Charlotte's East and West Villages project

Strengthening community and fostering a local sense of place.


10/24/2024 Planning Commission Presentation The consultant team will present the revised Charlotte East and West Villages Project Final Report to the Planning Commission and members of the public on Thursday, October 24 at 7pm. The report can be viewed on Charlotte's  Planning For Our Future  webpage and is also linked in the 'Project Documents' section of this website.

4/26/2024 Virtual Design Workshop Summary Available

Thank you to those who attended the Virtual Design Workshop on April 10th! A summary of the evening's events can be seen below and is also linked in the  'Project Documents'  section of this website.

4/24/2024 Visual Preference Survey Summary Available

Thank you to all 184 people who responded to the Visual Preference Survey! A summary of the survey results can be seen here, and is also linked in the  'Project Documents'  section of this website.

3/28/2024 Design Workshop Summary Available Now

Thank you to all who attended the Design Workshop on March 16th. We have created a summary of the day's activities, and it can be found in the link below, or in the ' Project Documents ' section of this website.

The Project

The East and West Villages Project is an examination of future development and multi-modal transportation in Charlotte’s villages, informed by prior planning efforts and community input. This project begins with a ‘10,000 ft view’ of the East and West Villages to assess how they fit into the broader landscape of the Town of Charlotte. Traditionally Charlotte has been a rural community, but as increased development occurs, it is important to consider where residents of Charlotte want to focus that development and how to preserve the character of the Town. While the project area is primarily the two designated village centers, we will compare the existing boundaries with what residents feel are the limits of the villages and if those boundaries should be modified. 

Through the lens of public input, the project will develop designs that may include potential building locations, green spaces, natural and conserved areas, street connections, trails and bike/ped infrastructure, parking, and more. We will develop the graphics to include plan view renderings, maps, illustrative street sections, photo-simulations, and may include some 3D renderings. These designs will influence recommendations for updates to Charlotte’s Land Use Regulations. Why this project?

Charlotte seeks to build upon its recent state designation of two village centers by doing a ‘deep dive’ into its land use regulations to identify and remove zoning barriers, and evaluate needed infrastructure to enable higher density development (including affordable housing) in the two historic villages of this rural community. The project will conduct planning for development and transportation infrastructure within the villages and conceptualize connections to streets, trails, and paths to enhance multi-modal travel. It builds upon other planning studies completed over the past 10 years and will include both a comprehensive view of the villages as well as outline detailed designs and actions. 

A vital element of the East & West Villages Project is gathering public feedback so that any recommendations advanced in this Plan have broad community support. 

Throughout its course, this planning process will feature several community outreach opportunities, with results to be posted on the project website. Your voice is crucial in understanding how the Town should, and should not, allocate resources to meet its goals. In addition, the project team will also be consistently sensitive to whether this planning process is giving people from diverse backgrounds and circumstances the opportunity to participate in a meaningful way that supports their own personal needs and schedules.  

We’ll continue to update this website as the project evolves, with project materials, meeting notices and minutes, and ways to add your voice to this important community discussion.

Please use the below link for questions, information, or to get involved and select "Get updates on Village Master Plan project".

Images from the East and West Villages

The Villages


East Village

Charlotte's East Village is approximately 23 acres with farms and agricultural lands abutting the historic Village. This small center contains residential uses, Our Lady of Mt Carmel Catholic Church, the Charlotte Grange and minimal commercial enterprises, including the Charlotte General Store and Tenney’s Snack Bar.


West Village

The West Village is approximately 43 acres and includes much of the public infrastructure for the Town, including the Charlotte Library, Town Hall, Fire & Rescue Services, and Post Office, the Charlotte Senior Center, the Charlotte Children's Center as well as businesses like the Old Brick Store and Stone’s Throw Pizza, both of which have recently changed ownership. Route 7 runs through the eastern portion of the West Village and the 1.8-mile Village Loop Trail skirts the western and southern ends of the West Village.

The Project Team

This project is a team effort. The project team includes Charlotte Town Planning Commission and Energy Committee members, the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission (CCRPC), and planning firm DuBois & King, based in Randolph, VT.

Project Funding

The project is funded through two funding sources. The Town received a Bylaw Modernization Grant from the Vermont Department of Housing and Community Development to enable smart growth principles within the two historic villages of this rural community. Additional funding from the CCRPC will support integrated planning of development within the Villages with the location and design of new motorized and non-motorized transportation infrastructure, street connections, and transit services to support multi-modal travel.

Timeline & Events

Project Kick-Off

September 2023

Villages Master Planning Process

September 2023- Spring 2024

Annual Local Artists Market

December 9, 10-2 - Charlotte Central School Members of the Project Steering Committee will be at this event to talk with community members about the project and seek their input on what is important to the future of Charlotte. Project information and a brief activity will be available.

Community Forums and Conversations

January 2024 The project team held conversations with members of the community and community groups to gather in-depth thoughts surrounding future development and multi-modal transportation.

Community Survey

January 11, 2024- February 18, 2024 An online survey of the Charlotte community was made available. Topics covered in the survey included what resources are currently available in the villages, what resources residents would like to have, and which factors the community views as barriers to development. Over the five weeks the survey was live, over one hundred people responded.

Visual Preference Survey

February 22, 2024- April 15, 2024 Building on our Town Plan's clear intent to focus future development in the Village areas in order to preserve open space, we gathered images that could serve as inspiration for the future of Charlotte's Village. Respondents to this survey were asked to review the images and vote on how much they liked or disliked them. A range of images was provided, from rural to more urban.

Community Design Workshop

March 16, 2024 9:00 am -12:00 pm Location: Charlotte Congregational Church 403 Church Hill Rd. Charlotte, VT 05445 Coffee and Pastries Provided. Childcare will be provided on-site. If you need childcare services, please RSVP to Larry Lewack, Charlotte Town Planner ( Come use your design and community-building skills at this interactive public workshop. This is the next of a series of opportunities for the project team to hear directly from the public. A design workshop is an opportunity to bring together “what we’ve learned and what we’ve heard” during the existing conditions and document analysis, interviews, and public surveys. 

This workshop will harness community energy to develop ideas for street designs, parking areas, housing and commercial building types and locations, alternative and active transportation, and public spaces.

Virtual Community Design Workshop

April 10, 2024 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Zoom:  Please join us to use your design and community building skills at this interactive virtual workshop to discuss what YOU would like to see for the future of the East and West Villages. We will discuss conservation, social and gathering spaces, contextually appropriate development, and transportation issues (safe walking, parking, connectivity). Together, how can we plan for the future of Charlotte while maintaining it's rural character?

East and West Village Residents Conversations

Date: April 11, 2024 Village residents forums were held on Thursday, April 11. Residents of the West Village gathered at the Senior Center from 3:30 - 5:00 and residents of the East Village gathered at the Our Lady of Mt Carmel Parish Hall from 7:00-8:30. Vibrant discussions included safety and walkability, concerns regarding water and wastewater, the meaning of affordability in Charlotte, and more.

Design Development and Contextual Graphics

Spring - Fall 2024 The project team will take all the public input and develop potential ideas into graphic designs to present back to the community.

Final Report

October 2024 The final report is presented to the Planning Commission and the public.

Bylaw Amendments Drafting

Fall 2024 - Winter 2025

Proposed bylaw ammendments finalized

Spring 2025

Public Education Campaign on Proposed Bylaws

Spring 2025

Town Review of Proposed Bylaw Changes

Late Spring 2025

Project Closeout

June 2025

Project Documents

October 24, 2024 East and West Villages Project Final Report

View the final report for the East and West Villages Project, presented to the Planning Commission on October 24.

April 10th, 2024 Virtual Design Workshop Summary

View the summary of the Virtual Design Workshop, held via Zoom on April 10th, 2024 at 6pm.

March 16th, 2024 Design Workshop Summary View the summary of the public Design Workshop held on March 16th at the Charlotte Congregational Church. Light breakfast and childcare were provided.

Visual Preference Survey & Summary Read the summarized version of the survey results, or view the unabridge results, including comments. The survey went live on February 22, 2024, and closed on April 15, 2024.

Community Questions Survey View the summary of the Community Questions Survey, open from January 11 - February 20, 2024.


Responses to Frequently Asked Questions can be found through Charlotte's Planning For Our Future webpage and at the link below.


Don't see your question about this project answered above? Please reach out! Send your questions to: Larry Lewack- Charlotte Town Planner