the Verde River are seasonally available from local guides. Great location in spring and fall. Verde Birding Festival the last weekend of April.

Upper Little Colorado River Watershed IBA

SIZE: 61,360 acres

OWNERSHIP: Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest, Arizona Game and Fish Department, State Lands, BLM

VISITING THE IBA: Located near Springerville and Greer on the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest and Arizona Game and Fish Becker Lake and Wenima Wildlife Areas. Best time of year is late spring and summer. A great summer camping destination.

Upper Santa Cruz River IBA

SIZE: 2,176 acres

OWNERSHIP: National Park Service and Private

VISITING THE IBA: Travel south from Tucson on I-19 to Tubac and access the riparian corridor on the De Anza Trail that follows the river upstream. Tumacacori National Historical Park is the southern portion of the IBA. Best times of year are spring and late summer.  

Upper Verde River State Wildlife Area IBA

SIZE: 1,809 acres

OWNERSHIP: The Nature Conservancy, Arizona Game and Fish and State Trust

VISITING THE IBA: Located approximately eight miles north of Chino Valley in Yavapai County, Arizona. Access is available by foot where Granite Creek confluences with the Verde River. Best times of year are spring and summer.  

Watson and Willow Lakes Ecosystem IBA

SIZE: 1,501 acres

OWNERSHIP: City of Prescott

VISITING THE IBA: In the town of Prescott, both sites are managed by the city parks department. Walking trails are at both locations and kayaks can be rented to paddle on Watson Lake. Great location all times of the year.

Whitewater Draw State Wildlife Area IBA

GLOBAL IBA for Sandhill Crane

SIZE: 1,509 acres

OWNERSHIP: Arizona Game and Fish

VISITING THE IBA: Located South of Willcox, travel south on State 191 to W. Davis Road, drive west to N. Coffman Road and turn south to the Arizona Game and Fish wildlife area. Winter home for thousands of Sandhill Cranes. Best time of year is late fall and winter. Wings Over Willcox Sandhill Crane Festival in January.

Willcox Playa / Cochise Lakes IBA

GLOBAL IBA for Sandhill Crane

SIZE: 47,343 acres

OWNERSHIP: Federal, State and City of Willcox

VISITING THE IBA: Located South of Willcox. Visit Cochise and Twin Lakes driving south on County 186 to the entrance for the Willcox Golf Course. In the winter the  AEPCO viewing platform  is open located just south of Cochise on State 191. Best time of year is late fall and winter. Wings Over Willcox Sandhill Crane Festival in January.

Thank you for visiting the Arizona Important Bird Areas StoryMap!


StoryMap Content

Audubon Southwest, Tucson Audubon Society, Arizona Game & Fish Department

StoryMap Configuration

Audubon Southwest, Elija Flores

Great Blue Heron. Photo: Claudio Contreras Koob/Audubon